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How to retreive flight records from goggles
11400 34 2017-8-27
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Flight distance : 220197 ft
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United States

I notice when the goggles are connected to DJI assistant 2 there is a data upload tab. That tab shows flight records stored in the goggles (not the sd card). When I try to upload data files. there is a upload failed message. Tried logging in and out of app to no avail. I would like to retrieve these flight records, anyone know a way?
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DJI Mindy

Connect the Goggles to DJI Assistant 2 to upload the flight records to the server.
What is the version of your DJI assistant 2 and Goggles?
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Flight distance : 220197 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-8-28 01:36
Connect the Goggles to DJI Assistant 2 to upload the flight records to the server.
What is the version of your DJI assistant 2 and Goggles?

Hello Mindy,
Thank you for your reply. The Goggles firmware is V01.03.1000  and the DJI Assistant 2 is version V1.1.2-2.
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DJI Mindy

HoverGuy Posted at 2017-8-28 08:15
Hello Mindy,
Thank you for your reply. The Goggles firmware is V01.03.1000  and the DJI Assistant 2 is version V1.1.2-2.

What is the system of your computer? Have you tried other computer? Could you please post a screenshot of error message here?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37201217 ft
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DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-8-29 02:32
What is the system of your computer? Have you tried other computer? Could you please post a screenshot of error message here?

Hello DJI Mindy,
I have no problem uploading the records via the DJI assistant, at least get no error message but rather the message "Upload completed" or some thing similar. However, the big question for me is where do they end up and how do i view them. There are no where to be found in the DJI Go 4 flight record after syncing that one.. So, back to square one: How do i get hold of the flight records registed by the Googgles ?
Cheers !
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DJI Mindy

Johan97 Posted at 2017-9-1 10:14
Hello DJI Mindy,
I have no problem uploading the records via the DJI assistant, at least get no error message but rather the message "Upload completed" or some thing similar. However, the big question for me is where do they end up and how do i view them. There are no where to be found in the DJI Go 4 flight record after syncing that one.. So, back to square one: How do i get hold of the flight records registed by the Googgles ?
Cheers !

Sorry that users are unable to view it at the moment, the records are uploaded to server and only DJI engineers can retrieve that.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37201217 ft
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DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-9-4 03:27
Sorry that users are unable to view it at the moment, the records are uploaded to server and only DJI  engineers can retrieve that.

So, when can we except to be able to access the flightrecords then ?
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Flight distance : 9656 ft

You need a 1.1.1 version of Assistant 2 to do the uploading work which you should download from the Goggles official website.
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DJI Mindy

Johan97 Posted at 2017-9-10 10:31
So, when can we except to be able to access the flightrecords then ?

We have no idea when it will be available for customers, we will report your need and request to our engineers for consideration. Appreciate your patience.
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Flight distance : 607 ft


I've lost my spark when using DJI Googles. Is there a way to retrieve the data in order to find out where exactly it has landed ?

Thank you
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Flight distance : 3684 ft
United Kingdom

Yeah zero reply to any of these important questions... DJI dont want to sort out the logs system then clearly, and what if I want to not upload my logs to DJI and want to upload them to BZZZZT... you dont own your own data according to DJI. Its their property not yours.
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DJI Susan

truthseekers Posted at 2018-6-13 02:12
Yeah zero reply to any of these important questions... DJI dont want to sort out the logs system then clearly, and what if I want to not upload my logs to DJI and want to upload them to BZZZZT... you dont own your own data according to DJI. Its their property not yours.

Sorry for the late response. In case the unfortunate happens, it is recommended to connect the Goggles with DJI Assistant 2 to upload the flight records. Data analysis will be arranged if the unit is still under warranty period.
BTW, if you need one's attention, please click the reply button under one's message, so that he/she can get the reminder and handle it timely, thanks for your cooperation.
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Flight distance : 6053 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-6-13 20:29
Sorry for the late response. In case the unfortunate happens, it is recommended to connect the Goggles with DJI Assistant 2 to upload the flight records. Data analysis will be arranged if the unit is still under warranty period.
BTW, if you need one's attention, please click the reply button under one's message, so that he/she can get the reminder and handle it timely, thanks for your cooperation.

Any update to how/ when we will be able to get OUR flight data from the DJI Goggles, I really hate to think I spent this kind of $ on a device I cant get information from....
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DJI Susan

Blazetamer Posted at 2018-9-2 18:29
Any update to how/ when we will be able to get OUR flight data from the DJI Goggles, I really hate to think I spent this kind of $ on a device I cant get information from....

