Second Officer
United States
The quadcopter flies in any direction at pretty much the same speed. Backwards, sideways, forward, or crossed up. Just like model helicopters. It faces back towards home most likely to reduce wind resistance. It does seem it is off in its calculation on which way to face to point at home.
Check if the drone icon in the phone's lower left is pointing correctly in relation to yourself. The icon uses your phone's compass related to the Sparks compass so you can point the icon right at yourself or to your left or right. I wouldn't worry if it is slightly off as the RTH doesn't turn the entire drone to make tiny adjustments to hit the landing point. That would take forever as winds moved it around over the target. It just slides left, right, or backwards to tighten up the landing point.
A compass swing might make it better if the icon is not pointing correctly. I have never used RTH, myself.