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You fly within Line of Sight?
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19556 213 2017-7-3
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

The reason of my question is that, despite of this being a safety warning, most of the videos we see, seems that many times or, most of times the drones are not visible for the pilot.
Thanks for your answers.
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When you're filming video, you're looking at your screen, adjusting gimble while flying.  Reading altitude, checking battery levels, exposure, etc.  You don't have your eyes on your drone.  These LOS guidelines are vague.  I don't see an issue flying beyond LOS.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 17901030 ft
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United Arab Emirates

Of course we all do;).
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Flight distance : 117379 ft

I always try to fly in line of sight so I know where my drone is at all times, especially when I'm flying in close spaces or if there are objects nearby.  Of course I'm looking at my screen to check battery levels, exposure, adjusting the camera ect. so I don't always look at the drone, but I can if I need/want to look at it.  I don't in line of sight when I filming landscapes (mountains of grasslands).  I think LOS is more like fly close by and don't fly at 1 or 2 mills  from your home point all the time.
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Air_Owen 10
United States

for me, i always have my friend watch the drone for me while i was watching the screen
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Flight distance : 230052 ft

Nearly always, especially when the app is prone to crash.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

Thank you all. Your reply would help me a lot.
I want to show you a situation to see what’s your opinion and decision.
As I said it will be very important for me as a pilot, getting my expertise better.
You are at a rural site; grass and little trees, no higher than 10-15 meters.
You  have a cliff you want to shoot some photos or videos, but it is quite a 800 meters from you.
The sky is clean, little wind. You cannot manage to reach the base of the cliff. The closer you can get is 800 meters.
Will you send the drone or not?
Because if you do, it will be out of sight.
Thanks and expect to read your opinions.
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Flight distance : 675958 ft
United States

You do until you look down at your remote for something then you look up but can't find the blasted thing again.. After a few seconds, it's RTH for me...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

Air_Owen 10 Posted at 2017-7-3 08:01
for me, i always have my friend watch the drone for me while i was watching the screen

Dear Air,

It's ideal. Unfortunately, I fly by myself.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

Erick705 Posted at 2017-7-3 07:04
When you're filming video, you're looking at your screen, adjusting gimble while flying.  Reading altitude, checking battery levels, exposure, etc.  You don't have your eyes on your drone.  These LOS guidelines are vague.  I don't see an issue flying beyond LOS.

Thanks Erick,

I have the same thoughts of you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

RCNJ Posted at 2017-7-3 08:44
Only if there is some malfunction and you cannot identify where it is or what direction it is pointing in would the issue come, I guess it depends how confident you are that those issues won't happen.....

Thanks RCNJ,

You are completly right!
It is a risk. Decide if it is worth or not is the point.
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Flight distance : 114665 ft

DocAraxá Posted at 2017-7-3 08:35
Thanks Erick,

I have the same thoughts of you.

Only if there is some malfunction and you cannot identify where it is or what direction it is pointing in would the issue come, I guess it depends how confident you are that those issues won't happen.....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4058619 ft
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United States

Air_Owen 10 Posted at 2017-7-3 08:01
for me, i always have my friend watch the drone for me while i was watching the screen

Me too, usually the wife.
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Flight distance : 10814 ft
United Kingdom

Even if it's hovering over me and I can see myself on the display I can't find it. Just start gawping at the sky aimlessly.
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Flight distance : 476768 ft
United States

i can always see my props when i Pitch or Yaw on the screen...does that count? hard to see when its doing 40mph across the sky at over a mile away lol
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Flight distance : 1174232 ft
United States

Tombolian Posted at 2017-7-3 08:33
You do until you look down at your remote for something then you look up but can't find the blasted thing again.. After a few seconds, it's RTH for me...

No kidding! I've actually tested this... I fly my Mavic out to a certain distance, look down at my controller, then look back up to find the Mavic.  I slowly increase that distance until I can't visually pick it out.  Then I use that number as a guideline when flying.  I've noticed that I'm able to pick out the Mavic better on overcast days than on clear days.  Sometimes I'll use trees or clouds or landmarks to pickup on the Mavic faster, but I try no to push it.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12321627 ft
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It may help those who find it easy to loose Drone when having to look down at telemetry, if we had an option of voice output of telemetry. I.e. Height battery power distance etc. Litchi has this option and sometimes can be very handy.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 307621 ft
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United States

If you lose track of the bird while looking at your monitor, just fly up. You can see it better against the sky than in the ground clutters.
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I send my drone, pan around and see what the highest obstruction is.  I make a note of it.  I'm not flying around people so if by chance I hit something, I'm not hurting anyone.  It will be my lost and I won't post on forums asking what I did wrong.  Yes, I fly past LOS but I'm aware of my surroundings.  They make drones able to fly far as advertised.  They stay below to recommended guideline for height and I'm all for that, but LOS is at the users discretion IMO.  Some people use it a business surveying buildings, they lose LOS the moment they are on the other side of the structure.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-7-3 12:18
It may help those who find it easy to loose Drone when having to look down at telemetry, if we had an option of voice output of telemetry. I.e. Height battery power distance etc. Litchi has this option and sometimes can be very handy.

