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Post editing of Photos (make them look better afterwards)
2532 29 2017-7-19
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

I see a lot of people talking about not being able to afford post editing software Lightroom/after effects/photoshop...etc or simply not having the skills to use it.

I just wanna mention there are plenty REALLLY good apps that you dont even need a computer for. Some are free and the better ones IMO are only a couple or bucks.

You can do some really good (ok maybe not Lightroom good, but really good nontheless) post editing right on your phone!

I paid $2.99 for "Camera++". Its a iOS app and I have gone from


TO THIS: about 20 seconds.

Point is there are options out there to help any one and everyone in the post production of thier photos!
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Flight distance : 284770 ft
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I love camera+ , been using it for years. clarity pro adjustment does wonders
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But that is cheating!!!
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Flight distance : 22359 ft
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I am always in favor to do as less post processing as possible. So, in my 2c, "TO THIS", looks pretty fake. A small post processing is fine, but when "totally" changes the original, in my 2c, is not worth.
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Flight distance : 521811 ft
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United States

Excellent shot! Would you mind sharing what you did to modify this photo the way you did ?
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Flight distance : 155984 ft

Snapseed is an incredible photo editor, and free. Give it a look!
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Flying Wolf_NOL
Flight distance : 345827 ft
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United States

Well, this is a well worn subject and one that, as a photographer, I'm very accustomed to.  I understand that there are 'purist' out there who feel that the photo should be left just as it was taken 'in camera'. I used to feel this way too, but now I happen to disagree with this. My theory is this;  is the final image pleasing to the eye?   Now, you may ask..... who's eye?  The answer is;  MINE.  If I like the final image, that's all that matters.  *disclaimer*  If you're working for a paying client - then it is their eye that matters, but that's kind of a different story.  When creating photos for yourself, you should only try to please yourself. The real question is; if you didn't see the 'before' image and only saw the 'after' image - would you feel the same way OR would you assume that it was captured that way?  It's only because the OP showed you what he did that you feel it is 'fake' somehow.

Today we have a digital darkroom. One of the most famous photographers of all time, Ansel Adams, once said (not a true quote, but you'll get the gist); "The image only starts at the time it's made. Only in the dark room is it finished."   Something to that effect. He did a LOT of work to his photos (all he could with the limits that the chemical darkroom gave him).  The same can be true today.  Now, I agree that some take this too far (in my opinion). But photography is art - who gets to choose what is 'too far'?  I've posted images on FB and shown 'before' and 'after' and got a lot of the same comments. Then, other times,  I only posted 'after' images and only got positive feedback.  Sometimes I had completely created the image from several individual images (known as a composite)  in Photoshop!   LOL  most people will accept and 'believe' what you show them as real.   Just some food for thought.  Sorry to ramble.
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Flying Wolf_NOL
Flight distance : 345827 ft
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United States

He's my take on the image (if this works). Not to change it, just to show another option. It's a great capture! Good job OP  :-)    Picture
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Flying Wolf_NOL
Flight distance : 345827 ft
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United States

OneMatt Posted at 2017-7-19 16:03
Snapseed is an incredible photo editor, and free. Give it a look!

Agreed! Snapseed is awesome. They also make a suite of desktop apps that used to be owned by NIK. They used to cost quite a bit, but now they're FREE.  
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Flight distance : 49623 ft
United States

Flying Wolf_NOL Posted at 2017-7-19 16:17
He's my take on the image (if this works). Not to change it, just to show another option. It's a great capture! Good job OP  :-)    Picture

This edit looks amazing!  What app did you use to achieve this look?
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

dronist Posted at 2017-7-19 14:23
But that is cheating!!!

lol. not really though. Find me one image you come across in your life that hasnt been altered.....
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

Wednesday Posted at 2017-7-19 14:29
I am always in favor to do as less post processing as possible. So, in my 2c, "TO THIS", looks pretty fake. A small post processing is fine, but when "totally" changes the original, in my 2c, is not worth.

thats fine. everyone has an opinion. The truth is the "TO THIS" photo is more what it looked liked in reality (with the naked eye) than the before un processed photo
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

bcharleson Posted at 2017-7-19 15:58
Excellent shot! Would you mind sharing what you did to modify this photo the way you did ?

people seem to be rather emotional as to if they like post processing or not.

inbox me and I would be happy to share with you.
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

Flying Wolf_NOL Posted at 2017-7-19 16:03
Well, this is a well worn subject and one that, as a photographer, I'm very accustomed to.  I understand that there are 'purist' out there who feel that the photo should be left just as it was taken 'in camera'. I used to feel this way too, but now I happen to disagree with this. My theory is this;  is the final image pleasing to the eye?   Now, you may ask..... who's eye?  The answer is;  MINE.  If I like the final image, that's all that matters.  *disclaimer*  If you're working for a paying client - then it is their eye that matters, but that's kind of a different story.  When creating photos for yourself, you should only try to please yourself. The real question is; if you didn't see the 'before' image and only saw the 'after' image - would you feel the same way OR would you assume that it was captured that way?  It's only because the OP showed you what he did that you feel it is 'fake' somehow.

