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DJI. Please fix the firmware.
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7709 98 2017-7-20
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Flight distance : 1480892 ft
United States

I recently downloaded the newest dji firmware and ever since then I have had problems flying. Whenever I moved the sticks the aircraft would pitch and roll violently and randomly. The aircraft would still go in the general direction I wanted it to, but the footage was super shaky! If anyone can help me change the firmware I would very much appreciate it. Thanks!
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Flight distance : 195016 ft

United States

A lot of people have been reporting the same issues since the update, I hope we get a fix from DJI soon. I have updated my unit however, I haven't tested it out due to the high density in my neighborhood.
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United States

Question, for those where this works, do you get the "take off" message? Because I no longer get this after the update and I am having unstable flight. Those who have the unstable flight, did you notice the "take off" aleart or "safe to fly" is missing?
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Have you tried to adjust the EXP and Sensitivity on the APP? Go to MC settings--Advanced Settings,  then you can see the EXP and Sensitivity.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


AerialImageryMe Posted at 2017-7-20 20:08
Question, for those where this works, do you get the "take off" message? Because I no longer get this after the update and I am having unstable flight. Those who have the unstable flight, did you notice the "take off" aleart or "safe to fly" is missing?

Are you talking about the voice message or the reminder message on the APP? For the unstable flight, have you tried to calibrate the IMU? Make sure the GPS is strong enough to fly (More than 10 satellites can be detected.).
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
  • >>>

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-21 01:20
Have you tried to adjust the EXP and Sensitivity on the APP? Go to MC settings--Advanced Settings,  then you can see the EXP and Sensitivity.

Doubt that adjusting these levels will do much good as oscillation occurs after the slightest input. OP, PM DJI Natalia your DJI-account mail regarding the (newest) beta FW. I havent read if the any of the participants have recieved the beta yet but i recon it'll be soon, hopefully.
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Flight distance : 5043287 ft
  • >>>

For those who have unresistable desire to update the firmware each time it come out.
If the craft is doing well and there is no problems at all I don't understand why to update it.
The firmware update is apparently the best way to get the problems!  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

AerialImageryMe Posted at 2017-7-20 20:08
Question, for those where this works, do you get the "take off" message? Because I no longer get this after the update and I am having unstable flight. Those who have the unstable flight, did you notice the "take off" aleart or "safe to fly" is missing?

Check that the volume is turned up on display. An easy one to miss.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 889823 ft
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United Kingdom

andy10 Posted at 2017-7-21 01:45
For those who have unresistable desire to update the firmware each time it come out.
If the craft is doing well and there is no problems at all I don't understand why to update it.

If new firmware comes out, or a patch, or an update, or an improved feature, then everyone should be entitled to update their gadget knowing that its an improvement on previous.  There should not be any doubt in anyone's mind about doing it.  With DJI products this doesn't always appear to be the case and fixes to broken updates take weeks and months to to come out which is something that DJI should surely start to look at seriously before more damage to their reputation.

I love being one of the first to try new things, it's just my nature, so I always update on the day of release.  Although saying that, if this was business critical and something I relied on for my income, then I probably would never update a DJI product until many weeks after.
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Flight distance : 999232 ft

Well said!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

andy10 Posted at 2017-7-21 01:45
For those who have unresistable desire to update the firmware each time it come out.

If the craft is doing well and there is no problems at all I don't understand why to update it.

"For those who have unresistable desire to update the firmware each time it come out.
WHY?? "

That's an easy one to answer, because this last build provides a fix for the 'tilted horizon' problem which has been inherent throughout the whole Phantom range I believe.
As it's a flying video/photography platform then this was a big one to many people.

As well as the introduction of Gesture, Draw, Terrain Follow, and Tripod as Intelligent Flight Modes, also Trace and Profile sub-modes for ActiveTrack and a Free sub-mode for TapFly.  Optimized Smart Return to Home, added Landing Protection, and Precision Landing.

