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Controller Issues after todays update
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3289 40 2017-9-15
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

So I went out to fly today and the Go APP told me a controller update was available and necessary...I did the download and update via the DJI Go APP completed and all seemed well . Next time i went to turn on my controller on i gt a continues beeping and a message in the Go APP saying hardware malfunction contact DJI support for repairs.
ANy ideas guys what could be the story here? What can i do to solve this or do i need to get repairs? Seriously a firmware update and now my controller is messed up ?!?!

Thanks in advance for any help suggestions
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Flight distance : 677953 ft
United States

I had the same issue.  One more RC reboot and you should be good.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

It will never force you to update.  Whether to do it or not is your decision.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 128471 ft
United Kingdom

Just updated RC firmware to 1.9.3. Full battery charge to zero battery when I rebooted the unit. Back to full charge when I rebooted again. ?????

Any idea what the new firmware does/improves?
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

fanse5394b5d Posted at 2017-9-15 07:31
Just updated RC firmware to 1.9.3. Full battery charge to zero battery when I rebooted the unit. Back to full charge when I rebooted again. ?????

Any idea what the new firmware does/improves?

Nightwish thanks for the suggestion I will give it a go. One quick question for you, since now dji go app just goes straight to hardware malfunction and does not give me the option to update etc when i plug in the controller how do i reboot the controller...through the DJI very new to all of this. When was updating a blue LEd was flashing and it was making a stream of beeps through the whole process is that normal?

Alabama it did not force me to update, After turning it all on  a red triangle showed up in the status  that said that the controller needed to be updated. I did not mean to suggest i was forced... Being a new drone pilot i assumed it was a good idea to follow instructions given in the Go app.
If i gave the wrong impression that i am annoyed with my Phantom 4 thats the furthest thing from the in love with this machine it has got to be the coolest thing i have ever used...what worries me the most at this moment is downtime and not being able to go out tomorrow and having to wait for repairs...

Fanse im sorry mate, i cant help i am a total beginner  and just learning about all of this...hopefully someone comments here that knows the answer for you..

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Flight distance : 202585 ft
United States

Yeah the beeps concerned me as well. Then the fact that it went insane during the first reboot was very unnerving. However the second reboot returned everything to normal. yeesh.
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Flight distance : 677953 ft
United States

All I did was shut it off after the update (press & release power button, then press and hold) then turned it back on (same procedure).  At that time, I received the same error and beeping that you have described.  I shut it off and restarted once more using the power button on the controller and all was well.

Several flights since then without any issues.

EDIT: and yes, the blue flashing and beeps are normal during updating (I think!)
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DJI Susan

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-15 08:14
Nightwish thanks for the suggestion I will give it a go. One quick question for you, since now dji go app just goes straight to hardware malfunction and does not give me the option to update etc when i plug in the controller how do i reboot the controller...through the DJI very new to all of this. When was updating a blue LEd was flashing and it was making a stream of beeps through the whole process is that normal?

Alabama it did not force me to update, After turning it all on  a red triangle showed up in the status  that said that the controller needed to be updated. I did not mean to suggest i was forced... Being a new drone pilot i assumed it was a good idea to follow instructions given in the Go app.

Is the firmware update successful? How about restarting the controller? Please confirm. If not, please upload a short video, I'd like to check.
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DJI Susan

fanse5394b5d Posted at 2017-9-15 07:31
Just updated RC firmware to 1.9.3. Full battery charge to zero battery when I rebooted the unit. Back to full charge when I rebooted again. ?????

Any idea what the new firmware does/improves?

We will update the release note soon.
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-15 20:03
We will update the release note soon.

Thank you all for the replies!
Here is an update to whats going on ..i tried rebooting the controller but it did not help ...i also reset the controller holding down the c1 and c2 keys pressing the record key ... then did a reboot help ..

