 Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States
Aardvark Posted at 2017-8-11 06:30
It gets easier each time.
It's just about building up confidence that you've done your best to ensure that the machine will perform as it should do. And that just comes with practice, and knowing what to do should anything go wrong.
I couldn't agree more with Aardvark! This first time is very scary, but it does pose less problems for sure. No obstacles to cause you problems or signal issues. Just remember, doesn't matter if you are over water or land, if you have an unfortunate issue with your Phantom.......if you are more that 30 feet in the air, it isn't going to matter what you are over. Sure you might find it, but chances are you won't have much to repair. I love flying over the water, and like was said, you will be more confident over time. That confidence will play a big part in your feeling comfortable to fly wherever you want. I am at the point that I know my aircraft very well, and know what to expect when something happens. Yes, I have had a few bumps in the road. Replaced a shell or two, but I feel I know my aircraft in and out for the most part, and it has allowed me to go places others would be fearful of going. Don't get me wrong, I always am aware of where I'm flying and safety is foremost on my mind, but I have a couple friends who have pretty new P4's, and they won't go over a couple hundred feet before returning home because they are afraid something will happen. I understand, and wouldn't want them to not be prepared or do something to get them into trouble. But it is the confidence you build over time that will allow you to enjoy this sport more. Have fun, and don't be afraid to learn just what these machines are capable of. |