DJI is there a better way !
2586 27 2017-7-3
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United Kingdom

I would like to bring this idea to the front for the DJI Managers.

I have just come away after reading countless threads with issues relating to IOS or Android connectivity/reliability/workability,  on looking around the threads here, most have this common theme.

My question to the DJI Team and management commitee, is this:-   should DJI really consider building new drones as a dedicated bespoke and complete machine package. by removing the achilles heel of using IOS or Android telephones and tablets for control of a flying machine?

PRO's for a dedicated build including a dedicated dumb screen molded into the transmitter, then a true programming language used as one item in the transmitter and corresponding code written for the craft.

1) Only one set of hardware to write the programming code for.
2) total control of the hardware count.
3) faster and better acuracy to test and simulate firmware updates and upgrades
4) Repeatability
5) less complaints from users
6) Faster fault finding for genuine issues
7) More time can be spent on new development
8) Less cost of unneccassary service time spent on craft called back in
9) Less USB cable/socket derived faults
10) Greater reliability
11) A More proffesional appearance ( rather than screens attached with add on bits of hardware and USB wires hanging out )
12) Far easier to write Firmware and software for. as there would be only one hardware set.
13) Far easier to write a reliable PC/Mac program to ensure trouble free FW updates
14) Less long term cost for DJI
15) DJI can control the actual product far more closely
16) I Believe DJI would cut Warranty costs
17) I Believe it to be more profitable for DJI in the short term and long term
18) I Believe it would lift the DJI's Company perceived appearance on quality
19) Better Ergonomics of the Transmitter/interface between pilot and craft
20) A safer craft
21) I Believe it would lift the DJI's Company perceived appearance on Safety.

1) Less excuses to hide behind if it does fail.
2) It will cost the user more (  but then, most users have bought a device to run this craft with anyway)
3) Less threads on this forum talking about work arounds to make this Equipment work

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United States

You have some good points.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

I sort of agree with what you are saying but the screen is the issue. To have a screen as part of the RC it would be small and as you get older and your eyesight diminishes, you appreciate a bigger screen. I would find the 5.5" Crystalsky screen too small but the 7.85" would be a good size. Then you have the people who want to use the ground station.
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DJI Mindy

MikeQView, thank you for your suggestion and feedback, like Jenee said, we have released CrystalSky monitor series and it is compatible with most of our products. Your suggestion is very valuable and I will transfer it to our R&D engineers. Actually our engineer is working hard on our APP, we just need some time. Appreciate your post very much.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 40573127 ft
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Great idea (i thing they have it in some models) But screen size will be an issue, also Mavic is capable of short fly's even without remote thank to WiFi and DJI GO 4 , also cost will be an issue as i understand cristal... costs nearly as a much as mavic ;)
Otherwise agree it would be far more ease to make it far more reliable experience, not to mention safe!
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Lok Mavic
Flight distance : 1486660 ft
United Kingdom

They have those products available eg. DJI Goggles, CrystalSky, and Phantom 4 controller + monitor. I heard they run on Android. Can someone confirm this for me?
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United Kingdom

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-7-3 20:45
I sort of agree with what you are saying but the screen is the issue. To have a screen as part of the RC it would be small and as you get older and your eyesight diminishes, you appreciate a bigger screen. I would find the 5.5" Crystalsky screen too small but the 7.85" would be a good size. Then you have the people who want to use the ground station.

Fully agree,  7" and 8" screens are pretty much industry standard,  i myself struggle with phone sized screens,  with care and planning  it would be achievable, i have worked in many RC related designs, and the ergonomics alone will lift it head and shoulders above all else, i have many ideas for a folding transmitter idea, nothing like Gopro Karma or Parrott Bebop 1 ( although both are superb to use ) .
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United Kingdom

In this world of change and improvement we just need to look around us to see the clues of what people like,  not one person i know approves of things breaking down or failling to work,  not one person i know likes to have things that are not safe,  Not one person i know likes poor ergonomics.   companies like Honda, BMW and Mercedes  thrive on being the best they can,  spending countless hours on ergonomics, reliabilty, safety and performance,  i think it has paid off !  

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United Kingdom

Many many thanks DJI Mindy for at least listening to your customers beliefs.   i may not mirror all people,  i just cant see how we can expect aircraft reliability out of a IOS or Android device smart phone/tablet  going forward.
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United Kingdom

Lok Mavic Posted at 2017-7-3 23:08
They have those products available eg. DJI Goggles, CrystalSky, and Phantom 4 controller + monitor. I heard they run on Android. Can someone confirm this for me?

