Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
Nigel_ Posted at 2017-8-31 07:55
If you can place a permanent marker on the water, eg a buoy then you can fly out to the buoy, point the camera down, centre the buoy in the image and that gives you the position, visual hold will keep the position exact as you rise up to the correct height. Two buoys would also allow you to align the yaw angle correctly although you may be able to do that easier on something fixed near the corner of the photo once you are at height, you need something to set the gimbal pitch on anyway and it can be the same thing.
You could also use a launch pad on land and fly out x distance from home in the direction set by the launch pad, however then you are relying on GPS not drifting during the flight which is unlikely. The visual hold on a buoy would be much more accurate.
Thanks for a great reply Nigel! I'm with you on both suggestions, just a hitch with the buoy: its approx 60m deep and with tidal (could compensete for that capturing pics at the same time of the day) currents. So the offset might be irregular. Do you have any experience with the litchi if its possible to create missions with x/y -coordinates?
edit: typos