 First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States
hallmark007 Posted at 2017-7-30 06:22
First you will notice much better distance, 4K camera, more camera settings, I think it has same sensor, obstacle avoidance. Precision landing.
Best thing when flying great response time flys really well in wind, sound is noticeable so much quieter, speed in sport mode, great buzz.
All of the above, Mavic, Mavic, Mavic ! Once you get thru the firmware and App updates it actually turns into a very nice Quad for the price point !
Just did my first timelapse of an approaching thunderstorm with the mavic in 4K Photo Mode, forgot to put it in Tripod Mode ( OK fixed it in sabilization in post production ), 389 ft Elev, awesome video.
I have a P3p as well, nice but does not compare in features and camera versitility.