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Gimbal calibration mid flight
1929 8 2017-8-23
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States

I received my Mavic Pro a couple of weeks ago and have really been enjoying it so far. Only had a few issues with the app, but nothing that is causing concerns. After updating to the .1000 firmware last night, I've flown 3 flights so far and on the last one, I experienced what looks like a gimbal calibration mid flight. Moreover, after this occurred, the gimbal appeared to no longer be lined up with the drone axis. I had to fly it back with the gimbal looking a bit left of the center line of flight.

I landed and did a visual inspection to see if there was a mechanical problem with the gimbal or the ND filter that I was using but all seemed OK. After rebooting the drone, I flew two more flights without any incident. Just wondering if this is something others have experienced or whether this has something to do with the latest update.

As luck would have it, I was able to capture the event on camera:

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Flight distance : 1547713 ft

This has happened to me a few times. I was far away so thought it maybe had something to do with getting out of range. I can't help but wanted you to know you're not alone
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hi Paul, sorry to hear about this, we had noticed this case before. If this issue persists in the later flight, I recommend sending the drone in for repair. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your kind understanding.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1916821 ft
United States

This happened to me today, it has never happened on any other firmware. I was flying in sport mode and let go of the sticks. As it braked the camera did this and slowly went back to level.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 929367 ft

I had the same experience 2 days ago. I did the calibration of the gimbal, restarted the aircraft and did some test flights. It happened again only once, but happened. Meanwhile new firmware arrived and since that no problems have occured.
New Mavic Pro Firmware Released (22/08/2017) - Fixed an occasional issue where the camera would restart automatically during recording.
Hopefully it was fixed by the last firmware???
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States

Thanks for the feedback. This doesn't appear to be a mechanical issue, so I doubt sending it in for repair is needed. From what I've researched since posting, this appears to be a random "thing" that happens from time to with no specific cause and no real consequences other than it freaks out new Mavic pilots.

I've flown about 30 flights so far and this has only happened once so far. Can't say that it is related to the new firmware as others have been reporting this happening prior to the .1000 update. Doesn't seem to be range related as the drone was within 300' of me when it did this. Some have reported that they think the combination of ND filter and high wind of the gimbal causes this, but the wind was blowing in the same direction as the drone travel, so that doesn't seem a plausible scenario.

Again, thanks for the feedback indicating that this is a know issue that happens from time to time as this takes a lot of the worry away that this is an issue just with my drone.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Paul_IA Posted at 2017-8-24 07:00
Thanks for the feedback. This doesn't appear to be a mechanical issue, so I doubt sending it in for repair is needed. From what I've researched since posting, this appears to be a random "thing" that happens from time to with no specific cause and no real consequences other than it freaks out new Mavic pilots.

I've flown about 30 flights so far and this has only happened once so far. Can't say that it is related to the new firmware as others have been reporting this happening prior to the .1000 update. Doesn't seem to be range related as the drone was within 300' of me when it did this. Some have reported that they think the combination of ND filter and high wind of the gimbal causes this, but the wind was blowing in the same direction as the drone travel, so that doesn't seem a plausible scenario.

If I am in your position, I will also feel the same. Since the latest firmware had also released, please test and we also looking forward to your feedback. Thank you so much for your patience.
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Flight distance : 761447 ft

After getting this error too (after the last firmware) I am a bit happy to hear it`s a firmware issue.
After the last update, I have the problem in some flights. When I start the record, the gimbal seems to recalibrate itself.
In this time, I cant move it...and after the process it goes back to the position before the "calibration" - when its pointed down, it will point down too. Always reported it to DJI several weeks ago.
I hope they are working on a new update.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States

I initially reported this back in August of 2017, so this is a pretty old thread. That being said, I've had it happen twice in the 100+ flights I've done all over the country. I can't say that I've had it happen on the latest release of firmware, but seeing that it's only happened twice out of 100+ flights, maybe it's just a really rare thing. Again, it doesn't seem to cause any issue other than to freak me out (especially when I'm wearing my goggles!).

If you're experiencing the gimbal resetting a lot, you probably have a different issue than I reported here and you might need to have your drone looked at. This would be especially true if you've had a crash in the past.
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