 First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
United Kingdom
rszarka Posted at 2017-9-16 03:49
Aardvark.... i did as you suggested , switched back to the most current firmware ...go to it in the area where you hold for 10 seconds those 3 vertical lines top right of the screen before you enter the go app ...the icon that lets you enter academy if you just tap it ...updated to the latest firmware ....turned the controller on and the continues beeping was back and the led button was still flashing red green like in the video ...the go app said that an update was required even though i put the latest in already ..so i did the download and upgrade like the app was telling me too .....the picture below is the result...i think this controller may be stuffed! i know i will probably be scared to death of upgrading firmware form now on lol As everything was going great until this update!
Thanks for the update, looks like you may be right regarding controller. I have a couple of suggestions, neither of which may work, but worth a try if it saves returning unit.
You could perhaps try a RC Reset/Relink using the following :-
Try to reset the RC
* Turn on the controller, the aircraft should be off.
* Press C1, C2 (The two buttons on back of RC), and shutter (top right button nearest antenna) on the controller and hold for about 2 seconds or so until it beeps (D-DDD), then turn the controller off.
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller and link the remote if needed.
The Re-Link can be done manually (without using DJI Go):-
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller, wait 30 seconds for aircraft to initialise.
* Press C1, C2, and the record button (top left button) on the controller, then the controller will beep 'D-DD'.
*Let go all fingers, then press the wheel on the right side of the controller (It's a 'click wheel', similar to a mouse wheel) and then the first light of the controller will become blue and it will constantly beep DDDD.
* Use a pen to click the linking button on the aircraft and hold for 3-5 seconds (the button doubles up as LED to left of SD card slot), and then take the pen off the aircraft and wait, it will link soon.