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P3S owner looking to upgrade
638 5 2017-7-30
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DJ Nee
Flight distance : 84610 ft

Hi all!
I've owned a P3S since January 2017 and i'm hoping to upgrade to the Mavic in September, and was hoping to hear from anyone who has gone from the P3S to the Mavic, and how you have found it....and also from anyone who can point out what you've found amazing / annoying about the Mavic.
My experience of the P3S has been patchy at best. When i purchased my new P3S i updated the firmware before taking it for it's first flight, and was greeted with 100M range at best, and experienced 'return to home' at ranges of 50M sometimes. I took it back, and got a new drone...and i left the firmware as it was and found i could get a decent range, but then had the gimbal go faulty on me (smoke from really hot and then died). Last month i had a battery cell die on me (thankfully i managed to get it to RTH and not just drop out of the sky) and was replaced under warranty. So i currently have a decent drone, but love the idea of having the Mavic due to portability as well as better range out of the box.

Are the firmware updates mainly positive for the Mavic, ie...are there versions to avoid like i've found with the P3S? Any feedback welcomed!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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First you will notice much better distance, 4K camera, more camera settings, I think it has same sensor, obstacle avoidance. Precision landing.

Best thing when flying great response time flys really well in wind, sound is noticeable so much quieter, speed in sport mode, great buzz.

If you know a little about video/ photography you can set camera up really good and get some really great footage, portability is a dream coming from phantoms.

My opinion although it will cost you a nice few quid more than p3s , it's worth every penny.
Good luck.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-7-30 06:22
First you will notice much better distance, 4K camera, more camera settings, I think it has same sensor, obstacle avoidance. Precision landing.

Best thing when flying great response time flys really well in wind, sound is noticeable so much quieter, speed in sport mode, great buzz.

All of the above, Mavic, Mavic, Mavic ! Once you get thru the firmware and App updates it actually turns into a very nice Quad for the price point !

Just did my first timelapse of an approaching thunderstorm with the mavic in 4K Photo Mode, forgot to put it in Tripod Mode ( OK fixed it in sabilization in post production ), 389 ft Elev, awesome video.

I have a P3p as well, nice but does not compare in features and camera versitility.
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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

mavic also works amazing with the goggles if future fpv is yr thing. has taken my flying enjoyment and user experience and filming potential (great screen and head control gimbal makes composition and tracking and flying in general so much easier and for me a lot more fun.
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DJ Nee
Flight distance : 84610 ft

Sorry for the delay in replying!!!
Many thanks for the positive replies has made my decision a heap easier!!!

I use my P3S for leisure mainly.....

Here's one of my completed 2016/2017 projects....hope you like! I can't wait to do the same next year using the Mavic.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1382431 ft
United States

You will be extremely happy with the upgrade.  The P3S is a great starter drone.  The Mavic Pro will allow you to do more and be more confident in flying.  My P3S started having issues with distance and altitude and I did all the things people recommended in the forums.   Luckily, my Wife got me the Mavic and I sold my P3S.  Now I am getting all the great shots I want.  Join the Mavic Pro squadron!!!
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