 Second Officer
Flight distance : 779245 ft
United Kingdom
DJI Elektra Posted at 2017-9-18 01:08
This function is not supported now. It is a new feature added in the next firmware. Please wait patiently.
With dynamic homepoint, you can refresh your Homepoint every 15 meters when you enter Gesture Control or ActiveTrack.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, this is to fix the issue where in gesture mode you only get a 15m from palm launch range.
By the sounds of it, you palm launch, it grabs homepoint. As its tracking you, at 15m intervals it updates its homepoint. This is good because the homepoint will only ever be a max 15m away from the drone at any point. Meaning if you palm launched at one side of a field and tracked yourself to the other, if your battery got too low it wont try and fly back to the other side of the field, it will land 15m back at its last set homepoint. Hopefully it will also take into account RTH at current altitude as its homepoint is inside 20m.
My next question will be, if this is correct then what will be the maximum range for the spark in gesture mode? Will it be 100m the same as if its connected to a phone or unlimited as it will only ever be 15m from a homepoint. |