I am fairly sure you are correct,  Android and IOS are great for phone calls,  playing a game, or writing messages to each other, is it dependable enough for an aircraft,  sadly not, there are way to many variables for even things like crystalSky screens.
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United Kingdom

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-7-3 21:15
MikeQView, thank you for your suggestion and feedback, like Jenee said, we have released CrystalSky monitor series and it is compatible with most of our products. Your suggestion is very valuable and I will transfer it to our R&D engineers. Actually our engineer is working hard on our APP, we just need some time. Appreciate your post very much.

Thanks Mindy,  i hope your customer base is still here by the time you get the App to work in an acceptable way,  sadly CrystalSky will still carry many of the same issues.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 106886 ft
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United States

MikeQView Posted at 2017-7-4 03:07
Thanks Mindy,  i hope your customer base is still here by the time you get the App to work in an acceptable way,  sadly CrystalSky will still carry many of the same issues.

I somewhat agree that CS could still pose the same issues.  One advantage for DJI is that the "scaled down" Android OS on the CS is within a "controlled" environment.  They (DJI) know the hardware components  and restrict the use of 3rd party apps that could possibly corrupt the core DJI Go app.
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Lok Mavic
Flight distance : 1486660 ft
United Kingdom

MikeQView Posted at 2017-7-4 03:05
I am fairly sure you are correct,  Android and IOS are great for phone calls,  playing a game, or writing messages to each other, is it dependable enough for an aircraft,  sadly not, there are way to many variables for even things like crystalSky screens.

DJI Go 4 for iOS is pretty stable, I never had any issue with the app. However, as an android user I also realize that android apps are unstable due to the massive fragmentation. One way to handle this is by developing independent home baked system like CrystalSky like what you had suggested.

While I am still sane it is impossible I will spend GBP 500 on a remote controller or a screen. unless if it can be used with all of the current and upcoming models. My ultimate remote controller will have screen on the remote and cross compatibility with Spark, Mavic, Phantom 4 while still maintaining the Mavic remote controller look.
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Flight distance : 970374 ft
United States

I think it is much simpler than all of this.  Produce a flawless Android and IOS App and focus on keeping current on development, OS upgrades and particular manufacturers quirks.  Anyone that says this is not possible is incorrect.  This is very possible and these platforms have plenty enough horsepower to handle the apps demands.  It just requires more focus and a more capable development team.  

The benefit to the user of doing it this way is that it gives us the flexibility of using whatever screen/size we want and the ability to use complementary apps (like B4UFly & Pre flight checks).  DJI Mindy suggests to give them more time, well, most of us in the Android world have been waiting for a solution since early March.  Over 4 months.  I think it is time for very public ridicule.  Media attention to novices flying death machines that drop from the sky using/due to faulty control software should do the trick.
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Flight distance : 114665 ft

If I wanted a big bulky controller/screen I would of got the P4P, the mavic is built for taking anywhere, small enough to pack, small enough to unpack add your device to controller and get flying, if you start adding bulky controllers with screens then the whole point is lost (it won't fit in the dji' bag either)
IOS app seems fine, looks to be just android app they need to resolve.

Aftermarket controller with built in screen fine, for the ones that want it, for the default the small remote and add your own device is fine.
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United Kingdom

EastyT Posted at 2017-7-4 07:53
I think it is much simpler than all of this.  Produce a flawless Android and IOS App and focus on keeping current on development, OS upgrades and particular manufacturers quirks.  Anyone that says this is not possible is incorrect.  This is very possible and these platforms have plenty enough horsepower to handle the apps demands.  It just requires more focus and a more capable development team.  

The benefit to the user of doing it this way is that it gives us the flexibility of using whatever screen/size we want and the ability to use complementary apps (like B4UFly & Pre flight checks).  DJI Mindy suggests to give them more time, well, most of us in the Android world have been waiting for a solution since early March.  Over 4 months.  I think it is time for very public ridicule.  Media attention to novices flying death machines that drop from the sky using/due to faulty control software should do the trick.

