Xian Onemanshow
Flight distance : 5911342 ft
Hello Guys .
I encountered a couple of random issues that i never had with my P4 Pro before ( barely had issues with it since the purchase , but Again i NEVER ran an Update on it ) .
The Air Craft was pretty fine/ stable and very enjoyable as oposed to my P3 STD experience .
I had for the past few days the Remote Controler Firmware update notification ( that i ignored ) , i finally then updated the following :
Previous setup since ooo ( Out of the Box) :
The RC : Version
The App : Version 4.1.5
AFTER ( now)
RC :
App : 4.1.7
And FINALLY An NFZ UPDATE that popped up on my screen was also done right after the RC UPDATE .
Since then , i had the following issues since yesterday morning :
- BEEPING remote control when powered ON with the Red LED flashing ( NEVER HAD THIS BEFORE )
- Aircraf Disconnect at 60meters with MAX alitutude travel and flight reached /Unable to control the Aircraft /AC started FLYING AWAY when initiated RTH ( NEVER HAD THIS BEFORE )
- Today , started a fly without issues and about 1km away at 100m alititude lost the signal and AC DISCONNECTED ( was flying on a PRivate RC PLANE are with NO interfefences or signal issues, i have acheived 13kms round trip in that same spot location ) .
Those issues really really made me mad since it was right after the FW update on the RC .
The scary part was the drone FLYING AWAY from me when i initiated the RTH , luckily , i was still low ( that 's the only thing the remote would do , go a bit lower and higher but very very slowy , no matter how far the stick were pushed all the way ...
I was on an empty field and able to walk to the AC , got it low enough and grab it /turn the engines off ...
Here are the steps i did in order :
**** BEEPING remote ( but still possible to FLY) :
Turning OFF AC/ RC and back on again --> FAILED to remove the BIP
C1 C2 combo key re - assignment + RC Re lync to the AC --> FAILED to remove the BIP
RC reset --> FAILED to remove the BIP
FW update and RC + AC reboot --> FAILED to remove the BIP
RC + AC rebooted on 4th attempt --> BIP FINALLY STOPPED and i was able to fly without BEEPING SOUND
****AC Disconnect with MAX ALtitude and Flight distance reached :
Grabbing the AC and turning of the power , let it sat for 5 minutes , rebooting and was able to fly without issues .
* The RTH in the wrong direction did really scared me taugh **
****Random RC Disconnect on a safe area/ environment ***
Happened a couple of hours ago , initiated RTH and landed safely , haven't tried another fly yet .
Please note that :
--- i have near 200 flights and know my way around the APP so the details like :
BEGINNER MODE /SET MAX Altitude or Distance
Antennas position / interferences / batteries level / Tablet or phone memory allocation .... were all CLEARED OUT Manually right after my UPDATES . Went thru ALL calibrations as well ( IMU/Gimball/Remote ...)
Has anyone already encountered these symptoms before ? this is the VERY FIRST TIME for me having issues with my P4 P ( RIGHT AFTER the only SW App and Remote FW update )
I am very sad that this was GOING SOOOO WELL , i really enjoyed this P4P , but these issues rigght after the RC update + NFZ updtes are really bothering , might not have anything to do with anything but .... that's Sucks big time !!!