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Custom Presets for Flight Areas
782 2 2017-8-21
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United States

      I'm new to high end drones. But I have done a lot of research and studying on the hobby before entering. I'm very anal about having the proper flight settings mainly autonomous functions active, after all these things aren't cheap (to me anyway). I like to fly my quad in a lot of different environments, and I have a dilemma.
      I have to fidget with the app everytime I'm in a different environment like indoors, tree canopy, etc.. In order to make sure my mavic doesn't go totally A.I. and fly into something. Is there a way to customize flight settings and save them in maybe presets for quick activation next time you fly in that environment.

for example. I've set up for indoor flight, now I want to save these settings in a quick recall preset for the next time I fly indoors.

I searched and couldn't find anything on it, just thought I would throw it out there, would be a good improvement for the DJI GO app.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4137720 ft
United States

That would be awesome.....been bugging DJI about this and to date.....nada.
Been playing using guitar MFX for sometimes now and it's so awesome when you just hit a pedal and bam your setup changes w/out any more tweaking.
This kind of automation should be available to users right out of the box considering the price point.
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DJI Susan

Selecting a good flying environment is very important, and I would not suggest to fly indoors. Also, the environment changes a lot and the VPS will work once all conditions are met. The user manual might be helpful to understand it: ... ser+Manual+V1.6.pdf
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