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P4 Twitching flight after latest firmware
1705 12 2017-9-7
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Flight distance : 481939 ft
United States

My P4 has started twitching.  The only thing that has changed is that I upgraded the latest "required" firmware and this was my first flight since the update.

I posted here that the flight restriction database had stalled at 59%: ... 87&page=1#pid941274

Details: Upon take-off I noticed some strange flight twitching.  I landed and rebooted and tried again, but no resolve.  So I recalibrated the IMU and Compass. Tried another take-off and same thing.  I went out a bit, but it was obvious twitching in flight so I landed.  
Here is some video:

Is this a software issue?  I hope so.  How can I fix this?

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Flight distance : 79957 ft
United Kingdom

you cannot roll back firmware on assistant 2 anymore you will have to use a 3rd party app to get your drone flying properly again, some people have been lucky in the upgrade but a vast majority have had major problems since the firmware upgrade
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Flight distance : 11965 ft

There is - among other things - an IMU problem with the new firmware. The calibration mode of the IMU has changed, so the management of the IMU has changed, and one finds - in other - a problem of stability. And it's not the power of my tablet that seems to be at issue here, I do not think it handles the IMU. (as some suggest). I will no longer fly this drone after a final test this morning as a new update will not be available, the drone being in my opinion capable of flight under conditions of safe security. It's down for me, but it's a software failure and it has nothing to do at DJI repair centers until this software repair is done.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
  • >>>
United States

Hi ND... yep, you are seeing the same problem many of us are experiencing after the recent updates.  I posted the exact same video nearly three months ago of MY P4.When I say "Recent", I mean close to three months ago.  (DJI... Three months.... ahem.)

We are all hoping that DJI will release a software/firmware fix before they decide to release a Rose Gold version of the P4P.

In the meantime, post your information to this poll...
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Flight distance : 481939 ft
United States

usarfireman Posted at 2017-9-7 06:07
you cannot roll back firmware on assistant 2 anymore you will have to use a 3rd party app to get your drone flying properly again, some people have been lucky in the upgrade but a vast majority have had major problems since the firmware upgrade

thanks all,.. this sucks... this is my only pro drone and i want to fly for fun -- my only outlet these days.

can  someone direct me me to an old firmware and 3rd party app as described?
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Flight distance : 481939 ft
United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2017-9-7 07:21
Hi ND... yep, you are seeing the same problem many of us are experiencing after the recent updates.  I posted the exact same video nearly three months ago of MY P4.When I say "Recent", I mean close to three months ago.  (DJI... Three months.... ahem.)

We are all hoping that DJI will release a software/firmware fix before they decide to release a Rose Gold version of the P4P.

Thanks @Mabou2 , marked #1, but did not test others.
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Flight distance : 481939 ft
United States

nd34567890 Posted at 2017-9-7 08:24
Thanks @Mabou2 , marked #1, but did not test others.

DJI Customer Service told me to recalibrate VPS (Vision Positioning System) with DJI Assistant 2 and it should fix the problem.  I will test within 2 days and report back.
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Flight distance : 481939 ft
United States

nd34567890 Posted at 2017-9-7 11:00
DJI Customer Service told me to recalibrate VPS (Vision Positioning System) with DJI Assistant 2 and it should fix the problem.  I will test within 2 days and report back.

rather than double posting, here is a link to my results: ... 20558/#post-1256720
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Flight distance : 8032523 ft
  • >>>

nd34567890 Posted at 2017-9-7 11:00
DJI Customer Service told me to recalibrate VPS (Vision Positioning System) with DJI Assistant 2 and it should fix the problem.  I will test within 2 days and report back.

DJI 'support' will waste your time as much as possible in an attempt to shift their responsibility. There is no fix until they fix their failware.

* They haven't acknowledged the litany of issues crested by this failware.
* they've offered no apology to their customers
* they haven't provided any time frames on when this will be fixed
* they've instructed customers to return their P4, then charged them to fix their drone which they (DJI) broke. Insane...

The fact that DJI's 'support' is absolutely useless adds to the frustration. 12 months ago, DJI had a somewhat useful support ecosystem. That's been scaled back to a centralised centre somewhere in Asia (probably Philippines) and no one has any technical ability or understanding of the product.

DJI's abhorrent behaviour during this fiasco is nothing short of despicable.

The only official fix to your issue is to wait for DJI to fix this failware. We've been waiting for over 2 months now.

I've been advocating to launch a class action but this would be best filed in the US.

Good luck.
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Flight distance : 2543038 ft

Dear all,

After a long procedure (more than 25 steps) , my P4 is now operational with the last but buggy firmware of DJI. But probably buggy is not the correct word, I said "sensible".
One of the problems is also Twitching just after the firmware upgrade (more than 3 weeks ago), and very instable, dropping 1 meter suddenly (KP index : 2).
So my drone was on the ground, but this afternoon, the issue is solved for me.

Weather condition this afternoon was poor (rain, wind of 9 km/h), but I have the desire to test the result of my procedure.

So, I have no royalties in the dji firm, just want to help the community.
If you have now this issue with the P4, do you want to wait for the DJI fix or continue to fly and enjoy the new features and also fligh improvements ?

So please just follow the procedure Here , it's on the dji forum on another subject.

I'm so happy to fly again without issues (for the moment)!    ;-)

Good luck, hope this help!

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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Why in the US?  Surely Poland has as many ambulance chasing lawyers there as here.
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Flight distance : 95144 ft
United States

nd34567890 Posted at 2017-9-7 11:00
DJI Customer Service told me to recalibrate VPS (Vision Positioning System) with DJI Assistant 2 and it should fix the problem.  I will test within 2 days and report back.

It doesn't fix the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Flight distance : 2441089 ft
United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2017-9-7 07:21
Hi ND... yep, you are seeing the same problem many of us are experiencing after the recent updates.  I posted the exact same video nearly three months ago of MY P4.When I say "Recent", I mean close to three months ago.  (DJI... Three months.... ahem.)

We are all hoping that DJI will release a software/firmware fix before they decide to release a Rose Gold version of the P4P.

"Rose Gold" LOL.  Good luck getting credit for that when they actually do it!
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