Flight distance : 254646 ft
After the latest DJI Go 4 App for IOS updated. I went to fly out as per usual. I'm not running the latest firmware on the drone or radio just the last good working firmware. I should honestly check what that version is, but anyways now I'm getting that red error box message "Your Flight Altitude and distance have been limited to 30m and 50m. Please try again after restarting." I know the fix was to make sure you are logged into the dji go 4 app and I am. Not sure why this is coming up and it's not limiting me to fly, I flew a few km out no problem. Should I try loggin out and back in or is this dji trying to force us to use the failware and be grounded? Otherwise I can just resume ignoring the message as I just close it anyways. But input would be great, thank you.