With the firmware the only problem that I have is an intermittent video recording stop and gimbal reset in 4k 30fps. So it's not be a show stopper for me, although I am keeping an open mind on it, and an eye out for any problems that may arise. No flight errors (that I've been aware of) after 90 minutes of flying/testing.
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Pareja IV
Flight distance : 1084961 ft

andy10 Posted at 2017-7-21 01:45
For those who have unresistable desire to update the firmware each time it come out.
If the craft is doing well and there is no problems at all I don't understand why to update it.

Because I'm not sure if the warranty covers any problem if my bird is flying with a non updated firmware.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Update repairs must be a high income maker for their repair center
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United States

Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-21 02:02
Check that the volume is turned up on display. An easy one to miss.

Yes volume is turned up...still don't get the message and it recalculates home point on take off. I was thinking this could be part of the error with the firmware.
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United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-21 01:26
Are you talking about the voice message or the reminder message on the APP? For the unstable flight, have you tried to calibrate the IMU? Make sure the GPS is strong enough to fly (More than 10 satellites can be detected.).

Both, no voice, no reminder. Actually when I take off it sets home point again for a second time.

As far as the unstable flight. It is the firmware, not settings. I have done absolutely everything to fix it. Done every recalibration. Factory reset and did it all again. There are many who are having this issue, it's clearly in the firmware or possibly an issue with the new IMU calibration steps.

It's a serious issue that needs attention immediately.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
  • >>>
United States

Grrr.... I appreciate that people are frustrated by the latest DJI update, I'm frustrated and my P4 is grounded too.  Truthfully, DJI screwed up.  But when Conspiracy theories start flying around (a.k.a. "DJI is purposely trying to ground us"... or "Update repairs must be a high income maker for their repair center", or "DJI Doesn't care about us", etc.) it gets frustrating to listen to.

Software and firmware updates are extremely complicated... EXTREMELY.  So when DJI pops out an update with ubiquitous issues that didn't appear to the beta testers and their own internal testing, it not only takes a while to define the scope of the problem, it takes a while to apply a coding fix and retest.

DJI really messed up on this major update, no doubt about it.  But it wasn't because they are inept, or don't care, or are trying to mess with us... that is ridiculous.  They made some mistakes in the midst of providing us with a whopper of an update. They are hopefully learning from their mistakes, they appear to be taking our complaints seriously, but unfortunately coding issues take time to repair and retest.  We have no option other than to be patient and keep reporting our findings.

It is VERY possible that DJI needs to beef up its beta testing program because the best way to look at all of the variables in the test matrix are to get the software in front of as many different mobile devices and drone combinations as possible.  Sterile lab testing never provides the same level of depth as a solid beta test program.
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Flight distance : 121371 ft
United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2017-7-21 05:58
Grrr.... I appreciate that people are frustrated by the latest DJI update, I'm frustrated and my P4 is grounded too.  Truthfully, DJI screwed up.  But when Conspiracy theories start flying around (a.k.a. "DJI is purposely trying to ground us"... or "Update repairs must be a high income maker for their repair center", or "DJI Doesn't care about us", etc.) it gets frustrating to listen to.

Software and firmware updates are extremely complicated... EXTREMELY.  So when DJI pops out an update with ubiquitous issues that didn't appear to the beta testers and their own internal testing, it not only takes a while to define the scope of the problem, it takes a while to apply a coding fix and retest.

as a veteran of the software testing world, this is 100% accurate.  

I don't recall being given the option to "opt out" of updating the firmware on my new P4P, it just started doing it.  The firmware update from the DJI Go 4 app stuck at 99% and I ended up on the chat with support, and had to load DJI Assist and reset everything and update it from there.  The GUI for DJI Assist is...well, hard to call it a GUI, more like a "Guess what you're supposed to do" interface.

After updating the drone, had to update the controller.  Doesn't "seem" to be any real stability issues, but I have only flown it a couple of times.  I had no video link on my phone until I updated the controller firmware.

