 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
Spark Kam Posted at 2018-1-15 13:43
Again.....My remarks are not towards you. Everything you posted could be 100% correct. I don't know. I read your tips when you first posted them. I replied on your thread because DJI chose to highlight YOUR thread then submit contradicting information yesterday.
It seems you're offended with your "high horse" and "never bothered to read" comments. Again....I have zero interest battling or debating with you about anything. I'm asking simple questions to DJI NOT you. Which is the proper procedure?
There are endless forums, facebook, groups, message boards, etc....relating to DJI products with self proclaimed experts giving their opinions about everything under the sun which is great.
“Believe it or not, when a manufacturer has a forum some people prefer to go that board expecting to get information "directly from the horses mouth" and not some random Joe Blow. I may need to lower my expectations. “
It’s a bit of an insult to members of this forum , many who have been here since forum began, many who have been involved in building RC aircraft long before dji or its Moderators, and most of them with real hands on experience in flying drones both as hobbyists and professional.
If your only interest is in what dji has to say you can always contact them directly. And once again I will point out to you that this video has been around for a long time.
I’ve seen some of your other posts and I wasn’t wrong it seems you have no problem putting people in their place.
There are many contradictions with dji, drones are complex manual 6 months ago is not the same as it is now and will continue to change, Spark has changed a whole lot since it was first released. Most of the members here are very knowledgeable and always available to help, many know about photography many about software firmware , many know about their aircraft and many about flying, altogether they make up a great and knowledgeable community . You don’t need to lower your expectations because you have to deal with this community,you should be glad you found it. |