Speed of downloading video content from Spark to phone, super slow?
7322 17 2017-7-11
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

It's downloading at 850KB/s, but I'd think it would be faster?  I popped in a charged battery and began to download 14 video files, ranging from 30 seconds to about a minute.  I left, took a shower, got dressed for work, made breakfast, came back and my Spark was flashing the "battery low" warnings on the lights and I was still waiting to download the last file!  Not sure the difference in processing with my GoPro, but I can rip videos off there in about a 1/4 of the time, it seems.

Wonder if I have a setting wrong, or what?  Could it get over-loaded by trying to pull multiple files off at the same time?  Obviously I could just pull it directly off the MicroSD card, but until they update the firmware (fingers crossed) to include the audio, sometimes I want to have the audio attached to the files for the fun of it.  (Although I did seem to learn that I needed to clear my cache each time, or the audio doesn't record sometimes?)

This seems to be an over-sight or a miss in the firmware, or processing speed, if this is supposed to be a, "selfie-drone"?  I'm super happy with my purchase, enjoying this product a ton, but this seems like something that could or should have been sped up in the ability to pull your videos directly off the Spark.

If anyone has any advice, please let me know...

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United Kingdom

I agree with this, download speed is very slow and when making the panoramas the app usually crashes. Im using a iPhone 6 Plus
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 106886 ft
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United States

Seems quite slow...could it be your cable?  Also not sure if the Spark is USB 3.0, but if so try it on a 3.0 port on pc.
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

Tviscomi Posted at 2017-7-11 04:38
Seems quite slow...could it be your cable?  Also not sure if the Spark is USB 3.0, but if so try it on a 3.0 port on pc.

Ya, not using a cable, just wifi...same as GoPro...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 106886 ft
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Cravenfan Posted at 2017-7-11 04:41
Ya, not using a cable, just wifi...same as GoPro...

Yeah...seems like anything that involves the Spark and WIFI is a disaster.
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

Ok, I also don't seem to be able to figure out the audio thing...when I was recording, I played back a test video, heard my audio coming out of my phone.  Shot a bunch of video, turned off the Spark, got back in the truck and came home.  Downloaded (arduously) the video from the Spark, thinking I would then also get the audio...nope!  No audio on my video?  I don't get it?  Does the audio "cache out" when I turn off the Spark and I'd have to download in the field to get the audio, wasting time flying?  I'm totally confused...
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

Is the only way to get audio to take the file, use the DJIGO4 Editor in the field, in the moment, without turning off the Spark?  If that's the case, I'm even more upset...that just seems very odd.  Quick, film a short segment, then have enough battery to edit in the field to get the audio?  It also downgrades the video quality this way.  I'm lost...
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Flight distance : 49623 ft
United States

The audio will never be included in the files on the SD card.  The audio is recorded from/on the phone.  As stated many times before, if the audio was recorded on the SD card by the Spark all you would hear is the whirling of the propellers.  The Spark does not have a microphone on it.
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

Jimmers Posted at 2017-7-11 05:24
The audio will never be included in the files on the SD card.  The audio is recorded from/on the phone.  As stated many times before, if the audio was recorded on the SD card by the Spark all you would hear is the whirling of the propellers.  The Spark does not have a microphone on it.

Ya, I get it...how then, can I download the audio coming from my phone recording onto the video file?  Appears the only way I can do it is to immediately download the file from the Spark into the Editor on DJIGO4, create a movie (before my battery on the Spark runs out) and then download onto my phone?  
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Cravenfan Posted at 2017-7-11 05:27
Ya, I get it...how then, can I download the audio coming from my phone recording onto the video file?  Appears the only way I can do it is to immediately download the file from the Spark into the Editor on DJIGO4, create a movie (before my battery on the Spark runs out) and then download onto my phone?