I then reflashed the new firmware ...same situation
I then downgraded to the 16.0 firmware ..reconnected the remote to the aircraft...
i thought maybe all was ok but the led light on the remote is flashing very very fast between red and green and in the dji go app i kept getting image transmission error over and over again... as susan knows from another post i made a few days back  i have had some issues with image transmission over the last few flights..but thought that was because of public wifi on the beach i was flying over.
I treat my drone like a baby ..i am very gentle with it ..have never dropped it or crashed it ..also all of this started after the friware i still believe this may be software and not hardware related but not sure where to go from here least the drone is reconnected to the controller but i now have this new issue ....any suggestions

I am still under warranty both from DJI and a 2 year Warranty from the store i bought it from but would prefer not to have downtime waiting for repairs or a new device ...i have some disabilities so i got this thing to get me out of the house and get me more active ....its been working big time haha New positive use for drones get inactive people active works i have been out and a bout more in the last 3 weeks than in the last 3 years

Susan what would you like me to upload a video of??? What the controller is doing ...the flashing green / red led and errors recieved in dji go?

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Flight distance : 217198 ft

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-15 23:46
Thank you all for the replies!
Here is an update to whats going on ..i tried rebooting the controller but it did not help ...i also reset the controller holding down the c1 and c2 keys pressing the record key ... then did a reboot help ..

Susan here is a video of what my RC is presently doing ....

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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-16 01:04
Susan here is a video of what my RC is presently doing ....

Phantom 4 RC error

I would try updating it again, with the latest build on the aircraft (V02.00.0106) the RC needed to be upgraded to V1.9.2 (that was available last aircraft update), or as it now stands V1.9.3. If this RC upgrade were not done then your RC would behave as you see it in your video.

There is a small chance there may have been a fault in the update on the first attempt.

After update try cycling the power a couple of times, and there is also a chance that the RC may need to be relinked to the aircraft.
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New controller update enables dji goggles head tracking flight. Not sure if there are other improvements. Only noticed this one. Had to upgrade the ac to the latest- wobbles like crazy
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

Aardvark.... i did as you suggested , switched back to the most current firmware ...go to it in the area where you hold for 10 seconds those 3 vertical lines top right of the screen before you enter the go app  ...the icon that lets you enter academy if you just tap it ...updated to the latest firmware ....turned the controller on and the continues beeping was back and the led button was still flashing red green like in the video ...the go app said that an update was required even though i put the latest in already i did the download and upgrade like the app was telling me too .....the picture below is the result...i think this controller may be stuffed! i know i will probably be scared to death of upgrading firmware form now on lol As everything was going great until this update!

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Flight distance : 217198 ft

DJI Susan

Should i be sending this in for warranty repair? I am still within the 1 year warranty period....Is there authorized warranty repair centers in Australia?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-16 03:49
Aardvark.... i did as you suggested , switched back to the most current firmware ...go to it in the area where you hold for 10 seconds those 3 vertical lines top right of the screen before you enter the go app  ...the icon that lets you enter academy if you just tap it ...updated to the latest firmware ....turned the controller on and the continues beeping was back and the led button was still flashing red green like in the video ...the go app said that an update was required even though i put the latest in already i did the download and upgrade like the app was telling me too .....the picture below is the result...i think this controller may be stuffed! i know i will probably be scared to death of upgrading firmware form now on lol As everything was going great until this update!


Thanks for the update, looks like you may be right regarding controller. I have a couple of suggestions, neither of which may work, but worth a try if it saves returning unit.

You could perhaps try a RC Reset/Relink using the following :-

Try to reset the RC
* Turn on the controller, the aircraft should be off.
* Press C1, C2 (The two buttons on back of RC), and shutter (top right button nearest antenna) on the controller and hold for about 2 seconds or so until it beeps (D-DDD), then turn the controller off.
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller and link the remote if needed.

The Re-Link can be done manually (without using DJI Go):-

* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller, wait 30 seconds for aircraft to initialise.
* Press C1, C2, and the record button (top left button) on the controller, then the controller will beep 'D-DD'.
*Let go all fingers, then press the wheel on the right side of the controller (It's a 'click wheel', similar to a mouse wheel) and then the first light of the controller will become blue and it will constantly beep DDDD.
* Use a pen to click the linking button on the aircraft and hold for 3-5 seconds (the button doubles up as LED to left of SD card slot), and then take the pen off the aircraft and wait, it will link soon.