I love the idea, but in truth it appears to be unrealistic,  it seems as if the end users device is very likely to carry too many variables to produce a "Flawless App Operation"  and even if the App itself started to get close to being "Flawless" the phones or tablet devices certainly are not !  sadly that goes for both IOS and Android current devices.  and as each FW update carries newer and more features so it just bogs down the CPU,  we are already seeing phones and tablets coming off the recommended list already because they are no longer poweful enough to drive the app,  and thats in the short 9 months the Mavic has been out,  any computing system that can drag down a CPU is unfortunately no longer reliable, as timing issues will occur just prior to system crashes and corruption.
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United Kingdom

RCNJ Posted at 2017-7-4 08:12
If I wanted a big bulky controller/screen I would of got the P4P, the mavic is built for taking anywhere, small enough to pack, small enough to unpack add your device to controller and get flying, if you start adding bulky controllers with screens then the whole point is lost (it won't fit in the dji' bag either)
IOS app seems fine, looks to be just android app they need to resolve.

   I am really glad you are happy with the current system,  even 7 inch dumb screens within controllers can be designed to accomodate very small amounts of space and still fit in bags of similar size to the current mavic bag, Win win !  i too dont want to use a parrot bebop sized skycontroller for my baby mavic !   its all in the design.
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United Kingdom

Lok Mavic Posted at 2017-7-4 04:58
DJI Go 4 for iOS is pretty stable, I never had any issue with the app. However, as an android user I also realize that android apps are unstable due to the massive fragmentation. One way to handle this is by developing independent home baked system like CrystalSky like what you had suggested.

While I am still sane it is impossible I will spend GBP 500 on a remote controller or a screen. unless if it can be used with all of the current and upcoming models. My ultimate remote controller will have screen on the remote and cross compatibility with Spark, Mavic, Phantom 4 while still maintaining the Mavic remote controller look.

i take your point, but crystalsky is only a tiny improvement over previous,   and sadly when the next version of Go4 or Go5 or what ever is next, then its very likely your, what was new tablet or phone is not going to be powerful enough to run it, so you will be buying another new phone or tablet ! at considerable cost anyway.   where as the way i saw it,  any update will already be totally compatible with the hardware,  and everybody will be able to load it too !   a believe a dedicated controller should not cost an extra £500,
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United Kingdom

i see this whole picture as a huge "See Saw"  on one side sits the users "expectation" and on the other side sits "reality",  now as long as the users expectations dont become to great or they are totally happy with the current situation then that is fine !    and the balance is working!  but maybe when expectation becomes greater than the current situation, then the customer base will shift away.
     So if everyone is happy with crashing/disconnecting programs/difficulty in loading updates, having to use work arounds to get an aircraft working etc,  it doesnt matter,   if it does matter, then its worth explaining that to the manufacturer, my suggestion of dedicated hardware that is then software controlled by a proper computing language would see benifits for users and manufacturer,  a " Win win"  taking a companies good product and transforming it to superb.  this is only my view, and i certainly dont count for everyone.
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United Kingdom

Lok Mavic Posted at 2017-7-4 04:58
DJI Go 4 for iOS is pretty stable, I never had any issue with the app. However, as an android user I also realize that android apps are unstable due to the massive fragmentation. One way to handle this is by developing independent home baked system like CrystalSky like what you had suggested.

While I am still sane it is impossible I will spend GBP 500 on a remote controller or a screen. unless if it can be used with all of the current and upcoming models. My ultimate remote controller will have screen on the remote and cross compatibility with Spark, Mavic, Phantom 4 while still maintaining the Mavic remote controller look.

i am with you on your points,  however if i am flying any machine i dont like working with "pretty stable" or "mostly ok"  i would like to set my goal for this day and age somewhat higher.       What i am thinking of as a transmitter is far away from what we have seen so far,  and maybe too futuristic,  yes it could be achievable to have one transmitter capable of flying all of the DJI current/ future/past models,   yes it could easily be done to have a 7", 8"  or even a 10"  screen, and it could be possible for this to fit in a very small bag too.  and all the code could be written in a proper dedicated launguage too,    now i see this as a win/win/win  situation,   i have sat on the design table for a number of companies overcoming issues,  not only in the product but in strategy too,  this is all achievable,   it just depends if the manufacturing company want to win or just sit back and take it how it is !
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Flight distance : 799718 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-7-3 21:15
MikeQView, thank you for your suggestion and feedback, like Jenee said, we have released CrystalSky monitor series and it is compatible with most of our products. Your suggestion is very valuable and I will transfer it to our R&D engineers. Actually our engineer is working hard on our APP, we just need some time. Appreciate your post very much.

