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Any way to change from C to Fahrenheit?
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7593 51 2017-8-7
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United States

If you can figure out where to change this it would be greatly appreciated. I searched but I'm not even sure if it can be done. Checking the battery temp levels would be much more helpful if it was in Fahrenheit.
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I am the E
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98% of the world use C. I suggest to get to know it... and NO you can't change it!
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Flight distance : 17901030 ft
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United Arab Emirates

They should also have the option to add distance in yards too.
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Flight distance : 57484 ft
United States

The operating temp of Mavic Pro intelligent flight batteries is 41° to 104° F (5° to 40° C)   My batteries at (68 deg F) run about 26.2 deg C (79 deg F) room temperature.  They can get as hot as 104 deg F (40C) before they are considered beyond operating temp.  (It is easier to do in bright sun then you may think.)   Hot batteries usually equates to shorter life span.  Note also that LiPo batteries do not work well in cold weather. The colder it is, the shorter your run times will be due to the slowing down of the chemical activity within the battery. If it is below 14F (-10C), LiPo usage is not recommended at all.   Plan on up to 40% shorter flight times in winter would be my advice.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

I am the E Posted at 2017-8-7 16:51
98% of the world use C. I suggest to get to know it... and NO you can't change it!

I second that!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

Almost nobody on earth uses this Stone Age unit "Fahrenheit".
Google is your friend: ... j0i46k1.lNw9McjWvrI
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I am the E
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United States

I third that...
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Flight distance : 369626 ft

T(°F) = T(°C) × 1.8 + 32  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
Cayman Islands

Why not ask them to add Rankine and other obsolete temperature measurements too?

What i would like is for imperial to give the speed option in feet per second.  When distances are in feet, altitude is in feet, being able to see velocity in feet per second (or 2nd choice, per minute) would make the mental maths much easier for calculating times and so on.
It already does metres and metres/second.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

gnirtS Posted at 2017-8-8 07:16
Why not ask them to add Rankine and other obsolete temperature measurements too?

What i would like is for imperial to give the speed option in feet per second.  When distances are in feet, altitude is in feet, being able to see velocity in feet per second (or 2nd choice, per minute) would make the mental maths much easier for calculating times and so on.

Only three countries, the United States, Myanmar (Burma) and Liberia have not yet officially adopted the metric system:

Some metric examples:
Water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C - reference sea level.
Normal human body temperature is 37°C, death may occur at 42°C.
1 km is 1.000 meters.
3 m/s is 10.8 km/h.
5 m/s is 18 km/h

And so forth...
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Flight distance : 243753 ft

I hear you.
And while there on it let them also add Kelvin.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

MARSAN Posted at 2017-8-8 08:18
Only three countries, the United States, Myanmar (Burma) and Liberia have not yet officially adopted the metric system:

Im well aware of that for temperature.
However for aviation only a few countries (china and russia come to mind) use altitude measured in metres and speed in metres per second.  The rest of the world uses feet and nautical miles/knots.

I wouldn't believe everything you read on Wikipedia either - Cayman Islands for example are imperial units.
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United States

I am the E Posted at 2017-8-7 16:51
98% of the world use C. I suggest to get to know it... and NO you can't change it!

...and still no country out of that 98% has ever stepped foot on the moon. MERICA!
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Irate Retro
United States

RussBus Posted at 2017-8-8 10:25
...and still no country out of that 98% has ever stepped foot on the moon. MERICA!

That's assuming you believe that the USA truly did!  DJI recently announced a joint venture with Hasselblad, the same company that made the film cameras that the Apollo astronauts used.  Just after that, NASA bans all DJI products.  Coincidence?  Maybe not.  Maybe NASA is concerned someone will find out too much.

