Hi guys
i came accross a situation that UAV/ Weather apps and my other tools didn't predict .
Was performing a test flight and i bumped into a sudden rain ( a couple of times actually ) but only captured one video .
I was very surprised , the AC did well , barely wet ( i guess wind and speed) and performed very well , it happened to me twice on the same day , 4 hours apart , the AC is just fine , flew yesterday and today , no issues at all .
I must say and admit again , i LOVE that P4 P ( Phantom ) architecture way too much
DJI isn't too specific about how much "rain" a Phantom can fly through, but I would assume they have the common sense enough to try to make their equipment as water "repellant" as possible. At least you could see the cloud coming. Last month I flew on a cloudy day and one little cloud decided to dump on me. Likewise, I the P4P came back without any problems and has flown just fine ever since.
Nice video. As always, return to home asap is suggested when it meets the unexpected rain. Warranty might be void if the waterproof mark changes to red.