Flight distance : 2883714 ft
QuanthonyTrang Posted at 2017-9-19 15:53
DHP (dynamic home point) is an awesome tool if you are on a moving vessel such as a boat or car or being chased by your local g-bangers. Provided the smart phone/device has accurate GPS, the spark/mavic will land where the connected-RC-GPS-enabled-phone/device is when RTH is triggered. I loved this feature in the P2 Vision series. Dont know why DJI removed it....???
Mavic users wont see much advantages with DHP. DHP is most advantageous with spark fly-less/povo-package users. The flyless guys use wifi smartphones as the controllers. The Spark via wifi-phone controllers are artificially limited to 100m radius and 50m high relative to home point (take off). Even with full reception and perfect connection, If they active track outside this artificial radius, the spark comes to a stop. To fix this you would have set a new home point (try doing this whilst cycling). DHP fixes this. This means the spark has unlimited active tracking range via wifi controls provided the device is within 100m range.
"Provided the smart phone/device has accurate GPS, the spark/mavic will land where the connected-RC-GPS-enabled-phone/device is when RTH is triggered."
No this is incorrect. Read the release notes carefully.
It will RTH and land where the Mavic happended to be, when the dynamic homepoint was last periodically updated to the aircraft location. Nothing to do with the Remote control or mobile device. This is a pretty signifigant difference that needs to be understood, if you happen to be flying the aircraft over water whilst operating it from dry land or a boat yourself.