Dear hallmark007,

I see so many pilots, mainly the experienced ones saying about the benefits of Litchi.
I beg your pardom, becaude I will ask you somthing that shoulsd sound stupid, but this app is a substitute for GO4? Can I fly my Mavic with it?
I never used it. Should I try, in your opinion?
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Flight distance : 675958 ft
United States

DocAraxá Posted at 2017-7-3 13:23
Dear hallmark007,

I see so many pilots, mainly the experienced ones saying about the benefits of Litchi.

Hallmark and many others would say 'yes', as do I.  Litchi has better waypoint missions, to name one thing that's better... Still trying the other features like the audio indicators like Hallmark mentioned (trying them today as a matter of fact).  Granted, if something goes wrong while using Litchi, it won't be covered by any DJI protection.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12321627 ft
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DocAraxá Posted at 2017-7-3 13:23
Dear hallmark007,

I see so many pilots, mainly the experienced ones saying about the benefits of Litchi.

Litchi is a must for flying for those who like to plan and shoot video, you can plan your flight mission from home using maps, I think the best thing about litchi is its simplicity of use. I really only use it when I'm shooting video. But it can handle most of what you need to do. In the small drone world it will be the best $20 you will spend.
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Flight distance : 15295 ft
United Kingdom

I always fly within VLOS, aside from it being legal and apparently boring I prefer to be able to see the Mavic so if anything goes wrong, I have a much better chance to save it - many of the cases here where Mavics get lost and are never recovered is because the drone couldn't be seen.  It's portable enough I can take it down and put it back up further along as I'm usually walking or cycling when I have the drone with me.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

Thank you Tombolian and hallmark for sharing your experience.
I will consider to buy it.
And thanks everyone for the replies and opinions.
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

the line of sight rule is a bit of a joke, ok i get it with the large drones but come on how far does the mavic have to fly before it is out of sight, and now they have the spark your never going to see that past 100 yards,i think it is more dangerous to fly line of sight with something that small as your wont be able to see which way its facing hense a crash, your better of not flying line of sight and use the video feed to know where you are, i rarley fly line of sight myself its just not safe to do so with something as small as the mavic and the spark.
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What about EVLOS. If you use someone else to watch the drone and give feedback of its location, then you are technical in that realm. I don’t think there is any rule saying that you need to have radio communication to make it EVLOS. Think about it if you are sitting on a bench controlling and looking at you screen while another person is standing a couple of yards away telling you how far you are from the trees. Is that EVLOS?
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Flight distance : 36148 ft
United States

And when I don't I usually loose connection...and always pay more on my taxes then I should yes I'm that guy
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12321627 ft
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bomberuk Posted at 2017-7-3 23:21
the line of sight rule is a bit of a joke, ok i get it with the large drones but come on how far does the mavic have to fly before it is out of sight, and now they have the spark your never going to see that past 100 yards,i think it is more dangerous to fly line of sight with something that small as your wont be able to see which way its facing hense a crash, your better of not flying line of sight and use the video feed to know where you are, i rarley fly line of sight myself its just not safe to do so with something as small as the mavic and the spark.

In my country you can only use a spotter, if you can hear them vocally not by radio, it's a strange one someone has obviously decided radios can't be trusted.
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-7-4 01:42
In my country you can only use a spotter, if you can hear them vocally not by radio, it's a strange one someone has obviously decided radios can't be trusted.

you supposed to have a spotter in the uk but no one i know uses one, especially after spending £500 on goggles and can only use them when you have someone with you, its just not going to happen in the real world.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

I'm very proud to say I rarely do... Why proud? Because I'm telling the truth and not being an hypocritical
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Bill in Ohio
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United States

If I lose line of sight (not by intent, but by error or glanced away), I quickly bring it closer or maneuver to regain LOS.  At about 2000 feet horizontal distance is my limit to maintain LOS.
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Bill in Ohio
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United States

Erick705 Posted at 2017-7-3 07:04
When you're filming video, you're looking at your screen, adjusting gimble while flying.  Reading altitude, checking battery levels, exposure, etc.  You don't have your eyes on your drone.  These LOS guidelines are vague.  I don't see an issue flying beyond LOS.

