W.T. Foxtrot
Flight distance : 1316732 ft
United States
W.T. Foxtrot Posted at 2017-6-29 05:45
I rig a landing "pad" in the bow of my 30' speedboat -- using an upholstered panel from the the electrical compartment to span across the u-shaped seating. It is only about 12" below the gunnels, and has some spring to it, so works well as a shock absorber. Drone flies forward in front of the boat, at a low altitude -- only what is necessary to avoid any bow movement in waves. Also, go downwind with the boat -- it will be more stable in chop.
Your boat sounds a lot like my boat! I do the same thing -- only bought an oversized landing pad that balances perfectly between the u-shaped bow seating and the seat on the front of the console. Easy - and I have all my fingers!
to the OP -- hand launch is MUCH easier on take off! Practice on dry land and you will realize you can get it out of harms way (especially out of the rigging on a sailboat -- yeah, that's my first love) much quicker and easier when launching from your hand. |