Sorry, we have not got any news for now. If there is an update, we'll release on our website at the first time.
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Rafal Galinski
Flight distance : 1933346 ft

Hi Guys,

yesterday I have experienced a small fly away of my Mavic AIR during using DJI Googles.

I pressed RTH and started to organize my stuff and after 30 sec. I realized the aircraft landed in trees (RTH Alt. was 70 m, most likely low battery).

Unfortunately, during the flight, I've been switching between iPhone and goggles, just to take some panoramas.

As a consequence now the flight record does not show the complete flight, although Find My Drone shows the position (hanging high on the tree in a pretty deep forest).

So the question is: is it still possible to retrieve the flight data from goggles? Actually, the particular flight does not appear at DJI Assistant 2: Goggles Data Upload....

I would like to find out where exactly it has landed  (how high)?

Thank you

Looks like I have to cut some forest nighttime...




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Flight distance : 719245 ft

This is a HUGE miss for DJI Goggles users. WE need to access flight logs when flying with Goggles.
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Flight distance : 57418 ft
United States

I'm returning mine until this is sorted.  I bought them last Saturday and I'll just wait until the bugs are worked out.
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Flight distance : 17574915 ft
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It is imperative that we have access to flight data when we use googles.
Only then will we be able to see if all is well with the equipment and if we have an incident where we lose sight of it, is the only way we can recover our drone.
Thank you for your understanding.
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Flight distance : 70033 ft
Sri Lanka

Is it possible to view and playback the flight records recorded on the DJI Goggles?

I'm using the latest firmware everywhere. Also, I'm MacOS user.

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Flight distance : 3601959 ft
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United Kingdom

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-9-3 22:47
Sorry, we have not got any news for now. If there is an update, we'll release on our website at the first time.

Is there any news on when the flight logs from the goggles will be available to us yet???
I have a gold Airdata account and cannot upload the logs to it when using the goggles.
This needs to be addressed immediately.
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DJI Susan

Elsmeghead Posted at 1-15 17:32
Is there any news on when the flight logs from the goggles will be available to us yet???
I have a gold Airdata account and cannot upload the logs to it when using the goggles.
This needs to be addressed immediately.

Hi Elsmeghead, we do not have the news for now. Sorry about this. Please keep an eye on our website for future progress, thank you!
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Ted S
Flight distance : 98622 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 1-17 01:05
Hi Elsmeghead, we do not have the news for now. Sorry about this. Please keep an eye on our website for future progress, thank you!

Why is DJI apparently ignoring the problem with Goggle flight records not being available to the user and not synchronizing to DJI Go 4?  This is no longer a NEW issue, it has been a problem since the Goggles have been available to the public!  Does DJI ACTUALLY have a copy of these records they are able to review in case of accident, or loss?  

In my case, there was an accident and inspite of an apparent successful upload of some 55 flight records to DJI's servers, DJI could not verify they had access to even one of those records! They still could not verify anything even after support had my Goggles in hand to examine. So far I've seen no evidence Goggle flight records are located anywhere, except inside the Goggles (and unreadable), in spite of apparent successful uploads to DJI's server.  The topic keeps coming up and DJI has done nothing to fix this problem!  Saying your "sorry" gets really tired after about the 10th time!  
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DJI Susan

Ted S Posted at 1-21 14:41
Why is DJI apparently ignoring the problem with Goggle flight records not being available to the user and not synchronizing to DJI Go 4?  This is no longer a NEW issue, it has been a problem since the Goggles have been available to the public!  Does DJI ACTUALLY have a copy of these records they are able to review in case of accident, or loss?  

In my case, there was an accident and inspite of an apparent successful upload of some 55 flight records to DJI's servers, DJI could not verify they had access to even one of those records! They still could not verify anything even after support had my Goggles in hand to examine. So far I've seen no evidence Goggle flight records are located anywhere, except inside the Goggles (and unreadable), in spite of apparent successful uploads to DJI's server.  The topic keeps coming up and DJI has done nothing to fix this problem!  Saying your "sorry" gets really tired after about the 10th time!

Ted, for your case, we have offered the best solution for you. For the flight records when connected with DJI Goggles, we're sorry that it might be inconclusive if the flight records interrupted suddenly, which may happen when connected mobile device only. Hope for your understanding.
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Flight distance : 73553 ft
United States

I really wish i seen this before getting  them ! I really like to sell them now !  
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Flight distance : 220197 ft
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United States

This is such an issue for me that I was forced to purchase the new smart controller. Now I plug the goggles using the hdmi connector and use the goggles in that fashion. Kind of defeats the whole issue of wireless goggles.
And to add insult to injury, also have goggles RE and they have the same issue as well.

