Help with Log File
892 3 2017-7-18
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Flight distance : 96726 ft

Hello guys,

Yesterday I almost lost my P4P+, fortunatelly I manage to return it safe but it acted really strange.

I was at my girlfriend house and just flight my drone upwards because there was some people that never saw it. Anyway, I just want it to go up and than go down but when I flew it up the drone started to go away by itself! My commands were beeing obeyed but if I let go the sticks, the drone started to go away again. I really didn't understand why it acted like that.

Earlier I was flying at a differente place, around 20km from my girfriend's house so I tought maybe the Phantom started to return from its last position, but it was not in the direction it was flying to.

Can someone please help me to understand what happened? I will be a lot more carefull about GPS signal from now on.

Here is the log:

The RED circle on the logs map is where I could start to return it back home. So the green line is just the return record of the flight. We can seen that the Home-Point was recored close to where I was going to land it.

If something was not well explained please let me know.

Thank you,
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

You took off before it had found enough satellites to calculate a position so it was in ATTI mode - drifting with the wind, it did not know where it was.
It got a GPS position at about 40 seconds, then it went to P-GPS mode and should have stopped drifting.
It did not set the home point until it got a good and stable GPS position at about 2 minutes 30 seconds - not a good place to land!

Next time, wait until it says "Home point Recorded" before taking off, it is too easy to forget when people are watching!

And don't try setting the home point to your tablet/phone current location - that was on the north side of your town, miles away!

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

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Use props
Flight distance : 96726 ft

Thank you Nigel_ for your response. It was what I imagined but since I never flew using ATTI that looked very suspicious. Anyway problem solved.

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