Flight distance : 124180 ft
CuaC Posted at 2017-8-4 05:39
I conceive RTH as what it is: An emergency measure to make your drone get closer to you when you lose connection so you can regain control. Therefore I'd be happy if it would just jump it's own max power boundaries when it detects the drone is not moving fast enough due to front wind. With such thing enabled it might not be able to make it back home in some situations, but at least it would increase the chances of at least regaining control. It's better to get it back to a place where you could actually get signal and find a safe spot to land rather than having it ending up on autoland because it was stuck in the same place as it could not move faster, while it could actually be moving faster.
This should not be a super big issue anyway... if you're flying in a windy place you should always make sure you fly into the wind, so you get tailwind on the way back. Monitoring your speed and getting some idea on how the wind is affecting your drone is necessary. I see so many people trying to fly long distance while not knowing how to react in case of an emergency...
I do wish that, like my Phantom, Mavic came with an ATT mode, most issues I;ve read about with drone problems, begin with Mavic went into ATT mode & flew away----
I;ve had times when I;ve hit RTH on my Phantom & she just sits there or very slowly trys to head home, fighting the head wind. I simply flip to ATT mode & power her back home
To me, an ATT mode on the Mavic would help a lot of these "headwind" issues, especially on RTH.
Plus, with an ATT mode at least a guy could practice flying with no GPS, instead of trying to learn ATT suddenly!