As for the original topic, why would you need to change it to F?  Yes, you know what 80F and 90F feels like, but the battery is not you with your comfort level.  So you don't _need_ to know what 40C feels like or corresponds with.  All you need to know is that 40C (or whatever) is bad for the battery.  Knowing that 40C is 104F is of little/no use to you as it relates to the batteries unless you had previously memorized a temperature range in F for LiPos in the past, and I doubt that's the case here.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

gnirtS Posted at 2017-8-8 09:35
Im well aware of that for temperature.
However for aviation only a few countries (china and russia come to mind) use altitude measured in metres and speed in metres per second.  The rest of the world uses feet and nautical miles/knots.

The general population is not involved in aviation and sailing.
The Cayman Islands are British territory.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

I am the E Posted at 2017-8-7 16:51
98% of the world use C. I suggest to get to know it... and NO you can't change it!

98% of the world use C

I use Java, but close enough.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

RussBus Posted at 2017-8-8 10:25
...and still no country out of that 98% has ever stepped foot on the moon. MERICA!

That moon landing was a big fake fabricated by Donald Trump himself.
Besides, the moon is not interesting, as I cannot fly my Mavic on it.
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Mike Mas
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United States

Quite stupid this is the USA and every devise I own i.e. Car, thermometers, ovens,  refrig etc. is in F except for these goofy drones.
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Irate Retro
United States

Mike Mas Posted at 2017-8-8 12:03
every devise I own i.e. Car, thermometers, ovens,  refrig etc. is in F except for these goofy drones.

No, not every device you own.  Do you own a computer?  Open up the temperature monitoring for your chipset/CPU/GPU and see how the temperature is expressed.  It will be in C.  Temperature monitoring for electronics internals is nearly always in C, and that is precisely what these "goofy drones" are measuring too.  If your goofy drone was trying to tell you the ambient temperature you might have a stronger case.

Aviation is in celsius now even in the USA.  Drones are related to aviation.  This is not your goofy oven made for some goofy housewife.

By the way, your car, electronic thermometers, thermostat, and refrigerator can all easily be switched to C.  Maybe you should switch them over now.  Some day you will be the goofy one.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

Mike Mas Posted at 2017-8-8 12:03
Quite stupid this is the USA and every devise I own i.e. Car, thermometers, ovens,  refrig etc. is in F except for these goofy drones.

Why do you buy "goofy drones"?
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Flight distance : 73369 ft

I remember my Grampa telling me about Fahrenheit, I didn't understand it then either.


No way did the Americans or anyone else, ever go to the moon. Biggest hoax of all time.
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Flight distance : 970374 ft
United States

Irate Retro Posted at 2017-8-8 12:14
No, not every device you own.  Do you own a computer?  Open up the temperature monitoring for your chipset/CPU/GPU and see how the temperature is expressed.  It will be in C.  Temperature monitoring for electronics internals is nearly always in C, and that is precisely what these "goofy drones" are measuring too.  If your goofy drone was trying to tell you the ambient temperature you might have a stronger case.

Aviation is in celsius now even in the USA.  Drones are related to aviation.  This is not your goofy oven made for some goofy housewife.

While I agree that we are almost uniquely clinging onto imperial units, every other application including the CPU temp measurements and most every other piece of software for the US does the simple conversion.  To choose imperial units and have altitude and temperature still expressed in metric units is just lazy and unprofessional.
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Yup, seems like if we're going to provide localized measurement units, temp would be included along with distance and speed. It's a fit and finish thing. Likewise, the max altitude setting is metric units only. Post your feature suggestion via the Feedback feature in Go 4 if you want DJI engineers to consider adding this.
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Flight distance : 11542 ft
United States

I would like to post a news flash. The entire USA uses Fahrenheight. Any new cast any where in the US posts the weather in deg F. I know we are a bunch of Yankees here in the states and all, but we did win WW2 and have the most advanced tech and military in the world. So there's that. I am not sure why every one is attacking the OP on this.
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Flight distance : 73369 ft

Dude chill, no one attacking anyone, light hearted banter.

Happy flying
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
Cayman Islands

MARSAN Posted at 2017-8-8 11:09
The general population is not involved in aviation and sailing.
The Cayman Islands are British territory.

