Flight distance : 5922034 ft
Chris Westland Posted at 2018-7-27 10:36
This is a quality control problem with the battery software / hardware. I have four batteries for my Spark, and one that on the second firmware update started having this problem. The other batteries work fine, and I did wait a couple of software update cycles to make sure this was the problem.
I won't even bother to send this in for servicing; I'm certain the response will send me chasing my tail (the "we don't make mistakes" response) ... they will want to replace motors, sensors, anything but the battery.
I think, a battery is/can be a trigger.
But there IS somwething wrong in the bird, too.
Why I think so?
I have 2 birds, rotating all my batteries on both of them.
One had never an issue like this, the other has issues.
It started with one bat., but after 6 month (and using the workaround of starting only with CSC and slowly), it "moved" to other batteries, too.
The one Spark asked often for IMU calibration, needed a lot longer for GPS fix, forgot the GPS-position between batterie changes and so on.
I just see big differences in this, from on to the other Spark, so I think:
That is part of it, thee main power controller is involved, methinks
Always if this happens, there are short ell deviations over 0.1xx volt to see in the record. (1 or 2 secs, only)
Which recover. Like the bird does, midair
I start it, get it high enough in the airt, so that it doesn't hit the ground during powerloss.
I fly it around, you can see and hear the whoohoo (powerloss, "falling" a feed or two down), but in the end of the flight, it reacts normal.
Will see, mine is on the way to service.