 Second Officer
Flight distance : 609724 ft
hallmark007 Posted at 2018-8-1 02:47
Calibration of compass while not difficult, is entirely up to the user, while advice given here was for Spark , I would offer exactly the same for Mavic Pro, I’m not sure why new recommendations came for Mavic Pro , I’ve had mine for almost two years, I’ve calibrated once, I’ve travelled to many different locations covering large distances and have not needed to calibrate either spark, Mavic, or P4Pro, I will always check compass values in my craft before launching as well as checking compass arrow to make sure correct heading of aircraft.
Calibrating a perfectly normal working compass will not have the effect of making it any better, but there is a risk of making it worse
You say: "The compass doesn't lose calibration and doesn't ever need re-calibration unless you add or remove equipment to/from the Mavic."
According to DJI, compass may slowly lose calibration with time. DJI does recommend to re-calibrate it from time to time even if drone is not used (see Mavic Air manual).
Also, compass may lose calibration if you store Spark close to strong magnetic fields. While I have not experienced it myself, I did read some accounts proving that, For example a person put Spark close to his car subwoofer while driving and it caused severe mis-calibration (parts of Spark got magnetized?).
In addition JJB did some experiments when DJI GO showed normal compass yet he was experiencing sporadic compass errors. After very slow and very careful re-calibration, his compass issues disappeared while DJI GO measurements did not change.
The above examples just show that we should be vigilant. Absence of errors does not prove that all is OK. For myself I do re-calibrate my compass when travelling long distances (although, admittedly, I forgot to do it on my last trip and all was fine), and I sporadically check my flight logs for any abnormalities in addition to checking compass and IMU status in DJI GO.
Mirek |