Today we have a digital darkroom. One of the most famous photographers of all time, Ansel Adams, once said (not a true quote, but you'll get the gist); "The image only starts at the time it's made. Only in the dark room is it finished."   Something to that effect. He did a LOT of work to his photos (all he could with the limits that the chemical darkroom gave him).  The same can be true today.  Now, I agree that some take this too far (in my opinion). But photography is art - who gets to choose what is 'too far'?  I've posted images on FB and shown 'before' and 'after' and got a lot of the same comments. Then, other times,  I only posted 'after' images and only got positive feedback.  Sometimes I had completely created the image from several individual images (known as a composite)  in Photoshop!   LOL  most people will accept and 'believe' what you show them as real.   Just some food for thought.  Sorry to ramble.

thank you for this input. THIS is exactly how i feel about it. I used to be a purist also
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

Flying Wolf_NOL Posted at 2017-7-19 16:17
He's my take on the image (if this works). Not to change it, just to show another option. It's a great capture! Good job OP  :-)    Picture

+1 thank you very much
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

Flying Wolf_NOL Posted at 2017-7-19 16:26
Agreed! Snapseed is awesome. They also make a suite of desktop apps that used to be owned by NIK. They used to cost quite a bit, but now they're FREE.

yes please by all means if yall have other apps that you prefer - please share them. I shared camera++ because it is indeed one i use. The one I used for the example photos
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Just purchased this app for a road trip with my spark and my iPhone. Should be fun to play with.
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Flight distance : 122477 ft

can share the app link?? can't find it
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Flying Wolf_NOL
Flight distance : 345827 ft
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United States

Jimmers Posted at 2017-7-19 16:24
This edit looks amazing!  What app did you use to achieve this look?

Thank you! I can't take any credit for the original image and you have to start with something good in the first place. That credit goes to the OP.  I still have Photoshop CS5 (I refuse to pay the subscription - especially after adobe was hacked and several customers credit card info was stolen!).  I also used some 'actions' for basic stuff, brought down the saturation in the blue of the sky  just a little, warmed up the image a bit and lightened the foreground trees. It took about 5 minutes.
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First Officer
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pingywon13 Posted at 2017-7-19 18:28
lol. not really though. Find me one image you come across in your life that hasnt been altered.....

All my shoots!  {:4_181:}
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Flying Wolf_NOL
Flight distance : 345827 ft
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United States

pingywon13 Posted at 2017-7-19 18:31
thank you for this input. THIS is exactly how i feel about it. I used to be a purist also

You said the 'magic words' (to me). "that is how it looked to your eye at the time.'  That's the look that I go for as well most of the time.  Sometimes I get a little wild with an edit just for fun. I usually just like to tweak a few settings to make it more pleasing.  You're correct as well about every photo you see being edited in one way or another. Anyone who thinks they aren't doesn't understand digital photography at all.
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Flying Wolf_NOL
Flight distance : 345827 ft
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United States

No problem. Just a slightly different perspective. Not trying to distract from your edit. The sky is the limit when it comes to digital editing. I'm glad you liked it.  :-)
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

dronist Posted at 2017-7-19 19:42
All my shoots!  {:4_181:}

Touche ..... I suppose.
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

eylneb Posted at 2017-7-19 19:25
can share the app link?? can't find it

You didnt say what app you are looking for.

Camera++ is called exactly that in the iOS store.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 196837 ft

OneMatt Posted at 2017-7-19 16:03
Snapseed is an incredible photo editor, and free. Give it a look!

Snapseed is a really good free app
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Flight distance : 2405174 ft

The change is too extreme, sorry.
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

SRO Posted at 2017-7-21 11:09
The change is too extreme, sorry.

That is your opinion. thanks for it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 623432 ft
United States

Cool, Thanks for sharing!
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Flight distance : 71463 ft
United States

CharlieZ Posted at 1-5 18:08
Cool, Thanks for sharing!

Glad you enjoyed it!
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Sidd Finch
Second Officer
Flight distance : 256 ft
United States

Flying Wolf_NOL Posted at 2017-7-19 16:03
Well, this is a well worn subject and one that, as a photographer, I'm very accustomed to.  I understand that there are 'purist' out there who feel that the photo should be left just as it was taken 'in camera'. I used to feel this way too, but now I happen to disagree with this. My theory is this;  is the final image pleasing to the eye?   Now, you may ask..... who's eye?  The answer is;  MINE.  If I like the final image, that's all that matters.  *disclaimer*  If you're working for a paying client - then it is their eye that matters, but that's kind of a different story.  When creating photos for yourself, you should only try to please yourself. The real question is; if you didn't see the 'before' image and only saw the 'after' image - would you feel the same way OR would you assume that it was captured that way?  It's only because the OP showed you what he did that you feel it is 'fake' somehow.

Today we have a digital darkroom. One of the most famous photographers of all time, Ansel Adams, once said (not a true quote, but you'll get the gist); "The image only starts at the time it's made. Only in the dark room is it finished."   Something to that effect. He did a LOT of work to his photos (all he could with the limits that the chemical darkroom gave him).  The same can be true today.  Now, I agree that some take this too far (in my opinion). But photography is art - who gets to choose what is 'too far'?  I've posted images on FB and shown 'before' and 'after' and got a lot of the same comments. Then, other times,  I only posted 'after' images and only got positive feedback.  Sometimes I had completely created the image from several individual images (known as a composite)  in Photoshop!   LOL  most people will accept and 'believe' what you show them as real.   Just some food for thought.  Sorry to ramble.

I think that the HDR look is just really trendy right now. At some point taste will change and HDR shots will have a  nostalgia feel to them.  But if you are happy with your editing skills and what you created then that is what is important.  

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