 First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
United States
yes yes yes...! see i did my 1200 foot run as one of my first flights.. sort of.... my first 2 charges of the battery packs (i had 2) i kept it close learned the controls... then after complete recharge of both packs and an hour of down time i took it back out and pushed it... if i knew how poor sparky would behave i wouldn't have dared to do that... i got lucky on that run. technically i think i flew it further out than 1200 feet thinking about it now... according to the GPS i was overtop of a store that is about half mile away, i was flying it stupid high.. 500+ feet up... (not controlled airspace and no air traffic in our area).
having the spark misbehave arms length away i feel like lady luck was on my side...
i had all sort of interesting things occur with my Spark.. including while fighting on low signal, it just resets it home point there where it is..i intentionally didn't take off until i have a marked homepoint that was close enough..... 500 feet away and 300 feet up.. "home point has been reset" wtf? then i have to go into menu set home point there where i am....because ...just why?
i was flying it around my friend's block once.. which is one of the most wifi dense areas... apartments upon apartments.. which by the way, i do not recommend flying spark over wifi dense areas... it gave me a compass error and flipped my spark into Atti GPS lock anymore.. clear sky... Atti mode.. 700 feet away from me?!? where i cannot see you and my video is chop city becuse of all the interference.. luckily, while i am new drone flyer, i did manage to butter the bread and bring her home and land her safely..flew her up 300 feet and back... never regained GPS until it was out of that neighborhood.. compass error did not seem to affect it too much.. but it wasn't happy.. amazing GPS even got negatively impacted somehow...