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Flight distance : 217198 ft

AArdvark ...thanks mate, will try a reset again ...i did try that earlier on but have not tried since i managed the downgrade upgrade ....will give it a shot...thanks again for helping out!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

I'm not seeing 1.9.3 only 1.9.2.

I have the P4 Standard (RC is GL300C) so maybe this is only for the RC unit that comes with the P4 Pro?
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Flight distance : 892339 ft

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-9-16 08:28
I'm not seeing 1.9.3 only 1.9.2.

I have the P4 Standard (RC is GL300C) so maybe this is only for the RC unit that comes with the P4 Pro?

I have P4 with same controller but mine requested update two days ago. i had same issue with battery from 100 to 0 and messages listed above, but after restart everything goes right. And already tried in the field, everything works.
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

Drshiwas im not so lucky..there is no fixing this thing..i have tried everything under the sun! Spent hours on posts and forums trying anything and everything conceivable..somehow this firmware update totally took down my RC.... im out of things to try..have downgraded ..upgraded name it its been tried! Im glad it worked out for some of us though and was only a minor blip Anyone know how long it usually takes when you send it back to DJI for repairs? Almost tempted to just go to a local authorized repair place rather than wait forever with a warranty repair if they do take awhile...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 48504 ft
  • >>>

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-15 20:03
We will update the release note soon.

Hello Susan.

Should I not update firmware first? wait for your new update release? I saw my phantom 4 remote controller said please update firmware so I checked all forum said have a lot of issue after update firmware.
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

bernardren07 Posted at 2017-9-17 03:15
Hello Susan.

Should I not update firmware first? wait for your new update release? I saw my phantom 4 remote controller said please update firmware so I checked all forum said have a lot of issue after update firmware.

Bernard i would seriously consider waiting on the controller firmware totally took my RC controller down..was functioning perfectly one minute then broken the other minute ..and if you are seeing multiple others in the forums with this same problem then definately wait if you can ! Dont risk it for now mate ..i wish i could go back in time a day or two haha
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-17 18:55
Bernard i would seriously consider waiting on the controller firmware totally took my RC controller down..was functioning perfectly one minute then broken the other minute ..and if you are seeing multiple others in the forums with this same problem then definately wait if you can ! Dont risk it for now mate ..i wish i could go back in time a day or two haha

I know how to factory reset the drone through DJI assistant ...does anyone know is there a way to factory reset the RC? as in the go app where you can pick your firmware it only allows you to go back by 3 i believe it was.... Maybe if i get both of them back to factory state i can then advance them forwards to the latest firmware and see if that solves things?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 48504 ft
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rszarka Posted at 2017-9-17 20:41
I know how to factory reset the drone through DJI assistant ...does anyone know is there a way to factory reset the RC? as in the go app where you can pick your firmware it only allows you to go back by 3 i believe it was.... Maybe if i get both of them back to factory state i can then advance them forwards to the latest firmware and see if that solves things?

Yes. i already tried to do factory reset but it cant help already so i sent it to dji for repaired. Been tried 2 to 3 days still no save already lol
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

bernardren07 Posted at 2017-9-18 05:58
Yes. i already tried to do factory reset but it cant help already so i sent it to dji for repaired. Been tried 2 to 3 days still no save already lol

Bernard I did the same thing, gave up and sent in for repairs..dji support was very helpful and made the whole process very easy for me ..quite impressed with their support so far! I wonder how long all of this will take... miss my drone lol
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DJI Susan

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-15 23:46
Thank you all for the replies!
Here is an update to whats going on ..i tried rebooting the controller but it did not help ...i also reset the controller holding down the c1 and c2 keys pressing the record key ... then did a reboot help ..

I'm sorry about this, please start a case and send it in for fully check and repair: The local repair team will try their best to proceed the repair.
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DJI Susan

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-9-16 08:28
I'm not seeing 1.9.3 only 1.9.2.

I have the P4 Standard (RC is GL300C) so maybe this is only for the RC unit that comes with the P4 Pro?