Only nice thing about the smart controller is the goggles can view all the information on the SC including the map, which the goggles cannot do alone.
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Flight distance : 73553 ft
United States

I seen that this has been a problem since 2017 and still not able to read your flight logs....not good Dji
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Flight distance : 3601959 ft
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United Kingdom

HoverGuy Posted at 1-29 14:41
This is such an issue for me that I was forced to purchase the new smart controller. Now I plug the goggles using the hdmi connector and use the goggles in that fashion. Kind of defeats the whole issue of wireless goggles.
And to add insult to injury, also have goggles RE and they have the same issue as well.

I resorted to getting the HDMI output module for the P4 controller. Goggles connected through HDMI with OSD of essential flight information. That way I can still connect via USB to the ipad and run Litchi which allows me to upload the flight logs to Airdata.
As TED S says, less of the "sorry" and more of the "solution" please DJI.
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Flight distance : 3601959 ft
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United Kingdom

Elsmeghead Posted at 2-5 23:08
I resorted to getting the HDMI output module for the P4 controller. Goggles connected through HDMI with OSD of essential flight information. That way I can still connect via USB to the ipad and run Litchi which allows me to upload the flight logs to Airdata.
As TED S says, less of the "sorry" and more of the "solution" please DJI.

I've come up with a solution (of sorts)
Just been out with my new MPPlatinum, started up controller and aircraft then launched dji go4. Then turned on the goggles. Had full control with the goggles and flight logs were saved by go4 app and uploadable to Airdata through the DJI login section. Also worked with Litchi and the goggles connected.
Although flights without an app running still didn't create an accessible flight log.
So all I can say is, make sure you have either Go4 or Litchi running. You can still use the goggles and have access to your flight logs.
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Flight distance : 1081132 ft
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United States

Elsmeghead Posted at 2-11 05:24
I've come up with a solution (of sorts)
Just been out with my new MPPlatinum, started up controller and aircraft then launched dji go4. Then turned on the goggles. Had full control with the goggles and flight logs were saved by go4 app and uploadable to Airdata through the DJI login section. Also worked with Litchi and the goggles connected.
Although flights without an app running still didn't create an accessible flight log.

So, basically using the goggles yourself while flying with Go4 instead of giving the goggles to a friend to watch along. Good idea!
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DJI Susan Posted at 1-22 03:03
Ted, for your case, we have offered the best solution for you. For the flight records when connected with DJI Goggles, we're sorry that it might be inconclusive if the flight records interrupted suddenly, which may happen when connected mobile device only. Hope for your understanding.

6 months later, did DJI engineers find a solution ?

Or are you still OK with loosing customers for this DJI product ?
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DJI Susan

Jan_oi Posted at 6-27 00:34
6 months later, did DJI engineers find a solution ?

Hi Jan_oi, may I know what troubles do you encountered when using DJI Goggles?
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Flight distance : 84026 ft


Hello, I flight with Phantom 4 Pro with DJI Goggles, I flyed without tablet because Goggles was connected via cord with remote controller. I thought the track was recorded into Goggles, but in Assistant 2 I found data upload, but I can not see the track of my drone. I need it for research. Cuold you help me or is it still unsolved problem?
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Flight distance : 233645 ft
United States

Mpar Posted at 2020-12-25 02:04
Hello, I flight with Phantom 4 Pro with DJI Goggles, I flyed without tablet because Goggles was connected via cord with remote controller. I thought the track was recorded into Goggles, but in Assistant 2 I found data upload, but I can not see the track of my drone. I need it for research. Cuold you help me or is it still unsolved problem?

I'm in the exact same boat. Any update ?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3971188 ft
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United States

Bumping this thread.   I need the telemetry data for AirData as well as for visualFX work... I just added the FPV drone to my arsenal of DJI Skyware (I2, M2P, MP, SP).  

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Flight distance : 134554 ft


Did you try doing it on your computer, not on the phone? I lost my drone and found all kinds of information that was downloaded to the fly app (both mobile and computer version) but only once I connect the goggles to my computer. Once everything is downloaded from the goggles you can select the file you want and download just that to the hard drive of your computer. However it is some weird file format that I at least, couldn't open.
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