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so whats your opinoin
1600 38 2017-8-24
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

new update after installing it should we recalibrate imu and compass

hey dji what do you say
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Dji have already told you you just need to read your manual, why are you thinking of calibrating your IMU?
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-24 16:10
Dji have already told you you just need to read your manual, why are you thinking of calibrating your IMU?

read the manual just asking dude chill
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-24 16:10
Dji have already told you you just need to read your manual, why are you thinking of calibrating your IMU?

mabey they change things, there so inconsistent
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1916821 ft
United States

I always do. Firmware updates seem to reset any Calibration done previously. Every time I have flown without calibrating the drone seems to fly funny.
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Charles Adams
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3821312 ft
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United States

I did not, and I will not unless instructed by the software to do so.
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Flight distance : 49623 ft
United States

Since updating, when I palm launch the Spark jumps to the left or right when it takes off.  It doesn't just go straight up.  I may recalibrate the compass to see if that helps.  
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Flight distance : 557818 ft
United States

Charles Adams Posted at 2017-8-24 16:28
I did not, and I will not unless instructed by the software to do so.

I would take the 90 seconds to recal the IMU and compass after a firmware ( and app) update. It couldn't possibly hurt, However I've only taken my spark out for two short runs since this last update, and I can't say I was 100% happy with it. Seemed to drift a bit, and flying via wifi with the rc is still a no-go for me.
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TMUSVI Posted at 2017-8-24 16:14
read the manual just asking dude chill

It's not about chilling, it's trying to give you the best advice.
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Please fly in a wide place and calibrate Imu and compass when you change another place to fly. It will help you improve reliability of the flight system.
If your spark has a bad flight performance, it can be affected by interference, too.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Joepub1 Posted at 2017-8-24 18:08
I would take the 90 seconds to recal the IMU and compass after a firmware ( and app) update. It couldn't possibly hurt, However I've only taken my spark out for two short runs since this last update, and I can't say I was 100% happy with it. Seemed to drift a bit, and flying via wifi with the rc is still a no-go for me.

You will find most crashes start with the opening line, I just calibrated before I took off..

It's very difficult almost impossible to make a good compass better by calibration, but very easy to make it worse.
But hey it's your AC.
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-25 00:37
It's not about chilling, it's trying to give you the best advice.

page 49 of user manual, and now look at the post below yours see what i mean, contradict each other
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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TMUSVI Posted at 2017-8-25 08:10
page 49 of user manual, and now look at the post below yours see what i mean, contradict each other

Well if you think that you should calibrate every time you move your compass and Imu go for it, just remember to bring a very flat and level surface with you where ever you go and maybe throw in a spirit level.
That message is totally wrong but go for it, you will find Electra has been here a very short time, probably to short to be rewriting the manual.
If you get this techy over getting some advice maybe you might like to chill
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-25 08:21
Well if you think that you should calibrate every time you move your compass and Imu go for it, just remember to bring a very flat and level surface with you where ever you go and maybe throw in a spirit level.
That message is totally wrong but go for it, you will find Electra has been here a very short time, probably to short to be rewriting the manual.
If you get this techy over getting some advice maybe you might like to chill

no i dont think you should calibrate every time fact i only calibrated mine 1 time and everything is fine , just saying everyone has a different opinion, its crazy
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

TMUSVI Posted at 2017-8-25 08:34
no i dont think you should calibrate every time fact i only calibrated mine 1 time and everything is fine , just saying everyone has a different opinion, its crazy

and tks for all you advice
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TMUSVI Posted at 2017-8-25 08:34
no i dont think you should calibrate every time fact i only calibrated mine 1 time and everything is fine , just saying everyone has a different opinion, its crazy

Your definitely on the right track. Good Luck.....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
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I will go on a trip to iceland , from netherlands. Is it true than that i only should calibrate the compass? Or also imu. I see some youtube instruction videos which says only compass, but i am not sure now. Can you please advise?
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Flight distance : 1542 ft
United Kingdom

