Hi Guys!
I went on vacation to Colombia, what a beatifull country!
For me it was the first time traveling with a drone, but the spark really amazed me.
Small, light and compact, I took it everywere.
Specification said the ceiling was 4000m for take off. I did manage to take off at 4121. It did fly very well actually, some times a little less stable beacause of the thin air.
I just had some small problems with the quickshots, back home it worked fine (Belgium) but in Colombia al my quickshots got interupted. Don't know why...
You can find the footage above 4000m at the end of my aftermovie.
Tips are always welcome!
That was awesome. I really enjoyed that, thank you. I have an editing question for you. If you wanted to use the audio captured from the phone, how would you go about using it? Or did you edit the whole video outside of DJI Go with another program?
Really great video. Love what you did with the audio in the underwater part. Made me feel like I was submerged in the water with you. Transitions were a little quick and jumpy for me at times, but a really fantastic video and looks like you had a brilliant time.
tcase Posted at 2017-9-17 14:38
That was awesome. I really enjoyed that, thank you. I have an editing question for you. If you wanted to use the audio captured from the phone, how would you go about using it? Or did you edit the whole video outside of DJI Go with another program?
All off the editing was done in Final Cut.
But isn't there an option to export audio on the phone?
Thanks for watching :-)
Pez942 Posted at 2017-9-21 07:31
Really great video. Love what you did with the audio in the underwater part. Made me feel like I was submerged in the water with you. Transitions were a little quick and jumpy for me at times, but a really fantastic video and looks like you had a brilliant time.
I know, I was struggeling at the end to fit it all under 4min for the audio track...
But I'm really happy with the results :-) This was my first video ever :-)
Jaco_vh Posted at 2017-9-21 08:35
I know, I was struggeling at the end to fit it all under 4min for the audio track...
But I'm really happy with the results :-) This was my first video ever :-)
Haha always a problem trying to fit the video with the music or visa versa. It was a really fun watch though and you put it together really well. Look forward to seeing some more in the future.
Pez942 Posted at 2017-9-21 11:26
Haha always a problem trying to fit the video with the music or visa versa. It was a really fun watch though and you put it together really well. Look forward to seeing some more in the future.
Just curious, how do you do it?
First insert audio and fit the video content to it, or visa versa?
Jaco_vh Posted at 2017-9-22 10:03
Just curious, how do you do it?
First insert audio and fit the video content to it, or visa versa?
I think they say the best way is to start with your audio and work your video around it. To be honest I do it both ways. Im only in the early days of learning to edit and finding my feet with final cut pro myself.
Pez942 Posted at 2017-9-22 11:01
I think they say the best way is to start with your audio and work your video around it. To be honest I do it both ways. Im only in the early days of learning to edit and finding my feet with final cut pro myself.
Before the edit I did some research on youtube and some people advice to first make the clip and adjust it to the audio later. But just like you, I do it simoustanly. Piece by piece and jumping between final cut and audacity.
Did you have any problems flying there? As I've heard Colombia has very strikt Drone rules.
I love traveling to Colombia and would love to take my Spark with me next time.
Mapache Posted at 2017-10-24 12:48
Did you have any problems flying there? As I've heard Colombia has very strikt Drone rules.
I love traveling to Colombia and would love to take my Spark with me next time.
They have very strict rules but in reality you can do what you want...
Police doesn't know anything about drones. When there was police nearby I always asked first.
At monuments and national park it's prohibited, so that's something to remember.
I was only asked once to take the drone down by a very nice lady.
Like always, be carefull and use your good sense :-)
Jaco_vh Posted at 2017-11-2 11:22
They have very strict rules but in reality you can do what you want...
Police doesn't know anything about drones. When there was police nearby I always asked first.
At monuments and national park it's prohibited, so that's something to remember.
Thanks for your answer. I assumed that. I have been very often in Colombia, a great country, and I know, that rules are interpreted very loose sometimes.