The Mavic Pro seems to be more stable in flight, though, but I have had more practice with it.  We'll see.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
  • >>>
United States

EdSimmonsPhoto Posted at 2017-7-21 06:20
as a veteran of the software testing world, this is 100% accurate.  

I don't recall being given the option to "opt out" of updating the firmware on my new P4P, it just started doing it.  The firmware update from the DJI Go 4 app stuck at 99% and I ended up on the chat with support, and had to load DJI Assist and reset everything and update it from there.  The GUI for DJI Assist is...well, hard to call it a GUI, more like a "Guess what you're supposed to do" interface.

Hi Ed,  I'm a veteran from the coding world as well... I worked for Apple's Mac OS Engineering team for a bunch of years.  I remember reading negative posts about Apple, people saying we didn't care or were idiots because we accidentally rolled out a bug with a major update... really got under my skin.  We were working our arses off and doing incredible things that the public would never see, but with all of the variables, even our extensive internal testing and extensive beta program couldn't catch everything.
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Flight distance : 511112 ft

andy10 Posted at 2017-7-21 01:45
For those who have unresistable desire to update the firmware each time it come out.
If the craft is doing well and there is no problems at all I don't understand why to update it.

Andy, we did for the long waited and "improved Intelligent flying modes. Also because the manufacturer says to keep your drone on the latest firmware.
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Pareja IV
Flight distance : 1084961 ft

Duchunter Posted at 2017-7-21 07:26
Its a shame that dji rushed out this firmware to patch holes that allow people to change flight parameters to whatever they want. I believe that this firmware was rushed out to prevent that however its doing the exact opposite. With no rollback option people are forced to find other methods to rollback the firmware which forces people to get older firmware from jailbreak sites. You can roll back the firmware all day, just not from dji. You really shouldnt be put in a position where you have to get stable firmware from a source other than dji. Removing the rollback option is pointless since the new firmware is already hacked so not allowing us to use legacy firmware it causing exactly what they were trying to prevent. It shouldnt even be called firmware. They should call it failware.

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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

What exactly is stopping DJI from making the previous version of the firmware available and allowing us to downgrade our drones so that they work again until they can do proper beta testing and get the bugs sorted out?
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GrangerFX Posted at 2017-7-21 15:08
What exactly is stopping DJI from making the previous version of the firmware available and allowing us to downgrade our drones so that they work again until they can do proper beta testing and get the bugs sorted out?

The previous versions were being exploited by hackers making versions that would defeat the GEO fencing system and altitude limits. You won't be seeing them again.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-7-21 15:15
The previous versions were being exploited by hackers making versions that would defeat the GEO fencing system and altitude limits. You won't be seeing them again.

That's possibly true but it's absolutely no excuse for DJI leaving numerous P4 owners with unusable drones after the update. The onus is on DJI to fix it urgently even if that means reverting to the previous level.
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JockC Posted at 2017-7-21 15:26
That's possibly true but it's absolutely no excuse for DJI leaving numerous P4 owners with unusable drones after the update. The onus is on DJI to fix it urgently even if that means reverting to the previous level.

Yes, it is DJIs responsibility to fix the problem, and they will do that. But they will not go back to a previous edition of firmware because those versions were open to hacking. DJI seem to think the most important thing at this stage is to secure the code, fixing the problems comes after that. It would seem that many P4 owners do not have unusable aircraft since the latest update, but their voices are drowned out by those that do.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-7-21 15:50
Yes, it is DJIs responsibility to fix the problem, and they will do that. But they will not go back to a previous edition of firmware because those versions were open to hacking. DJI seem to think the most important thing at this stage is to secure the code, fixing the problems comes after that. It would seem that many P4 owners do not have unusable aircraft since the latest update, but their voices are drowned out by those that do.

