Flight distance : 122477 ft
hallmark007 Posted at 2017-7-19 08:51
Issues with bad compass will be compass heading will be off so when you push stick to go forward you Aircraft will want to go in the direction of compass, so conflict between controller compass and gps, these drones seem to be designed that if there is conflict between compass and gps, gps tends to give up and Atti takes over, but by this time usually AC is out of control.
A lot from what I see is compass problems with these drones can take place on the ground, taking off near metal objects, power lines, rebar concrete, this is why I recommend checking compass heading and also not just take off up to 50 feet where it's almost impossible to recover,
I try to clibrate the compas to get it synced with the RC's heading... but so far its not 100% accurate.. not too sure if its a major problem..
Anyway guys.. just FYI... what keeps your drone hover in place... is either GPS or VPS... without any of these.. you drone doesn't hover in place... it'll just be like any those cheap toy grade drone where it'll drift away as spark is not able to have a reference point to stay put. it is just reacting normally...
It is not impossible to fly in ATTI mode but you become the "brain" to adjust the joystick to keep it in place..... while with gps or VPS Sparks CPU will adjust its motor to keep it in place..
flying indoor will rely alot on VPS, if the following isnt met... it will switch to ATTI mode
1) reflective surface
2) not bright enough
3) surface has no clear pattern
4) repeating pattern (like on tiles);etc