Its a British overseas territory.  With its own laws.  And the official units of measurement are imperial not metric.

(Although the UK itself still uses miles, gallons and so on anyway).

And the mavic population is involved in aviation - they're flying an unmanned aircraft so having units that are used by all the other aircraft makes sense from an understanding point of view.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
Cayman Islands

Mike Mas Posted at 2017-8-8 12:03
Quite stupid this is the USA and every devise I own i.e. Car, thermometers, ovens,  refrig etc. is in F except for these goofy drones.

Are you unaware there is somewhere else on the planet that isnt the USA?
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I am the E
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RussBus Posted at 2017-8-8 10:25
...and still no country out of that 98% has ever stepped foot on the moon. MERICA!

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I am the E
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United Kingdom

Mike Mas Posted at 2017-8-8 12:03
Quite stupid this is the USA and every devise I own i.e. Car, thermometers, ovens,  refrig etc. is in F except for these goofy drones.

You get A BIG  "F" for that...  
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I am the E
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United Kingdom

Griffith Posted at 2017-8-8 11:12
98% of the world use C

I use Java, but close enough.

Good one Griffith... You get an up vote for that   
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Flight distance : 199875 ft

I would like to see temperature in C, speed in KPH, but distance in feet and pressure in PSI. I can relate so much easier to distances in feet. With Metres, it's a matter of multiplying by 3ish to get to feet. I've talked to coworkers about this, and without saying why I'm asking, I'll ask how far away they live, they will answer in KM, I'll then ask how far away a certain object is, they will answer in feet.

I'm a Scuba diver in Canada, I read my tank pressure in PSI, my depth in feet, the water temperature in Fahrenheit, but air temperature in Celsius. Weird mix
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United States

Disco3 Posted at 2017-8-8 17:29
I would like to see temperature in C, speed in KPH, but distance in feet and pressure in PSI. I can relate so much easier to distances in feet. With Metres, it's a matter of multiplying by 3ish to get to feet. I've talked to coworkers about this, and without saying why I'm asking, I'll ask how far away they live, they will answer in KM, I'll then ask how far away a certain object is, they will answer in feet.

I'm a Scuba diver in Canada, I read my tank pressure in PSI, my depth in feet, the water temperature in Fahrenheit, but air temperature in Celsius. Weird mix

Sadly here they do depth in feet, pressure in PSI and temperature in Fahrenheit.  Proper dinosaur units.

Im constantly having to "divide by 3 ish" in my head to make sense of the depth and dividing PSI by 15 to get bar.
Underwater metric is so much easier - i can divide and multiple things by 10 in my head no matter how confused i get.  The same isnt true dealing with imperial for SAC rates and so on.
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Flight distance : 73369 ft

Griffith Posted at 2017-8-8 11:12
98% of the world use C

I use Java, but close enough.

Love that, def a c++ for effort.
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United States

Ha, well this got a little sideways but it's cool...I should've added a little more info why. Recently I was in an area I frequent and the temps were almost 100°F and that's pretty hot. I didn't even fire up the mavic, I figured I'd wait til it got cooler. Reason being is that if there was any chance of a heated battery malfunctioning in some way, the consequences of a crash landing and the battery igniting a hellacious wildfire would be pretty likely. If it gets super hot is there a hot battery warning or just have to wing it? I can adapt no problem as long as I know there is not a setting to change it, but I agree with some comments, it is a "fit and finish" type of thing as well as just lazy. I mean is it really that hard to add the option with the type of software that's been created already? Their literature in English says it can be flown between 32° and 104°F (0° to 40°C) ...why not keep it consistent and use C only here too since there isn't a F option to switch to on the actual device?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

gnirtS Posted at 2017-8-8 14:49
Its a British overseas territory.  With its own laws.  And the official units of measurement are imperial not metric.

(Although the UK itself still uses miles, gallons and so on anyway).