The update is for P4 Standard RC only. Please check the release note: ... +4+Release+Note.pdf
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DJI Susan

bernardren07 Posted at 2017-9-17 03:15
Hello Susan.

Should I not update firmware first? wait for your new update release? I saw my phantom 4 remote controller said please update firmware so I checked all forum said have a lot of issue after update firmware.

The latest update is for P4 RC only. It added support for Head Tracking function when connected with the DJI Goggles. Again, it is not a mandatory update, you can choose to update or not.
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James Whenman
Flight distance : 426375 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-20 01:30
The latest update is for P4 RC only. It added support for Head Tracking function when connected with the DJI Goggles. Again, it is not a mandatory update, you can choose to update or not.

Hello DJI Susan,
I'm a new  owner of a P4P+ and love it. How do I know if an update is mandatory or not ?
On power on I see a screen that says something like firmware current, but also get a screen that says update needed but I can "Ignore". Are the mandatory updates un-ignoreable ?
My gear performs great and I do not want to lose any functionality. These forums a huge help, while being a little confusing at the same time.
Thanks for being a big help in here.
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United States

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-16 20:53
Drshiwas im not so lucky..there is no fixing this thing..i have tried everything under the sun! Spent hours on posts and forums trying anything and everything conceivable..somehow this firmware update totally took down my RC.... im out of things to try..have downgraded ..upgraded name it its been tried! Im glad it worked out for some of us though and was only a minor blip  Anyone know how long it usually takes when you send it back to DJI for repairs? Almost tempted to just go to a local authorized repair place rather than wait forever with a warranty repair if they do take awhile...

Based on recent experience I would say 2 to 3 weeks total.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

ALABAMA Posted at 2017-9-15 07:16
It will never force you to update.  Whether to do it or not is your decision.

Sorry to say but if i get a message like the below one presented i would call it a forced update ...

"title":"Important notice to Spark users","content":"Please update your firmware now. Your Spark will not fly after Friday, Sept. 2 unless you download and install the latest firmware update (version 01.00.0600) for your aircraft and its batteries. This mandatory firmware update is to enhance flight safety so that you can continue to have an enjoyable flying experience. Please follow the prompts in your DJI GO 4 App for instructions. If you have already done so, please ignore this message."

I noticed this in a popup log of my P4P minus (+) RC.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


KEDDK Posted at 2017-9-20 23:35
Sorry to say but if i get a message like the below one presented i would call it a forced update ...

"title":"Important notice to Spark users","content":"Please update your firmware now. Your Spark will not fly after Friday, Sept. 2 unless you download and install the latest firmware update (version 01.00.0600) for your aircraft and its batteries. This mandatory firmware update is to enhance flight safety so that you can continue to have an enjoyable flying experience. Please follow the prompts in your DJI GO 4 App for instructions. If you have already done so, please ignore this message."

This message is referring to the Spark, for the P4 series, the update isn't mandatory.
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-20 01:25
I'm sorry about this, please start a case and send it in for fully check and repair: The local repair team will try their best to proceed the repair.

Thanks Susan
I have already reported the issue to support and sent the drone to the Australian DJI repair center in VC. .Thanks for your replies and help!

Zilla thanks for the approx time of repairs...2-3 weeks is not bad ..i can live with that Although bought myself an Elfie to kill the time while the phantoms gets fixed!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-9-20 23:43
This message is referring to the Spark, for the P4 series, the update isn't mandatory.

I know it is for the Spark, on the Phantoms we just get tricked to update by claiming "If you are not satisfied with this update, you can revert to older firmware using DJI Assistant 2" in the release notes!

My bet is on that it would only be a matter of time before Phantom owners see a message like the one for the Sparks.
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DJI Susan

rszarka Posted at 2017-9-21 06:48
Thanks Susan
I have already reported the issue to support and sent the drone to the Australian DJI repair center in VC. .Thanks for your replies and help!

You are welcome! Hopefully you could get the unit back in a short time.
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DJI Susan

James Whenman Posted at 2017-9-20 06:29
Hello DJI Susan,
I'm a new  owner of a P4P+ and love it. How do I know if an update is mandatory or not ?
On power on I see a screen that says something like firmware current, but also get a screen that says update needed but I can "Ignore". Are the mandatory updates un-ignoreable ?