I think I understand now. It's totally unacceptable to have firmware available which might (in extremely rare circumstances) be hacked but it's perfectly OK to have large numbers of people not be able to fly their drones at all because of a messed up firmware release.
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JockC Posted at 2017-7-21 21:12
I think I understand now. It's totally unacceptable to have firmware available which might (in extremely rare circumstances) be hacked but it's perfectly OK to have large numbers of people not be able to fly their drones at all because of a messed up firmware release.

More or less. But I don't think DJI intended it that way. But either way, having gone that route, they are not going to backtrack on the decision. As a one-time software designer, I can categorically say that if someone was hacking my code, I would drop everything and concentrate on screwing up their ability to do so.
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Flight distance : 999232 ft

JockC Posted at 2017-7-21 21:12
I think I understand now. It's totally unacceptable to have firmware available which might (in extremely rare circumstances) be hacked but it's perfectly OK to have large numbers of people not be able to fly their drones at all because of a messed up firmware release.

I think you're right!
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Siambuddhas Gro
Flight distance : 116926 ft

better be grounded first...wait for more infos out from DJI...
Mine P3se crashes without warning at 40feets...diving down with strong signal and good log witout warning too...
sending it in for warranty claim soon........
Others flying their p4 also warming up and troubleshooting on the rough movements........
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-7-21 16:25
What you are suggesting is ridiculous. Why would DJI allow hacked software or firmware to exist on their web site?

What world are living in? Where have you been? If you dont know that DJI's firmware is hacked then you must live in a bubble. The firmware has been hacked for months. DJI's new firmware has been hacked for days. There is also a hacked version of go4, several actually. Try google, its a search engine. All kinds of great info, some not so much. ;-)
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Flight distance : 835016 ft

Hi, Diana. What does DJI intend to do regarding reported problems with new firmware 2.00.0106?
Mine had the same problem after updating. Unstable hovering, shaking and nervous behavior. I made all the calibrations as instructed. I did the factory reset and did the refresh too. Nothing solved.
All I wanted was the previous firmware or a new one, even if it was beta.
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Duchunter Posted at 2017-7-22 07:09
What world are living in? Where have you been? If you dont know that DJI's firmware is hacked then you must live in a bubble. The firmware has been hacked for months. DJI's new firmware has been hacked for days. There is also a hacked version of go4, several actually. Try google, its a search engine. All kinds of great info, some not so much. ;-)

I will explain this slowly for you. Yes, the software has been hacked, but in order to obtain the hacked software, you actually have to go to a site where it is offered. And if you do that, then you are most likely looking to remove the GEO and altitude restrictions, in which case you deserve what you get.

For everyone else who downloads the software from the app stores, or the firmware from the DJI site, this is definitely not hacked, and cannot be. There is no mechanism to allow someone to place hacked software on these sites and even if they could, DJI would remove it. This is basic computer processes, not the magic you seem to think it is.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-7-22 14:39
I will explain this slowly for you. Yes, the software has been hacked, but in order to obtain the hacked software, you actually have to go to a site where it is offered. And if you do that, then you are most likely looking to remove the GEO and altitude restrictions, in which case you deserve what you get.

For everyone else who downloads the software from the app stores, or the firmware from the DJI site, this is definitely not hacked, and cannot be. There is no mechanism to allow someone to place hacked software on these sites and even if they could, DJI would remove it. This is basic computer processes, not the magic you seem to think it is.

"For everyone else who downloads the software from the app stores, or the firmware from the DJI site, this is definitely not hacked, and cannot be"

Which means there is absolutely no reason why DJI shouldn't allow us to download the previous software from their site so that we can fly our drones again following the latest firmware disaster.
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JockC Posted at 2017-7-22 15:07
"For everyone else who downloads the software from the app stores, or the firmware from the DJI site, this is definitely not hacked, and cannot be"

Which means there is absolutely no reason why DJI shouldn't allow us to download the previous software from their site so that we can fly our drones again following the latest firmware disaster.