When you calibrate the IMU (this is done for level) when you calibrate a compass it is for direction
once the imu is calibrated it should not need recalibrating again so long as it was done correctly in the first place, ie on a level surface and in the correct order, the key to imu calibration is to make sure the drone is completely still at each reference point. DO NOT hold the drone as you calibrate it, it must be placed on a level surface for all six reference checks.
Compass calibration is a separate thing. The key here is to be in an area with no magnetic, or electro magnetic interfearance. do your compass calibration in a big open space away from your mobile device and your RC  (a good ten paces) Do not have change or other metallic objects in your pockets either. DO NOT do compass calibrations at home or in built up areas.
Ignore people who tell you not to calibrate your compass, when done correctly in the correct environment it can only improve reliability.
Doing a compass calibration in an unsuitable place is the thing that will give you problems.
when changing your location is when a compass calibration should be done, I don't mean when moving a few hundred yards. But when you have moved a reasonable distance. All types of compass have to be calibrated to compensate where in the world they are, so a calibration done in China is no longer relevant if you are in USA or Europe. The compass dose try to correct for this however using your GPS location and GSM signal.
This is known as compass declination (a way to calculate your true heading depending on where you are in the world)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
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Ok thanks , clear now
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Spaners Posted at 2017-8-25 10:19
When you calibrate the IMU (this is done for level) when you calibrate a compass it is for direction
once the imu is calibrated it should not need recalibrating again so long as it was done correctly in the first place, ie on a level surface and in the correct order, the key to imu calibration is to make sure the drone is completely still at each reference point. DO NOT hold the drone as you calibrate it, it must be placed on a level surface for all six reference checks.
Compass calibration is a separate thing. The key here is to be in an area with no magnetic, or electro magnetic interfearance. do your compass calibration in a big open space away from your mobile device and your RC  (a good ten paces) Do not have change or other metallic objects in your pockets either. DO NOT do compass calibrations at home or in built up areas.

Thanks, clear advice!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 889823 ft
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United Kingdom

Just remember that the kit you bought is yours and you can do what ever you like.  
If you feel that something is not quite right and you need to calibrate even though the app isn't telling you, then calibrate its no big deal.  
The big deal is that you do it under the absolute perfect and correct conditions and this is why you are advised not to do it as often as was first advised, because these conditions are variable and can cause bad calibrations.

Ohhh and chill guys, reading these posts where people just argue about crap is boring.
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Flight distance : 1402680 ft

I did recalibrate IMU and Compass...
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Spaners Posted at 2017-8-25 10:19
When you calibrate the IMU (this is done for level) when you calibrate a compass it is for direction
once the imu is calibrated it should not need recalibrating again so long as it was done correctly in the first place, ie on a level surface and in the correct order, the key to imu calibration is to make sure the drone is completely still at each reference point. DO NOT hold the drone as you calibrate it, it must be placed on a level surface for all six reference checks.
Compass calibration is a separate thing. The key here is to be in an area with no magnetic, or electro magnetic interfearance. do your compass calibration in a big open space away from your mobile device and your RC  (a good ten paces) Do not have change or other metallic objects in your pockets either. DO NOT do compass calibrations at home or in built up areas.

Ignore anyone who tells you not to calibrate your compass.

So first you are asking everyone to ignore their manual.

You live in the U.K. No matter where you go in the Uk there is almost no compass declination .

The declination at London, UK is one degree 7 minutes west (2014), and as the country is quite small that figure is fairly good for the whole of the country. It is reducing, and they reckon by 2050 this will be zero, so would you be advising those in the U.K. To calibrate there compass if say they move 50 miles and what would be your reason for this.

Yes maybe if your crossing the US there may be changes in declination i.e. the United States, for example, the declination varies from 16 degrees west in Maine, to 6 in Florida, to 0 degrees in Louisiana, to 4 degrees east (in Texas).

So telling people to ignore those who tell them not to calibrate compass is not the best advice, for those who calibrate what is a good compass if they get it wrong and something happens they crash. And dji tells them that they calibrated their compass wrong and warranty is void.

