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Which SD card size?
6575 9 2017-7-13
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United States

The MP came with a 16GB sd card but I got a good deal on a 128GB card at BestBuy. Just checking if there's any capacity issue and if I can use it?
Also, I changed the file setting to MP4 and when I transferred the footage to my computer last night, there wasn't any audio at all. It was extremely windy and I don't know if it was because of that? I had it transferred to Windows 10 again, as an MP4 file. My first flight was in MOV setting and there was audio.

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First of all, the Mavic Pro doesnt record sound at all. Second of all, Dji says you should use a 64 GB card, 32 GB card, Or 16 GB card. Nothing above 64 GB. Also, If you edit on Mac, record in MOV, if you edit on windows, record in MP4
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But keep in mind, that manyu people use the 128 GB card without a problem. It is only what Dji says... Personally, I use two 32 GB cards for redundancy...
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Flight distance : 635531 ft
United States

Yhadar is correct, the Mavic does not support 128gb microsd cards like the phantoms do.

You can record audio from your phone or tablet overlayed into the video so it wont be audio from the aircraft but rather what you the pilot is hearing. There is a setting inside DJI Go App to turn this off and on.

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United States

Yhadar Posted at 2017-7-13 10:32
But keep in mind, that manyu people use the 128 GB card without a problem. It is only what Dji says... Personally, I use two 32 GB cards for redundancy...

hmm, Okay thanks for the info. The first flight I took did have some weird audio that sounded like it was under water and it seemed to amplify when it was close to the ground but when tracking it went away but not entirely. I'll try to cut a clip of it.
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United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-7-13 10:31
Yhadar is correct, the Mavic does not support 128gb microsd cards like the phantoms do.

You can record audio from your phone or tablet overlayed into the video so it wont be audio from the aircraft but rather what you the pilot is hearing. There is a setting inside DJI Go App to turn this off and on.

Ok great thanks for the confirmation. That explains where the audio came from, I guess my phone picked it up, it's the HTC U11 and it has 4 mics and 1 is always on. Anyway I was just curious about that but since I changed it to MP4 there wasn't any audio at all.

When you are transferring files, is the standard way the only way by taking the card out and insert into reader, connect to computer? Or is there another option to plug  MP direct to computer without taking the card out?  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

Pumavic Posted at 2017-7-13 10:33
hmm, Okay thanks for the info. The first flight I took did have some weird audio that sounded like it was under water and it seemed to amplify when it was close to the ground but when tracking it went away but not entirely. I'll try to cut a clip of it.

As the user "Fractures" already explained correctly, your phone/tablet is recording audio. The Mavic does not have a microphone on board.

Also, according to DJI, the Mavic's maximum capacity for the SD card is 64 GB - see Supported SD Cards:
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Flight distance : 313281 ft
United States

So i had this same question before I was heading to Hawaii. After reading a thread or two it changed my decision. I bought strictly 16 & 32GB cards. A 16GB will last a full battery of flying.  I went with those because I would switch out the the SD card every time I came in to replace the battery. I didn't want to send out the Mavic with awesome footage and pics on it and potentially lose it at the beach or in the mountains. I bought about 10 SD cards for the trip.

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Flight distance : 182142 ft
United States

I use the 64GB card. Even recording on the highest biggest settings you still aren't going to come close to filling it up. That is unless you keep old flights on your card also. The flight time isn't enough to use it up. I take everything off my card after each time I fly. This way I don;t have to worry about it if for some reason my Mavic goes down. I record sound from my tablet as I fly. Mainly because most of what I record is closer to me and I can still get the surrounding sounds to match up with my videos.
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United States

MARSAN Posted at 2017-7-13 12:08
As the user "Fractures" already explained correctly, your phone/tablet is recording audio. The Mavic does not have a microphone on board.

Also, according to DJI, the Mavic's maximum capacity for the SD card is 64 GB - see Supported SD Cards:

That's right, I didn't dispute it.

And he mentioned that as well...thanks for the repeat, I guess?
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