Cameron McGeorg
Flight distance : 1195837 ft
New Zealand
Dji Mindy,
In January I had a crash with a mavic, it was then repaired through fern tech new zealand who sent it to china to be fixed. When it came back there was still an issue and so recently Ferntech New Zealand agreed to send it back to china to see about getting it properly fixed. Three days ago I was told that DJI had decided to replace it with a refurbished unit, which arrived today. However when I powered it on, it did not ask for any activation and the device name is still in the name of "Sam's Bird" and my name is cameron.
I was not sent the case number however I have my original mavic's serial number and the refurbished unit number, they are as follows:
Original Mavic: O8QDDCL0120399
Refurbished Serial Number: O8QDDCE01200X1
Thanks for the help!! |