Most reported crashes and fly always begin with the same opening line, ( I just calibrated my compass and !!!!)

There is one thing we do know about calibration if your compass is good you can't make it better, I fly commercial for Uk company using dji Matrice anytime we get any compass warning whether it's to calibrate or move, we always move location.

So using declination for the need to calibrate you really should spell out distance and point out degrees of difference.

I will be moving 400 miles tomorrow to Islay in Scotland I know I won't need to calibrate anything.

Think you will find all dji drones are set up for the areas they are sent to.
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Flight distance : 1542 ft
United Kingdom

well you do it your way and I will do it mine
all I can tell you is my compass was off by about 15 degrees when I first fired it up, no compass warning. was in my kitchen at the time so didn't take much notice. went for first flight at a big park 6 football fields of just grass. compass was still off with no compass warning. sat in middle (do know about the relative north in the compass view) my m8 was there with his mavic, checked his in same direction as mine. it was reading correctly relative to our position. he asked if id done a calibration to which I replied not yet. I did a compass calibration and hey presto, the compass showed true. flew the quad all good. (only have one battery at mo) flew my racing quads for a bit then went home n charged battery. powered up in my kitchen just to look at app features and you guess what, compass was showing true. I think and this is only my opinion that doing a compass call every time is not needed, what you should be doing is checking that it is correct yourself and not waiting for the app. also its better to tell people how to do soothing correctly than it is to tell them not to do something at all. I have built a lot of quads, I have used a lot of diferent FC's compasses and gps units. I am not a nube. you mite fly an expencive and I must say very clever bit of kit but it don't mean it wont fly away on you if you don't do things properly dose it.
The manual for this bird is sub par to say the least. so your argument fails purely on that level. Its like RTH altitude. it tells you that you can adjust it but not why and when you should. Imu calibration, again nothing about why and when. Channel selection the same.
I'm not an expert by any means but I can answer all of these questions
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

HomePoint Posted at 2017-8-25 12:47
Just remember that the kit you bought is yours and you can do what ever you like.  
If you feel that something is not quite right and you need to calibrate even though the app isn't telling you, then calibrate its no big deal.  
The big deal is that you do it under the absolute perfect and correct conditions and this is why you are advised not to do it as often as was first advised, because these conditions are variable and can cause bad calibrations.

then dont read them dude
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-25 13:38
Ignore anyone who tells you not to calibrate your compass.

So first you are asking everyone to ignore their manual.

move to a new location very smart learned that also good tip hallmark, software told me to recalabrate moved and all was fine ppl fk up there
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Spaners Posted at 2017-8-25 14:13
well you do it your way and I will do it mine
all I can tell you is my compass was off by about 15 degrees when I first fired it up, no compass warning. was in my kitchen at the time so didn't take much notice. went for first flight at a big park 6 football fields of just grass. compass was still off with no compass warning. sat in middle (do know about the relative north in the compass view) my m8 was there with his mavic, checked his in same direction as mine. it was reading correctly relative to our position. he asked if id done a calibration to which I replied not yet. I did a compass calibration and hey presto, the compass showed true. flew the quad all good. (only have one battery at mo) flew my racing quads for a bit then went home n charged battery. powered up in my kitchen just to look at app features and you guess what, compass was showing true. I think and this is only my opinion that doing a compass call every time is not needed, what you should be doing is checking that it is correct yourself and not waiting for the app. also its better to tell people how to do soothing correctly than it is to tell them not to do something at all. I have built a lot of quads, I have used a lot of diferent FC's compasses and gps units. I am not a nube. you mite fly an expencive and I must say very clever bit of kit but it don't mean it wont fly away on you if you don't do things properly dose it.
The manual for this bird is sub par to say the least. so your argument fails purely on that level. Its like RTH altitude. it tells you that you can adjust it but not why and when you should. Imu calibration, again nothing about why and when. Channel selection the same.

