Flight distance : 2543038 ft
Dear all,
After a long procedure (more than 25 steps) , my P4 is now operational with the last but buggy firmware of DJI. But probably buggy is not the correct word, I said "sensible".
One of the problems is also Twitching just after the firmware upgrade (more than 3 weeks ago), and very instable, dropping 1 meter suddenly (KP index : 2).
So my drone was on the ground, but this afternoon, the issue is solved for me.
Weather condition this afternoon was poor (rain, wind of 9 km/h), but I have the desire to test the result of my procedure.
So, I have no royalties in the dji firm, just want to help the community.
If you have now this issue with the P4, do you want to wait for the DJI fix or continue to fly and enjoy the new features and also fligh improvements ?
So please just follow the procedure Here , it's on the dji forum on another subject.
I'm so happy to fly again without issues (for the moment)! ;-)
Good luck, hope this help!