 First Officer
United States
Simple terms the FAA has sole jurisdiction of the airspace, and local law does not, however, they can choose to assist the FAA in enforcement but it will come down to a federal matter. Meaning the FBI will have to take over from the local LE. For example you can fly over a nuke power plant, local LE has no jurisdiction, yet they can be called to apprehend you and then hold you for the federal authorities. BTW this happened to a glider pilot a few years ago.
Now the FAA has established a 400 foot zone, surface to 400, where we can operate freely with some circumstantial restrictions. If while operating there and we are stalking, committing peeping tom actions, being a public nuisance, landing & taking off on prohibited land, trespassing, etc. etc. then local LE can arrest or fine you for those actions.
So as others stated, check your local laws, be a good neighbor, and use common sense. If confronted by LE be professional and proper be nice...don't be stupid. |