Flight distance : 2461545 ft
United States
I've had my 5.5" CrystalSky for a couple of days. Have had some growing pains getting up and running, but since then it's been working great.
Mounting it: It doesn't even vaguely fit into the slots on the Mavic controller (it's way too thick for that). I've gone with a DIY Velcro solution that I saw someone mention, and it works pretty well. Get some sticky-backed Velcro strips, stick one set (trimmed appropriately) to the top surface of the RC controller's "arms", stick the other strips to the underside of the CrystalSky, and it's held reasonably well. Kludgy-looking, but seems to work well enough.
Maps: I didn't have any maps at all, and there were Chinese symbols in the maps display. I gather it was trying to use a Chinese map provider (when you take it out of the box on arrival, the CS is configured for China). Following a tip on the forum, I reset the device, then set the timezone from the default Hong Kong one to my local US time zone before running DJI GO 4, and that cleared up the problem. I now have US maps.
However, I did run into one very annoying frustration in the process. After resetting my CrystalSky, the DJI GO 4 app insisted it had no network connection, even though the device clearly did (it showed as connected to my home Wi-Fi, and I could open a web browser on it just fine). With the DJI GO 4 app thinking it can't connect, it couldn't log in, which means it couldn't run, which meant my shiny new CrystalSky might as well have been a doorstop. After an hour or two of fussing and fuming and re-trying various random combinations of things (resetting, setting the time zone, connecting WiFi, disconnecting WiFi, running the app, yadda yadda), eventually it was able to log in. No idea what did the trick, it was basically "randomly bang on it until it works."
So that was aggravating. Once it finally connected, though, it's been working great and no complaints since then. Flew the Mavic several times outdoors midday on a partly-cloudy day, and the display was nice and bright-- way brighter than my phone. And the battery life is fantastic; I went through 3 Mavic batteries and still had like 80% charge on the CrystalSky.
My main motivations for getting the CrystalSky:
- Brightness.
- Better battery life than a phone.
- Get the DJI GO 4 app the heck off my phone. I hate it there. It drains my battery all the time in the background, it insists on scary-big permissions to do anything and everything to my phone, it has a reputation for crashing a lot on Android phones (though it didn't for me).
- Use a dedicated DJI product, which is a controlled hardware with controlled OS with controlled app, which I suspect means it'll generally be a more stable, reliable experience going forward. |