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dronedeploy app
5609 15 2017-9-15
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

When using dronedeploy do you have to first open dji go app, log onto drone, then close the dji go app, before opening and running a dronedeploy mission.

I heard somewhere that opening dji go was required to register home point.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


As you know, if the drone will be restricted if the user doesn't log into the DJI GO App. But, if you wanna fly the drone with a third-party APP,  you can follow those steps to break this restriction.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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DJI Diana Posted at 2017-9-15 03:18
As you know, if the drone will be restricted if the user doesn't log into the DJI GO App. But, if you wanna fly the drone with a third-party APP,  you can follow those steps to break this restriction.

Does that mean the drone will fly in NFZ when using 3rd party apps?
(in other words, are the NFZ's in the DJI GO(4) app?)
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DJI Susan

Montfrooij Posted at 2017-9-15 04:51
Does that mean the drone will fly in NFZ when using 3rd party apps?
(in other words, are the NFZ's in the DJI GO(4) app?)

Nope, the NFZ is related with the aircraft GPS signal. As long as the drone received the GPS signal in NFZ, it will be restricted to fly.
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Flight distance : 2882041 ft
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DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-15 20:26
Nope, the NFZ is related with the aircraft GPS signal. As long as the drone received the GPS signal in NFZ, it will be restricted to fly.

Ok, thanks for the info!
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United Kingdom

Just FYI drone deploy no longer supports the phantom standard.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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It's a bit late but it looks like no-one answered your question.
You use either DJI Go or DroneDeploy but never together.
There's no need to start Go first to record your home point.
The Phantom does that itself without any app.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2562467 ft

Daveb, you purchase the Drone Deploy? Because in free trial you only can size the area, and plan the mission, but I didn't be able to fly in that mission. I used Pix4D and worked.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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allyssongemelli Posted at 2017-9-24 06:01
Daveb, you purchase the Drone Deploy? Because in free trial you only can size the area, and plan the mission, but I didn't be able to fly in that mission. I used Pix4D and worked.

You should try again.
You can fly any mission in DroneDeploy for free.
You only have to pay to process the images you collect during the flight - and they also have a free plan for lower resolution image processing.
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

After a lot of faffing about I managed to get drone deploy to connect at home, and not give me the message wifi is not supported. Indoors it then states waiting for drone, but that will be because theres no gps. When I try the same routine out in the field where I want to fly the misson the darn thing goes back to wifi not supported, and wont allow me to even load the mission. A pal of mine who flys with an inspire never has an issue, but then the inspire is far more advanced, I am thinking maybe the 3 std isn't supported, and it now needs Lightbridge in order to connect. Cant quite work out why I can sometimes get it to be waiting for drone though. Non of that gives me enough confidence to fly. Will have a look at pix4D.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2562467 ft

I captured the images with Pix4D with no problem. And after a upload in Drone Deploy, but as the friends said above, they process in low resolution. And I have to set manually the camera for better quality. It wasnt so good the images.
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

So this morning I managed to fly a mission in dronedeploy. Had to plan the flight path at the location and not remotely. Mission flew great. Problem no images taken. Dam.
I had intended to fly a mission on Pix4D, but at the site I couldn't connect the phantom, yet at home it did.
So back to the drawing board.
Anybody know why dronedeploy failed to take any images.
I did a short flight in djigo to test my heights and took some images, all worked perfectly.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Daveb500 Posted at 2017-9-25 23:08
So this morning I managed to fly a mission in dronedeploy. Had to plan the flight path at the location and not remotely. Mission flew great. Problem no images taken. Dam.
I had intended to fly a mission on Pix4D, but at the site I couldn't connect the phantom, yet at home it did.
So back to the drawing board.

Dronedeploy have a good forum:
Search there ar ask to find answers.
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United Kingdom

Daveb500 Posted at 2017-9-25 23:08
So this morning I managed to fly a mission in dronedeploy. Had to plan the flight path at the location and not remotely. Mission flew great. Problem no images taken. Dam.
I had intended to fly a mission on Pix4D, but at the site I couldn't connect the phantom, yet at home it did.
So back to the drawing board.

Drone deploy app no longer works with phantom 3 standard.
As you I can fly missions but won't take pictures.
I have same problem with pix4d.
Only thing that can get to actually fly a mission and take pictures is dji gspro on iPad.
Not on iPhone yet though.
I use maps made easy for processing.
As long as you're under about 60 images it's free and you get all data including 3D model
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United Kingdom

Due to limited support for the Phantom 3s and Phantom 3 4k drones within the DJI SDK, we have decided to stop continuing development for these models. Although the DroneDeploy app may work with these drones, our support team will not be troubleshooting issues related to them. We strongly recommend that any users currently flying either the Phantom 3s or the Phantom 3 4k with DroneDeploy upgrade to one of the drones best supported by both DroneDeploy and the DJI SDK for a better mapping experience.

This is from drone deploy forum
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Flight distance : 191742 ft
United Kingdom

Imeleon Posted at 2017-9-27 08:08
Due to limited support for the Phantom 3s and Phantom 3 4k drones within the DJI SDK, we have decided to stop continuing development for these models. Although the DroneDeploy app may work with these drones, our support team will not be troubleshooting issues related to them. We strongly recommend that any users currently flying either the Phantom 3s or the Phantom 3 4k with DroneDeploy upgrade to one of the drones best supported by both DroneDeploy and the DJI SDK for a better mapping experience.

This is from drone deploy forum

Yes picked that message up from dronedeploy as well. Personally I think its rubbish that they choose to do that, its a simple few lines in the code to make the camera work, You can plan and fly missions, it even moves the camera to point down.
As to pix4D I have managed to get it working  with my P3S it even takes images. Flown a couple of missions, covered 76 acres in each misson and took over 220 images in each one.

I have used dronedeploy to produce the 3d as I found that better than the one from pix4D. It can be pain to get it to connect, it seems to take 3 or 4 attempts and reboots of the tablet. Also I take off manually, then commence the program.

It does feel strange watching your bird fly away, in order to track it you have to keep the controller pointing at the bird, I do use argteck.

Results are fantastic though.
dronedeploy image link
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