Flight distance : 286411 ft
United States
Hello all.
Well I finally got my flight distance linked to here (kinda sorta)
Maybe you all can shed some light on this. Now its been a while since school for me and I rememer some, but these numbers don't ADD up to me.
I have 2 DJI Phantoms, 1 a standard and 2nd a Professional.
My provided info is as follows.
on the professional my distance 213,064 wtith 10hr52min. 183 flights.
on the standard the distance is 82,590 with 3hr35min. 37 flights.So distance combined is 295,654
There is a top number of 143,064 and a LV17when everthing synched it shows my distance as 64,933I've been flying these about 2 months if anybody wants to know.
Now this is not a huge deal to me but if your going to list something as credentials it should be kinda close I think.
any thoughts
and Thank you.