Jeff Millard
Second Officer
Flight distance : 503635 ft
United States
Aardvark Posted at 2018-2-15 14:15
That sounds like not a bad idea on changing RTH cancel method, perhaps C1 + C2 to cancel, but only when in RTH mode. So aircraft goes out of range, after three seconds initiates RTH and flies back. In the meantime panicked operator has been and still is pushing RTH. But because of new reset method it continues home. Operator realises he now has video returning and decides to let it return, or take control by pushing C1+C2.
P4 within 20m, operator pushes RTH, aircraft landing in muddy puddle (not many swimming pools in Scotland), operator presses C1+C2 (or similar) to cancel.
I'm humbled. Thank you, and I did as you suggested. I've relied on the RTH to bring my P1 home before. I was grateful it worked every time. It wouldn't surprise me in the least, if I was the guy who lost a P4P because I was at fault for stopping the RTH when I needed it most. That's my luck in a nutshell.
I do think the way it's designed to work now, combined with the common "black screen/aircraft disconnected" issue, is setting people up for interrupting the RTH feature. With the end result being a hovering bird running the battery down and landing in place at 10%. If that's over water... ouch! But the OP's story, and the next few posts seem to confirm that this is what can happen with a certain set of circumstances. Unless something changes with the function of the switch, I'm sticking with "operator initiated loss of communication" via the controller power switch. It's made my P1 come home every time I lost sight of it.
Jeff |