This is probably a better way of ensuring you have things in order. ... &fromuid=260008
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 889823 ft
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United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-25 19:30
This is probably a better way of ensuring you have things in order.

But my point is that at the end of your guide (which is great), it says "If you have a good horizontal each time, you will then know you have good GPS good IMU and good Compass, and your ready to fly.", but you may not have all this and the app may not be saying you need to calibrate.  So you should go to a perfect location and get piece of mind and calibrate.  Its probably a once in a lifetime thing, but people should not rely on the app alone, your feeling as you fly should be observed too.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 889823 ft
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United Kingdom

TMUSVI Posted at 2017-8-25 15:55
then dont read them dude

I can't, I am addicted
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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Keep reading then
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Flight distance : 228891 ft
U.S. Virgin Islands

yea i know what you mean have fun and hope for better ones
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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HomePoint Posted at 2017-8-25 23:42
But my point is that at the end of your guide (which is great), it says "If you have a good horizontal each time, you will then know you have good GPS good IMU and good Compass, and your ready to fly.", but you may not have all this and the app may not be saying you need to calibrate.  So you should go to a perfect location and get piece of mind and calibrate.  Its probably a once in a lifetime thing, but people should not rely on the app alone, your feeling as you fly should be observed too.

If you do prechecks properly, what more can you do?

If you apply the exercise for two minutes having checked compass heading your telemetry will tell you if you have gps you are able to see how AC reacts to your instructions.

Ok so you are telling me that when you have a good compass you can make it better by calibration.

You may also explain why most with compass problems when flying first report that they done calibration just before they flew.

You can of course go anywhere you like and calibrate your compass, if you know what's best, my advice is for those who are not sure and want to take precautions before just pushing left stick up not checking how there AC is how it's reacting etc etc,

But if you do a compass calibration and then fly how will you know for your next flight that it is ok or are you just going to take it because you calibrated last time everything is perfect and away you go, my advice was for those who want to prepare for flight, this is something I advise doing for every pre flight.
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Flight distance : 1542 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 is correct in what he is saying, you check everything first. And no you cant make a correctly calibrated sensor better by calibrating it again.
The important things are where and how you calibrate and not to be afraid to do it when it is required.
also don't assume that it will be correct after it is calibrated, you must check against a reference point
my way of checking is much the same as hallmark007 suggests
1. chose a reference point on your map view and position the spark so that the red arrow is pointing at it.
2. check that the spark and the arrow are both pointing the same way.
3. if the reference check is ok take off.
4. keeping the spark in close proximity test all stick responses one at a time including yaw (both directions and full 360degress of rotation)
5. with the spark still in the air, reposition so that the spark is facing your reference point
6. recheck the orientation of the red arrow to your reference point.
If at any time the direction of the spark dose not match that of the arrow move to another location and test again. if the reading is still inconsistent then calibrate.
as I said in a previous post, mine was out at home and out in the field. recalibrated at field then all ok.
Note this is only for compass, not for the IMU
don't try and calibrate the IMU out in the field, you will get it wrong.
You will Know your IMU needs calibrating if your quad drifts/dose not sit level in a hover
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 889823 ft
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United Kingdom

I don't disagree at all.
Just be wary of only calibrating when the app tells you.  I agree don't do it if all is fine, which could mean don't ever do it.  But also, if the app is not telling you to calibrate and something keeps feeling strange, then reassess your situation based on gut feeling, don't always trust the app, as your judgement on a flight is crucial too.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
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Ok hallmark and spaners good discussion
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
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Can you please advise now i am
Travelling from netherlands to iceland, which is far distance from
Eachother. Calibrate compass yes or no?
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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fans61699a75 Posted at 2017-8-27 12:25
Can you please advise now i am
Travelling from netherlands to iceland, which is far distance from
Eachother. Calibrate compass yes or no?

You shouldn't need to calibrate, but make sure you do necessary checks if something is not right you will get a warning, Iceland is the Mecca of droneflying, enjoy and good luck.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
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Yes, thanks
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