Flight distance : 1053865 ft
Blériot53 Posted at 2017-7-4 13:36
I use a Galaxy S2 8" with my P4. I leave the tablet permanently in Aiplane mode, ie Wifi OFF. The DJI Go 4 App crashes occasionallt, at random, in mid-flight, but taking the restart option always works (so far). Releasing the sticks means that the bird hovers serenely in place until the App restarts where it left off - generally less than ten seconds. This has happened at up to a kilometer away, and recovers without dramas. So long as there is line of sight for the radio signal between the drone and the RC, it should be OK.
Thanks for the advise. I've had the same problem with my Sony Z5c, app usually stop after 3-5 minutes. Today I put it in Airplanemode and flew for 20 minutes straight without any crash.