Ok guys, this is a good one.
The problem came from the usb cable itself, not the OTG part.
So far, I've been using usb cables I had bought along with my power banks, I've tried 3 usb cables an only those ones because they are short, so handy for the controller.
BUT, I've just tried with the cable provided with my Samsung phone and it work perfectly.
And, it really does not matter the order your plug the cables, or whether your start the app before or after connecting the cable. it just works, point. You just need to plus the OTG side on the RC, that's the only condition.
So, it seems that all USB cables are not made the same and can't handle data transfert !
So make sure to use the genuine usb cable of you phone or a cable that can handle data transfer and not the one from your battery pack (The cable from my Anker power Core works though, but not the short cables from the others power banks).
Cheers !