There is not a "nice" way to get the audio, but this works for me.  Connect your phone to a computer which has iTunes installed.  In iTunes go to the GO4 app and scroll down to the folder structure.  Copy the video cache folder to your computer.   Then open the copied folder on your computer and you can see the video files.  These ones have audio.  This audio can be stripped and used with the video files from the micoSD card.
Another way to get the audio would be to connect the earphone jack of your phone to the line in jack of your computer and using an audio record program to record the sound while playing the video on your phone.
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Flight distance : 6286 ft

Hey everyone, new here. I found that if you use the GoPro Quik Key + the GoPro App, you could actually transfer the files from the Spark directly to the phone.
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

fans5e75438b Posted at 2017-7-11 07:02
Hey everyone, new here. I found that if you use the GoPro Quik Key + the GoPro App, you could actually transfer the files from the Spark directly to the phone.

I have Quik on my phone for my GoPro, how do I transfer the files from the Spark?  Assuming I'd be hooked up to the Spark via phone wifi and then the Quik can recognize the files?  
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

Hummingbird.UAV Posted at 2017-7-11 06:49
There is not a "nice" way to get the audio, but this works for me.  Connect your phone to a computer which has iTunes installed.  In iTunes go to the GO4 app and scroll down to the folder structure.  Copy the video cache folder to your computer.   Then open the copied folder on your computer and you can see the video files.  These ones have audio.  This audio can be stripped and used with the video files from the micoSD card.
Another way to get the audio would be to connect the earphone jack of your phone to the line in jack of your computer and using an audio record program to record the sound while playing the video on your phone.

Ya, my 'puter is a doorstop...I like to use my iPad Pro for editing, again, the ability to be mobile.  Ack, I sure hope DJI figures out a firmware fix.  With the audio file there, we should be able to just pull it and then in editing decide if we wish to keep it or not.  
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Flight distance : 6286 ft

Cravenfan Posted at 2017-7-11 07:12
I have Quik on my phone for my GoPro, how do I transfer the files from the Spark?  Assuming I'd be hooked up to the Spark via phone wifi and then the Quik can recognize the files?

It does actually. It'll detect and pop up in the Quik App as it normally with a GoPro SD Card. Thing is you can't play the videos in app, but once you download it to the phone, it'll work just fine. Let us know if it works for you.
BTW: You need this for it to work: https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-Mic ... ssory/dp/B01LZTLLJ2 (lightning or micro usb)
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Flight distance : 65157 ft
United States

It's slow. I found putting the sd card into a computer and editing that way to be the best. Or I use a memory card adapter for a phone/tablet.
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Flight distance : 125256 ft
United States

FluxSine Posted at 2017-7-11 09:43
It's slow. I found putting the sd card into a computer and editing that way to be the best. Or I use a memory card adapter for a phone/tablet.

Indeed, i use a memory card adapter for iPad, but was trying to get the audio..which now is bugging me...

But yes, ripping from the card reader is WAY faster...but also, compared to GoPro, the Spark is WAY slower via wifi...
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Flight distance : 118399 ft

i had slow speed and disconnect as well with the SD-IMport to DJIGO4. even one disconnect that bugged out my RC and i could turn it off until i read about the  Pause+On combo.

to get the original video on the go on the pone i would use an USBOTG cabel, mention bevor and connect it directly to the spark. it should be recoygnized as a drive, depending on the phone/tablet.

to give the spark some rest and dont unecessary stress the batteries i would just get some extra sd cards, dont have to be to big or an cardreader.
The fastes way to store the fils is via cardreader on a pc/mac. and then copy the ones you need on your phone.

the liveview clips with audio are a fun gimmick and i would even use the GO4 Editor to edit some stuff, but unfortnunatly every video renderd on that is choppy, even the video of a buddy with a P3A.
if i edit with Quik on my Phone it turns out fine.

On a side note you can import anything to DJIGO4Editor and share it on Skypixel. I used the cache Liveview opend them in Quik and imported the finished clip into the Editor.

If you really want sound on your original video, i wouldnt try to use the Liveview clips, to much hassle importing the audio.
just use a generic audio recorder on your phone and let it record in the background when flying. This way you get a clean audiofile you can lay over your original video.
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Flight distance : 1507073 ft
United States

Not sure if this is the same issue or not but...

I just updated my P4P (not spark) to the latest FW

Prior to this downloading a pic to my tablet was very quick with speeds of 1mb+ per second.  Post update, barely 500MB a sec - MUCH slower
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