LOS is not vague, it is clear.  You must be able to see your drone to know if there are hazards around it, terrain, features, other aircraft.  It's like VFR (visual flight rules) you have to be able to see your environment and lookout for other aircraft.  So bring a spotter(s) to keep an eye on your drone.  Yes, I look away to check what it is looking at, just as a pilot checks inside their cockpit for altitude, airspeed, radio changes, fuel, etc., but you need to keep eyes out as much as possible.  I can think of at least 5 times in my 11 years flying F-4s that I almost ended up in dead by a near miss from birds, random aircraft or another jet maneuvering in practice air combat or flying low level.

I know you want to do your thing and in general it is a big airspace and a little drone.  So was the Turkey vulture that decapitated a friend of mine when it penetrated his cockpit at low level.
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Bill in Ohio
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United States

idofuel Posted at 2017-7-3 11:22
i can always see my props when i Pitch or Yaw on the screen...does that count? hard to see when its doing 40mph across the sky at over a mile away lol

That's the point of LOS, you have lost all situational awareness.  The aircraft approaching from behind you is traveling between 240 to 480 knots, with a closure of 200 to 440 knots.  So approximately a closure of 300 feet to 800 feet per second.  When I occasionally see an aircraft in the area I think, get back and get lower (if I can), because there is no way for me to tell how close that aircraft really is to my dot in the sky.
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Bill in Ohio
  • >>>
United States

Fixaldo Posted at 2017-7-4 00:15
What about EVLOS. If you use someone else to watch the drone and give feedback of its location, then you are technical in that realm. I don’t think there is any rule saying that you need to have radio communication to make it EVLOS. Think about it if you are sitting on a bench controlling and looking at you screen while another person is standing a couple of yards away telling you how far you are from the trees. Is that EVLOS?

Yes having a spotter is OK, however not if they can not communicate with you.  You are the pilot and the control is yours.  You crash into someone's house or hurt someone because you are not LOS -- good luck in court when they sue your ass into oblivion.  Or as some of us used to say what will your answer be on TV  News for why you purposefully ignored the law.   My first drone I tried to fly out aways, I lost control and it crashed in the front yard of a neighbor a street away.  Watching the video showed it hit hard and the neighbor that saw it said it hit knocked the battery out, and skipped to about 25 ft from impact.  It could have killed someone.  I go back to an old  Fighter Pilot saying:  "There are old pilots, there are bold pilots, there are no old bold pilots."  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12321627 ft
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bomberuk Posted at 2017-7-4 04:33
you supposed to have a spotter in the uk but no one i know uses one, especially after spending £500 on goggles and can only use them when you have someone with you, its just not going to happen in the real world.

You have to for commercial, so can be a problem.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

Bill in Ohio Posted at 2017-7-4 06:47
Yes having a spotter is OK, however not if they can not communicate with you.  You are the pilot and the control is yours.  You crash into someone's house or hurt someone because you are not LOS -- good luck in court when they sue your ass into oblivion.  Or as some of us used to say what will your answer be on TV  News for why you purposefully ignored the law.   My first drone I tried to fly out aways, I lost control and it crashed in the front yard of a neighbor a street away.  Watching the video showed it hit hard and the neighbor that saw it said it hit knocked the battery out, and skipped to about 25 ft from impact.  It could have killed someone.  I go back to an old  Fighter Pilot saying:  "There are old pilots, there are bold pilots, there are no old bold pilots."

Hey Bill,
Thank you very much to share your experience with us. But, please, tell me what would you do in the situation I said upper:
"You are at a rural site; grass and little trees, no higher than 10-15 meters. No public site. No one in the area.
You  have a cliff you want to shoot some photos or videos, but it is quite a 800 meters from you.
The sky is clean, little wind. You cannot manage to reach the base of the cliff. The closer you can get is 800 meters.
Will you send the drone or not?"Cheers.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

Don't we all?
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Flight distance : 460958 ft
United States

I fly LOS because its what I'm comfortable with.  Without constantly swinging around, looking up/down, I can't always be certain of my surroundings.  I know that isn't always the case, but it does come into play.

Now, having claimed to be a LOS flyer, there are many times, even when my drone is very close, that I lose sight of where it is just from looking away.  This is true if it is below tree line and the background keeps it from being readily visible.  Sometimes I have to bob it up and down to get my LOS back.

Its good practice, but not always practical.......
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Flight distance : 451335 ft
United States

i fly within the limitations of the Mavic. I never fly in a manner that it was not built to be flown
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Flight distance : 76621 ft

South Korea

1. if you fly your mavic over 200m away, you can hardly see it because of its size and color.
2. If you're filming,  its obvious that you're fixated on your screen and not to the drone and if the drone have some distance, the moment you check your drone in the air, you cant find it, so you just rely on the camera and map . I usually try to find it again when its near the home location.
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