STech - Hathder
Flight distance : 459094 ft
hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-3 09:48
If you use phone you are within 80 metres, you should know direction and should be easily able to fly your AC to safe place.
If you are flying behind trees buildings then you have a problem, but I consider this user fault.
If you use Phone WIFI to control Sparkl and are flying at 80m distance, every problem you have and spark start to flyaway, YOU LOSE CONNECTION. Spark direct wifi phone connection starts to warning low signal at about 10m distance and eventually loses signal, its "normal".
Other problem.. wifi phone controlled spark doesnt have SPORT mode, so its limited do 10km-h speed, if atti mode doesnt change that, every 10KM-H WIND will blow spark away, even if the pilot pulls full throttle in wind direction (if return means go in wind direction). |