United Kingdom
ImHereToCrash Posted at 2017-8-24 12:02
i think your settings maybe off is all.. low light photography is a completely different beast than daytime photography. 1st, out of focus, autofocus probably is incapable of helping much here because lack of lighting, manual focus it. second you need to use manual mode and play with settings a bit. i also suggest learning how to shoot manually with a DSLR or mirrorless camera in both good lighting and bad lighting and bring that over to the mavic pro, because that will massively change the quality of shots you can get in less than ideal conditions if you know how to adjust things manually and decent limitations to apply. like for this scene i would probably enable tripod mode up there, set my iso to 400 maybe 600 at most(more iso used the more noise is introduced), set my shutter to 1/8th of a second (maybe?) i dont know but you should play with manual mode a bit and see.
Thanks for the feedback.. to be honest I've not flown this late to dusk o I have to admit Im flying using the settings out of the box. I do use a Nikon P900Coolpix and I've played around with the settings. I'm truly no photographer and have probably shot my best pics on an iphone7+ ... That said I will take on board your advice and settings guidelines. If I go into the app on the phone and adjust the camera settings, will these be saved once the phone is connected to the controller and in turn the Mavic, or do I need to set up the camera with all devices switched on and connected ?
The attached shot was taken later still in less light but without the horizon blur. It's great to be able to pop up in the sky and take a sunset, anytime ;)
Again, thanks.