Flight distance : 69633 ft
We have to talk more about these errors. I found "Yaw error", "compass error" and "magnetic field interference" in several logs (mine and others) and not always all of them at the same time.
Does anybody knows, what the reasons for these are? Which implausibilities are leading to these errors?
The longer the more I think its not always external influence, but also software hickups.
A week ago I flew at Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin, an old airfield. It was not possible with two attemps to fly without errors. I got "magnetic interference...." and it changed to OPTI.I think thats the next best after P-GPS, because its stabilized by ground sensors. So if you exit P-GPS mode, reduce height in order to get OPTI Mode as soon as possible. Somehow 7m? But I can see why this happens. A lot of concrete from second world war, radar, in the middle of the city......if something is sensitive, I can understand.
A few days ago I flew on Bornholm/Hammershus. Heavy winds (20-25km/h).
Yaw error and than magnetic interference...... That was critical, heavy wind, cliff, sea. I managed to land and it got the P-GPS back after a while, but not funny.
Somehow an explanation could be, that the interference comes from all the rocks. But honestly. If also rocks at the end of the world can cause this issues, where should we fly than? Or it has something to do in combination with the heavy winds and there is a bad plausibilisation of the sensors done by DJI, which leads me to my latest event.
Yesterday I flew on the beach in Bornholm. No city around, no streets, no rocks, no obvious radar...... island, only heavy winds! I flew one battery empty without any problems. ...........Perfect
Second battery: Only Yaw error, no interference. What should that be? Heavy winds?
Than I landed, switched off everything, switched all on again, I do not even start the Go App newly and flew again. Perfect, same place, same battery. No problems.
So, what is it? Interference? Yes, sometimes. Sometimes not. I think the whole sensor system and the plausibility checks needs to be more robust to avoid unnecessary errors and to have a better failsafe behavior.
BTW: Newest firmware since release, never calibrated compass or IMU because drone doesn't told me to do it until now.