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2133 15 2017-9-18
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

Today DJI released an update do DJI Go 4 app (version 4.1.10) with new intelligent flight mode ("quick shot") to Mavic wich have 3 types just as Spark (Dronie, Helix and Rocket).
Beside that, there is a new Dinamic Home Point upgrade which "periodically sets the aircraft's current position as the home point" (DJI words)... my doubt is: is this correct?

I think the previous version set the GPS capable mobile device, attached to the controller as the home point... What is the point () to set the aircraft position as the home point? If it gets disconnected far from the controler and wher you can't see it?

If you want the aircraft current position as the home point simply we could set the "HOVER" option in DJI go app when aircraft is disconnected...

I prefer believe that DJI made a mistake in the update description... because it sounds like a stupid "update" to the Dinamic Home Point...

Any thoughts?? Take a look bellow to the update description:
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4058619 ft
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United States

I agree, Dynamic Home Point Updating sounds like a rather odd and useless thing to do. Adding Quickshot to the Mavic, on the other hand is pretty cool. I don't really care about the editor stuff, never use it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

FatherXmas Posted at 2017-9-18 19:50
I agree, Dynamic Home Point Updating sounds like a rather odd and useless thing to do. Adding Quickshot to the Mavic, on the other hand is pretty cool. I don't really care about the editor stuff, never use it.

It was useful when you could set your mobile device attached to the controller (the controller doesn't have a built in GPS unit). In this case, when you take off from a boat or follow your car on a road, you could trigger the RTH for the Mavic come at your current location, and not travel to where you took off.
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Flight distance : 247687 ft

ro_flyer Posted at 2017-9-18 21:39
It was useful when you could set your mobile device attached to the controller (the controller doesn't have a built in GPS unit). In this case, when you take off from a boat or follow your car on a road, you could trigger the RTH for the Mavic come at your current location, and not travel to where you took off.

If the provided information by DJI was correct, in your case, the drone lands in the last position recorded  'by the mavic own gps'. In other words... at the sea....

I think it is a mistake.
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Flight distance : 196814 ft
United States

I hope DJI comments on this , i am afraid to fly now , when i take off and use precision landing , thats what I want is for it to come back from where i took off from. not where it decided to call home at. this is another reason i haven't flown my mavic since i got it back from repair over 2 months ago. I don't trust lt with all these crazy updates.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 419980 ft
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DHP (dynamic home point) is an awesome tool if you are on a moving vessel such as a boat or car or being chased by your local g-bangers. Provided the smart phone/device has accurate GPS, the spark/mavic will land where the connected-RC-GPS-enabled-phone/device is when RTH is triggered. I loved this feature in the P2 Vision series. Dont know why DJI removed it....???

Mavic users wont see much advantages with DHP. DHP is most advantageous with spark fly-less/povo-package users. The flyless guys use wifi smartphones as the controllers. The Spark via wifi-phone controllers are artificially limited to 100m radius and 50m high relative to home point (take off). Even with full reception and perfect connection, If they active track outside this artificial radius, the spark comes to a stop. To fix this you would have set a new home point (try doing this whilst cycling). DHP fixes this. This means the spark has unlimited active tracking range via wifi controls provided the device is within 100m range.
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Flight distance : 2883714 ft

QuanthonyTrang Posted at 2017-9-19 15:53
DHP (dynamic home point) is an awesome tool if you are on a moving vessel such as a boat or car or being chased by your local g-bangers. Provided the smart phone/device has accurate GPS, the spark/mavic will land where the connected-RC-GPS-enabled-phone/device is when RTH is triggered. I loved this feature in the P2 Vision series. Dont know why DJI removed it....???

Mavic users wont see much advantages with DHP. DHP is most advantageous with spark fly-less/povo-package users. The flyless guys use wifi smartphones as the controllers. The Spark via wifi-phone controllers are artificially limited to 100m radius and 50m high relative to home point (take off). Even with full reception and perfect connection, If they active track outside this artificial radius, the spark comes to a stop. To fix this you would have set a new home point (try doing this whilst cycling). DHP fixes this. This means the spark has unlimited active tracking range via wifi controls provided the device is within 100m range.

"Provided the smart phone/device has accurate GPS, the spark/mavic will land where the connected-RC-GPS-enabled-phone/device is when RTH is triggered."

No this is incorrect. Read the release notes carefully.   
It will RTH and land where the Mavic happended to be, when the dynamic homepoint was last periodically updated to the aircraft location. Nothing to do with the Remote control or mobile device.  This is a pretty signifigant difference that needs to be understood, if you happen to be flying the aircraft over water whilst operating it from dry land or a boat yourself.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 475220 ft

Following and waiting for a word from DJI guys about this...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 419980 ft
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Logger Posted at 2017-9-19 16:22
"Provided the smart phone/device has accurate GPS, the spark/mavic will land where the connected-RC-GPS-enabled-phone/device is when RTH is triggered."

No this is incorrect. Read the release notes carefully.   

Then you may as well set your craft to hover and land when RTH is triggered. I see that this is to fix the Active Tracking limitations and RTH issue when the tracking is lost. This is silly for DJI. I guess they dont trust the Ipads/Android's GPS devices.

Hyperthoeritcal Scenario.. you are active tracking in a car. It loses tracking but you keep driving on.. Instead of the Mavic returning to the park you took off, it will now land in the middle of the road??

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1930308 ft

FYI - Added Dynamic Home Point for ActiveTrack mode ONLY !!!!

Assume you start riding your bicycle  and enable active track, Mavic will come to you at the end of your ride rather kick off point
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 419980 ft
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Mayoo Posted at 2017-9-19 18:02
FYI - Added Dynamic Home Point for ActiveTrack mode ONLY !!!!

Assume you start riding your bicycle  and enable active track, Mavic will come to you at the end of your ride rather kick off point

Thats bad.
Means if it loses tracking and remote connection then the craft will land at that spot. Not good for spark users who want to use it to track boats or fast moving subjects. It does fix the distance limitation.
DJI should have simply turned off the artificial 100m radius limitation on the spark.
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Flight distance : 2883714 ft

alexmbraMav Posted at 2017-9-19 16:37
Following and waiting for a word from DJI guys about this...

I agree. DJI need to clarify this one.

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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

It has been sorted out. The new app has a setting which you need to turn on to use the Dynamic Home Point Update. If you don't turn that on, then everything stays as it is.  You also need to update the firmware to the latest 04.0000 for it all to work properly.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

I don't think the latest Android app has any of these features yet even with the latest firmware.

If what people have said above is true though i'm disappointed.  If dynamic home is ONLY available in Active Track its worthless to me.  I rarely if ever use active track due to the major flaw that it wont take RAW photos while tracking.  I was hoping this would address the effort needed flying from a moving boat or land based vehicle and having to constantly go into the menus and set a new home point as you move around.  Looks like it won't though.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 202283 ft

I would love to hear news from DJI representatives. It is a very important information for everyone that has one MP.
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Peter Galbavy
Flight distance : 545377 ft
United Kingdom

The new manual says, in the Active Track section so that should be a clue:

Sorry, I don;t know why there are two copies of the screenshot, and the PDF is locked from copying the text)
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