FAA investigating drone flying near news helicopters why are some people so....
2294 13 2015-3-17
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United States

http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/ ... ws-helicopte/nkYk7/

http://www.newsnet5.com/news/loc ... aa-is-investigating

If drone operator would be smarter on how they flight and where they should be flying there wouldn't be so much  negetaive attention towards this community. Great Job!!! Then some people wonder why the FAA is all over our necks! Why would you fly your drone if you see two helicopters flying on the same air space, why would you be so ignorant and put other peoples life in danger?!!!
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Bob Marley
United States

That is idiotic and I agree, these guys can and will ruin it for the rest.
We have a right to be there as well to get our footage right, but to fly ABOVE the real helis, that's crazy ???
What height were these news helis flying at, what is their minimum height when not landing?
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Bob Marley
United States

Where are the actual videos showing the drone above the helicopter?
I have tried but cannot see any of them? (sure a news heli would have footage).
It is very easy to talk, just about anyone can do it. Check this ......... "I saw a drone flying above an 747 airliner yesterday"
(without video proof, it's just talk). This cock could have just spotted the drone with his camera at the 400ft mark, just got pissed cause it was there, and decided to start all this bullshit.

I hope we all don't get grounded b4 we really have a chance to explore all the possibilities this tool could provide.

Is it possible that the FAA could someday tell DJI to shut the drones down, (and then we would be unable to start up or use our Inspires?)
Is that possible as of right now? I'm buying next week anyways, I'm going all in with DJI's inspire. I believe 80% of the problems are operator fault.
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United States

Watch the video on the first link... The camera operaotr on the helicopter shows the drone and the operator... There's no way he can denied the accusations.
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The guy should be thrown in jail, plain and simple. He knowingly violated the law and put not just the pilots and crews of the helis at risk but everyone those helis could have crashed on. What an asshole!
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United Kingdom

Yep, he's banged to rights. I don't think there is any excuse for his actions. He should never been flying at that altitude. I can't imaging what sort of shots he thought he'd get at that distance anyway.

On the flip side, notwithstanding the commercial certification aspects, there should be some rules for reporting from quads that allow for separate airspace (height). These can go where hell's can't and pose a far less risk if they came down than a helicopter. I can see this getting rather heated if the heli pilots see this encroaching on their business model.
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Flight distance : 91447 ft
United Arab Emirates

I am 100% against any irresponsible and unlawful manner in which some UAV owners are flying.
That said, did those 2 helicopters pilots asked for any approval for flying above those people's homes?
Of course not! They are licensed pilots with approved fly paths... but who is giving these approvals and licenses without asking property owners underneath their flying paths?
My point here is that we should not forget that most of these news are all political and discriminating.
Not long ago I have seen on the news of an emergency helicopter that crashed into water killing everyone on board (pilot, co-pilot, doctors and medical personel). Even the president of the country in question was present at the funeral of these "heroes". But the weather was perfect and aircraft was in great condition. Following investigation uncovered a very common "fun" these experienced pilots were having, trying to impress the less experienced co-pilots and the rest of the doctors on-board: making waves while flying low near the water. Everyone knew about this reckless flying WHILE ON EMERGENCY to save someone! Guess what: nobody got arrested and pilot error was the final answer... but he was also dead... so... who pays for the lost lives? NOBODY! How do you ensure this does not happen again? Just hope that people that have heard the story would be too scared to try it again! That is the safety offered by the law in most cases. I can offer numerous such examples for those still not convinced that we need better lawmakers.
Banning based on political desires would never offer safety... just more slavery!
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minimum height for flying 500' AGL in populated area, 150' outside populated area for the helicopter.
I hope they get this guy.
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Flight distance : 120909757 ft
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To me as an independent observer:

It seems the Hobby flyer was  there FIRST and as soon as he realized there were news helicopters in the area he dropped his altitude QUICKLY and landed the plane(right and responsible thing to do) .

The Pilot of the helicopters comments were"lets get this guy" before even establishing the legality of his "right" Instead of evading him he starts flying closer to the drone and endangering HIS own crew wtf is the helicopter pilot not breaking rules here???  Is he so overzealously guarding his news source that he wants to "GET" the competitors footage? or put him in jail?

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arunmehta, the drone was up +1500feet ..
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South Africa

I think in light of worldwide "incidents" of this nature, a clamp down will come very soon.
The Drone pilots that are responsible, law abiding and vigilant, will suffer at the hands of reckless pilots.

Unfortunately, as with gun laws, the same law abiding, vigilant pilots with observe, comply and safely operate their drones within the parameters of new legislation, while the reckless cowboys will just go on, and probably cause a really serious incident, like a passenger airline strike, and then, of course, a blanket ban on drones will follow inevitably, and sadly
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

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Flight distance : 3502972 ft
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United States

On this note I was flying 200' above the Palace of Art in the Marina District of San Francisco taking pictures.  I heard an approaching helicopter hidden by trees and buildings and turned the quad just in time to see a Bell Jet Ranger flying at 150' pass below me.  I thought maybe the pilot would report a near miss so I wanted to make sure my flight log would have recorded the height and much to my chagrin I couldn't find the log on the DJI pilot app.  If the flight log no longer exists why would DJI have removed it in the newest firmware or am I just looking in the wrong place?  (This a park with lagoon so its safe to fly over since failure would have ditched the Inspire into the water not people or buildings)
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United States

eggbeater Posted at 2015-4-22 03:09
On this note I was flying 200' above the Palace of Art in the Marina District of San Francisco takin ...

Sync your data from app.. If still not there plug bird to computer and download directly from bird.
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