I don't think the Mavic is strictly speaking involved in aviation, because everywhere where aviation takes place, the Mavic is banned.
Also, how many people do you think would want to see in DJI GO 4 the speed of their Mavic in knots?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

Disco3 Posted at 2017-8-8 17:29
I would like to see temperature in C, speed in KPH, but distance in feet and pressure in PSI. I can relate so much easier to distances in feet. With Metres, it's a matter of multiplying by 3ish to get to feet. I've talked to coworkers about this, and without saying why I'm asking, I'll ask how far away they live, they will answer in KM, I'll then ask how far away a certain object is, they will answer in feet.

I'm a Scuba diver in Canada, I read my tank pressure in PSI, my depth in feet, the water temperature in Fahrenheit, but air temperature in Celsius. Weird mix

You should move to Europe, everything is metric here and KPH does not exist and nobody uses and understands the meaning of "KPH" or "kph".
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Flight distance : 2405174 ft

Airloop Posted at 2017-8-8 14:24
I would like to post a news flash. The entire USA uses Fahrenheight. Any new cast any where in the US posts the weather in deg F. I know we are a bunch of Yankees here in the states and all, but we did win WW2 and have the most advanced tech and military in the world. So there's that. I am not sure why every one is attacking the OP on this.

Peace, please!
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Irate Retro
United States

MARSAN Posted at 2017-8-9 02:48
how many people do you think would want to see in DJI GO 4 the speed of their Mavic in knots?

I would MUCH rather see my horizontal speed in knots.  Then again I'm a pilot and not a youtuber nor friggin wedding photographer.  Also vertical speed in mph makes no sense at all to me... anything but that.  Feet/minute would be nice.

But there's no need for argue about all this if DJI would have made all this an option.  Why can't we just pick?  Because DJI is lazy, or because DJI's users are mentally unable to cope with so many options.  Judging by some of the crash threads I see here, the latter might in fact be true.

P.S.  On a recent USA domestic commercial flight I was on, the good ol' American, 50+ year old captain gave the weather reports over the PA in celsius, then started mumbling to himself into the microphone trying to do an on-the-fly conversion to Farenheit for the passengers who might have needed it.  (He eventually got all of them right, more or less.)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 966978 ft

Airloop Posted at 2017-8-8 14:24
I would like to post a news flash. The entire USA uses Fahrenheight. Any new cast any where in the US posts the weather in deg F. I know we are a bunch of Yankees here in the states and all, but we did win WW2 and have the most advanced tech and military in the world. So there's that. I am not sure why every one is attacking the OP on this.

What is "Fahrenheight"?
A secret Mavic altitude?

The reason why the world wants the metric system is simple: Nobody wants to use complicated Stone Age units such as thou, thumbs (inches), hands, feet, yards, miles, chain, furlong, fathom, link, rod Fahrenheit and other outdated nonsense like that.
In any case, why don't you contact DJI support and ask them nicely to give you imperial units in your Mavic  software?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United States

Irate Retro Posted at 2017-8-9 03:24
I would MUCH rather see my horizontal speed in knots.  Then again I'm a pilot and not a youtuber nor friggin wedding photographer.  Also vertical speed in mph makes no sense at all to me... anything but that.  Feet/minute would be nice.

But there's no need for argue about all this if DJI would have made all this an option.  Why can't we just pick?  Because DJI is lazy, or because DJI's users are mentally unable to cope with so many options.  Judging by some of the crash threads I see here, the latter might in fact be true.

Same - if they could allow proper aviation units (ie feet, knots, feet per minute) id have far more awareness operating it as those make sense to me instinctively.

Failing that though a feet per second (or minute) would make a lot more sense than MPH for horizontal and vertical speed when trying to calculate things.

If im 1500ft away and travelling at 25 feet per second (or 1500 feet per minute)  i can judge how long something will take.  The same isnt true for "17.6mph" or whatever.

Its a simple software change - the mavic already uses metric internally and just converts to whatever units are selected.  I cant see the harm adding a few more options for people.
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