As 31# mentioned, we will release the notice if it is a mandatory update, just like Spark. You can not take off if not update the firmware timely for a certain time.
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DJI Susan

KEDDK Posted at 2017-9-22 06:26
I know it is for the Spark, on the Phantoms we just get tricked to update by claiming "If you are not satisfied with this update, you can revert to older firmware using DJI Assistant 2" in the release notes!

My bet is on that it would only be a matter of time before Phantom owners see a message like the one for the Sparks.

Apologies if this bothers you. The reminder will pop up when you launching the DJI GO 4. I understand your concern, and will also forward it to the corresponding departments.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-26 01:43
Apologies if this bothers you. The reminder will pop up when you launching the DJI GO 4. I understand your concern, and will also forward it to the corresponding departments.

What bother me is that you really think you can just in that way force me to change the stability and features of a product i have bought and now is my property!

Then when you (DJI not you) screw it all  up, you are doing nothing for months to fix things again, as we are a lot knowing now, the promised simple downgrade had solved it all right away!
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Pvt Pilot '79
Flight distance : 1000272 ft
United States

KedDK Posted at 2017-9-26 06:52
What bother me is that you really think you can just in that way force me to change the stability and features of a product i have bought and now is my property!

Then when you (DJI not you) screw it all  up, you are doing nothing for months to fix things again, as we are a lot knowing now, the promised simple downgrade had solved it all right away!

I highly doubt you'll get a reply on this. As soon as you mention anything about version 106 and it's problems, DJI goes dark on us. For the 2nd time, I sent a question to DJI Support asking if there will be a "fix" to the newest firmware update and they did everything they could do to avoid the question and did not answer it. They did however tell me to do a gimbal and sensor calibration. That's after I told them I already had done that.  Again they request I send it in for repair. No thank you, I'll roll it back to version 602 via 3rd party installation program again as that version works flawlessly.
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Flight distance : 217198 ft

Pvt Pilot '79 Posted at 2017-9-26 08:30
I highly doubt you'll get a reply on this. As soon as you mention anything about version 106 and it's problems, DJI goes dark on us. For the 2nd time, I sent a question to DJI Support asking if there will be a "fix" to the newest firmware update and they did everything they could do to avoid the question and did not answer it. They did however tell me to do a gimbal and sensor calibration. That's after I told them I already had done that.  Again they request I send it in for repair. No thank you, I'll roll it back to version 602 via 3rd party installation program again as that version works flawlessly.

Just got my P4 back today from the repair centre. Turns out it was a bad main controller board in the RC that was causing the image transmission error.
I still dont understand why it happened exactly after a firmware update, i guess it was just a coincidence.

I must say I am very impressed with DJI warranty / aftercare. They made the process very easy and were super efficient in getting it done.. By far was one of the best warranty repair experiences i have had to date!

They sent me a shipping label via email....i then got constant updates via email as to what was happening with the repair. Just over a week and it was all complete, they shipped back the drone express mail...They did not skimp on shipping costs and made a great effort to get the drone back to me quickly. So yeah two thumbs up for DJI warranty service, im very was fast, pain free, super efficient.... I have had some nightmares with warranty's before and did not know what to expect from DJI ...i was very presently surprised with their aftercare!

I bought a brand new Mavic Pro while my Phantom was down but i unfortunately had some bad luck..... it arrived defective right out of the box...Everything worked accept no video feed...again i spent hours on the forums trying to solve it before shipping it in for repairs...while my P4 was on its way back home it passed my Mavic on its way to the repair centre lol Hopefully the Mavics warranty repair goes as smoothly.

Overall had it not been for the excellent aftercare on DJI's part i may have been put off my new hobby...thousands of dollars for two brand new drones one of which was defective right out of the box and the other breaking after just a few flights through no fault of my own... But the good experience i have had so far with the aftercare and warranty repairs has led me to the attitude of ah well crap happens sometimes haha At least DJI stands firmly behind their product and takes care of its customers when things go wrong
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