Flight distance : 286411 ft
United States
Hello all.
I'm looking at an older p3p. this could up my dji count to 3 phantoms.
Its.. I think the older version. 1st the remote is the slide on/off single antenna and the bird does NOT have the hole in front of the landing gear as my pro does to the main board switch.
what is that called IMU link ?
Now my standard is plagued with ripples in the video espicially in a climb. And its the same looking remote that comes with this old P3Pro .
My P3Pro remote has the dual antennas and 2 buttons. power and return to Hm button.
Is it possible to link the old bird with my newer remote... In hopes that I get better range and video quality.
Thank you in advance for any helpful replies, And please excuse my lack of knowledge on this as I'm still learning.