Well, the "hard work" didn´t pay off until now. Since DJI forced us to move from very stable DJI GO 3 (which made flying MP a charm without ANY problems) to GO4 the app gets more and more catastrophic with each update ...............
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

I've mentioned this in several other threads, but I feel it needs to be repeated here.  I've flown the Mavic for over 7 months, with each current GO app, on 2 different android phones (S5 and S8+) with absolutely no disconnects.  I suggest my success is the lack of  other crappy apps on my phone.  Just a few quality apps, but no junk.  My biggest complaint with the GO app is that it still leaves processes running after closing, which drain the battery and use data.  Surely that's an easy fix .... if you wanted to :-(

With that said, I'm still considering a CrystalSky, if only for a brighter screen.
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United States

Griffith Posted at 2017-7-18 06:20
I've mentioned this in several other threads, but I feel it needs to be repeated here.  I've flown the Mavic for over 7 months, with each current GO app, on 2 different android phones (S5 and S8+) with absolutely no disconnects.  I suggest my success is the lack of  other crappy apps on my phone.  Just a few quality apps, but no junk.  My biggest complaint with the GO app is that it still leaves processes running after closing, which drain the battery and use data.  Surely that's an easy fix .... if you wanted to :-(

With that said, I'm still considering a CrystalSky, if only for a brighter screen.

Samsung isn't really the best with app management, not a problem running the app because you don't have a lot of crap apps bogging the system down and disabling any system apps you don't use or need is always wise. But afterwards it seems like it's not managing the app properly. I will continue to monitor on my U11 how it handles the app after flying to see any abnormal activity.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

Pumavic Posted at 2017-7-18 10:14
Samsung isn't really the best with app management, not a problem running the app because you don't have a lot of crap apps bogging the system down and disabling any system apps you don't use or need is always wise. But afterwards it seems like it's not managing the app properly. I will continue to monitor on my U11 how it handles the app after flying to see any abnormal activity.

Agree.  Samsung's android app-management implementation is  quite loose.  They probably want to accommodate all the crap apps allowed on Google Play store to keep their customers from complaining.

Apple seems to have tighter control of both app management and app-standards adherence. Plus absolute control of the OS implementation :-)
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DJI Mindy

Griffith Posted at 2017-7-18 06:20
I've mentioned this in several other threads, but I feel it needs to be repeated here.  I've flown the Mavic for over 7 months, with each current GO app, on 2 different android phones (S5 and S8+) with absolutely no disconnects.  I suggest my success is the lack of  other crappy apps on my phone.  Just a few quality apps, but no junk.  My biggest complaint with the GO app is that it still leaves processes running after closing, which drain the battery and use data.  Surely that's an easy fix .... if you wanted to :-(

With that said, I'm still considering a CrystalSky, if only for a brighter screen.

Thanks for your feedback, please close the APP completely to avoid this issue, I will forward this concern to our engineer to make your experience with our prouct better.
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DJI Mindy

Angelo26 Posted at 2017-7-18 05:06
Well, the "hard work" didn´t pay off until now. Since DJI forced us to move from very stable DJI GO 3 (which made flying MP a charm without ANY problems) to GO4 the app gets more and more catastrophic with each update ...............

I understand, our engineers are trying their best to improve the APP rather than leaving it alone. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
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United States

Griffith Posted at 2017-7-18 10:49
Agree.  Samsung's android app-management implementation is  quite loose.  They probably want to accommodate all the crap apps allowed on Google Play store to keep their customers from complaining.

Apple seems to have tighter control of both app management and app-standards adherence. Plus absolute control of the OS implementation :-)

After flying yesterday I watched the app to see how my U11 handled it. When I got home I checked Recent Apps and could see it there and I left it there. After a few hours towards the evening, I checked again in Recents and it was completely gone, which is what it's supposed to do, kill it. So it seems like there's something that's preventing Samsung's software to do the same thing. HTC keeps a more stock and simple approach to their OS so there's usually less tangles with certain apps.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

Pumavic Posted at 2017-7-19 09:43
After flying yesterday I watched the app to see how my U11 handled it. When I got home I checked Recent Apps and could see it there and I left it there. After a few hours towards the evening, I checked again in Recents and it was completely gone, which is what it's supposed to do, kill it. So it seems like there's something that's preventing Samsung's software to do the same thing. HTC keeps a more stock and simple approach to their OS so there's usually less tangles with certain apps.

In my S8,+ , I will eventually get a warning that a non-sys app (or process)  is consuming significant battery. but the system fails to kills the app/process or put it to sleep. Maybe that's an option somewhere.
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