Xian Onemanshow
Flight distance : 5911342 ft
United Kingdom
Hi guys .
Went out flying out , ( no straight , No VLOS, but clear enough ) , Did 26000ft ( One way) then turn around and on the return trip , too much powerful front wind , battery dropped and at around 17% the AC wanted to land itself , no control over , i had the camera down from 28% and was starting to anticipate an emergency safe landing area .
Pushed the bird behind a tree , i guess he dropped/ crashed ( i was about 4 miles away) .
Got in the car and after a few minutes i found it , it was very foolish to increase the range and bypassing my limits ( i should have grown 1000ft/per flight)
Bird is way better , smoother with the old FW . No damages , full flight on another battery after the crash / recovery.
*** I totally forgot to change my Autoland settings as before , but since i was testing the downgraded Fw , i did not have too.
The trip :
24800ft /58% Batt ... i kept going ( stupid me )
26000 started turn around :
Bird started to land here , I pushed the stick to have it land behind the Tree , not too far from the road
Then ...disconnected and vanished from all radars .....
This is the sat pic who helped me too ( missing from a line above )
Got in the car , used the nav to get to the city name /area and used the map to find the tree .
On Long range flights , i always monitor areas i am above in case something happen and i need to get there , great exercise .
Actual tree ( cell pic)
Where the bird crashed