Spark fly away!
1331 2 2017-7-8
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Flight distance : 57287 ft
United States

Ok, first this was my fault, but the outcome is all credit to DJI and demonstrates how good and robus the done is.

So I was in Yosemite Falls, California, I thought I would cheekily grab a quick drone picture, so I launched it, I could not get GPS, so proceeded (stupidily) in ATTI mode, but with caution i might add, my spark got to about 20-30m in the air and suddenly took off down stream out of control amongst the trees, I could only seem to control which way it pointed. In a panic, I just brought it down, it stopped and hovered for a moment, I ran after it but then it took off again into a tree and fell.

I had no idea where it was, so I launched find my drone within the DJI app, luckily it pointed me the right direction, but when I got there I could not see it, so I decide a desperate situation called for a desperate measure, I fired up the rotars and sure enough spark started but as the blades spun they hit branches - it was stuck up a tree, and dropped out of the tree right into about 1' foot of water, I could see it, lights flashing under the water, I leaped over and dragged it out, quickly removing the battery.

I returned home, left it to dry out. About 3 hours later, I charged the battery and then attached it to spark, fired it up and it was all working perfectly. Amazing no water damaged, rotar damage or battery damage. Pretty robust little thing, which is why DJi have confidence in their product and warranty.

A frightening lesson learned but what a great little drone.
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Flight distance : 349793 ft
United States
Offline ... e-national-park.htm
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Flight distance : 57287 ft
United States

fansdbce68d7 Posted at 2017-7-8 18:26

Yes point noted. Whoops
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