Flight distance : 238990 ft
@mcg Photo or anyone else. I looked into the Litchi app, which I think is still a nice app, but can't find a feature which makes life even better. In all tutorials I found so far the waypoints are made on the map. Gimball preset is set with try and error. Is it possible to combine the waypoint function of DJI and the one of Litchi? What I mean, is it possible to fly your route and record each waypoints position (GPS, heading and height) and gimball preset? This way you see what you get, log the waypoint, fly to the next, bias all parameters, log the point, fly to the next and so on. After logging the drone will fly the exact route as you had imagined. With Litchi you plan your route on the map, fly the route, adjust where was needed, fly again, see the result, adjust, fly again, and so on. This takes more time at the end then to fly your mission twice.
Plus that if you are looking at an area which has changed, the map is worthless to plan your route in. |