E.finlay Posted at 2017-7-22 17:36
I better question to you is why won't you let us do what we want with our own records ? Why can't we print them ? This information belongs to us, not you. Electronics fail, often. Printing them out gives a hard copy, like a log book.
As Diana says, they are available on your phone. No-one is trying to hide them from you, in fact you can upload them to Phantomhelp and have them nicely decoded and displayed along with a map of your flight, nothing secret: There are instructions on the site to tell you how to go about uploading the records.
And you are incorrect in what you say, DJI do a version of the flight record that is for their own purposes in assessing crashes, and it is not your properrty, although you can look at it. Mind you, it won't make any sense to you.
Why can't you print them? Because like all logs produced by computer systems, they contain information that is formatted to take up little space, so are not human-readable.