First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft
growe1964 Posted at 2017-9-3 23:41
I have 3 accounts in my DJI app now - One with my personal picture - one with my drone picture and one with no picture - All 3 have slightly different stats and number of flight records - Also on my flight records some have a copy (thumbnail) of a picture I took on that flight and some don't why is this ?
I can PM my account details if you want me to -Thanks
is it not so that the numbers from the personal tab would be the sum of the two other tabs?
I have no idea why you would have two crafts in the statistics but perhaps you have changed the name of your AC and that has been the reason for a second AC profile to be created.
Regarding the pictures in the flightlog, i am sure it does not have to be pictures taken when you press the trigger, it seem that it take some miniatures by itself and put them in the log.possibly also one of the reason there has been some talk about security risk, and the possibility for DJI to spy on their users as those pictures would be a part of the flight log that get synchronized. |