Flight distance : 1448799 ft
United Kingdom
Hi all
I bought a 2nd hand P4 recently. Perfect condition, checked flight logs, all looks good, not many cycles on the batteries. Was on the previous FW.
I flew it in a couple of places where my P3A would easily hit 3km + (out over the marshes where no one dares to go), and I get between 300m and 800m before a sudden loss of signal and RTH. Simply won't go beyond 800m and takes careful adjustment of altitude and antennas to keep a signal - but eventually it just drops off and RTH. During RTH with Phantom facing me signal is worse and drops more often.
There are no radio towers, or wifi sources nearby.
I updated the FW in the vain hope it would improve the range. It didn't. Everything else is great, but range is still like a P3S.
I'm assuming this isn't normal.... I'm also assuming it may be a bad antenna in the Phantom, more likely than in the radio - I think.
Any thoughts or tests I could run to pin point the problem?
Some examples:
EDIT: Another clue (perhaps)
Just been out for another test. If I touch the left antenna when the Phantom is more than a few meters away I can instantly cause a total signal loss (control and video). Is this normal on P4? I never experienced it on my P3A