In theory yes, but I am guessing that DJI do not want any of the older versions around for hackers to pick up. But hey, who knows what they are thinking, they never tell us anyway.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-7-22 15:40
In theory yes, but I am guessing that DJI do not want any of the older versions around for hackers to pick up. But hey, who knows what they are thinking, they never tell us anyway.

Yes, you most certainly can take the firmware straight from dji's site, delete 3 letters of test that bring up the debug console. You then enter the console and changing a 0 to 1 and then you can change whatever you want in the flight parameters. It works for the old firmware and the new firmware straight from dji's site. You do not have to reload the firmware. You are modifying the firmware on the MC in real time just like you do in the app only you dont use the app. You do not have to download any hacked firmware. Your just changing whats already on it. I would not recommend doing it but yes, dji's firmware is extremely hackable. It requires modifying one line of test with notepad++. If you have a warranty, you wont any more if you do it but it is most certainly possible.
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Flight distance : 100922 ft

Hi guys, I have only updated my remote the other day. I had notice that it does a small pitching while hovering. I haven't updated my P4 yet. I won't until DJI fixes the problem.
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United States

fans4021e06d Posted at 2017-7-22 16:58
Hi guys, I have only updated my remote the other day. I had notice that it does a small pitching while hovering. I haven't updated my P4 yet. I won't until DJI fixes the problem.

Well at least that narrows down where tweaker mode is coming from. If you havent updated the mc yet then the tweaking is caused by the controller.
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United States

Hey I havent updated my new p4. Im just flying with what it came with and it flies beautifully. If anybody wants me to ill bind my old controller that has been updated with my new p4 and see if the problem shows up if anybody cares. Ill gladly test the theory if anybody wants me to.
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United States

Duchunter Posted at 2017-7-22 17:28
Hey I havent updated my new p4. Im just flying with what it came with and it flies beautifully. If anybody wants me to ill bind my old controller that has been updated with my new p4 and see if the problem shows up if anybody cares. Ill gladly test the theory if anybody wants me to.

I also have not updated my P4 and it's over a year old and it presently is flying as it should, with no issues. Having read many of the issues that other fliers are having with the new update, I am in the skeptical group. The update is there and I've had at least one pop-up window telling me to update. I'd really like to set down in front of my controller and P4 and have the confidence that if I update, my P4 will be better than ever. I, for now, will continue to fly with the older version.
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United States

Agreed, im not about to update my new p4. I did update my crashed p4 right before it crashed 13 days ago. It had the new firmware and it flew like s*it. I wont be doing that again. DJI has followed Apples business model in every way.  Apple pioneered engineered obsolescence through firmware. I dont think dji is gonna be any different. Ill keep what I got for now. If I want more, ill get it elsewhere after my warranty expires. I just dont trust dji anymore. Its bad when you have to get stable firmware somewhere other than the manufacturer. I had a similar thing happen with my old iphone 5. I updated it and the wifi quit working. Thousands of other people had the same issue, some didnt. Apple claimed it was a hardware issue and that you needed to get a new phone. It worked before the firmware and it didnt after. Thats not hardware. That my friends is engineered obsolescence through firmware.  Apple never did fix the problem and that was the very last update Apple released for the iphone 5. Seems awful similar to what we have here. Thats just my opinion but why not allow a firmware rollback? Sure it may be due to hackers but commercial operators are loosing thousands of dollars a week so most will just upgrade. Commercial operators are dji's bread and butter. They are left with no choice but to upgrade with out a rollback option and with dji silent on the issue. Some hobbyist dont care or dont notice the problems as much as commercial operators do. These issues make the p4 unusable for commercial use. A simple rollback would fix all of this. Im not a conspiracy theorist. I dont go looking for things that arent there but the term "engineered obsolescence" wouldnt be in the english lexicon if it wasnt a thing. Its real and its part of most every products engineering. The p4 has ceased production and this firmware will be its last update.   
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Flight distance : 2246670 ft

This is the worst update yet!!!! No vision at all signal strength weak when sitting beside remote!!!!
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